Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R23. Administrative Services, Facilities Construction and Management |
R23-14. Management of Roofs on State Buildings |
R23-14-3. Buildings Managed by the Division
(1) The division shall maintain control of and restrict access to the roof of buildings managed by the division. The division shall allow access only to duly authorized persons as provided in this section.
(2) The division shall maintain a register of all persons granted ongoing or limited access to the roofs it manages. This shall include a list of division employees that are granted ongoing access.
(3) The register required under Subsection (2) as well as a file of the completed roof access application/agreement forms shall be retained for a period of not less than three years.
(4) In order to obtain access, a person, who is not an employee of the division, must complete and execute a roof access application/agreement form.
(5) The roof access application/agreement form shall include:
(a) the name of the person granted access, the period of time for which access is granted, the reason for the access, and any restrictions on the access;
(b) an agreement from the person granted access to accept responsibility for and pay for the repair of any damage resulting from that person's access;
(c) an agreement to hold the agency and the State of Utah harmless from any liability or claim resulting from the person's access;
(d) a statement by the person requesting access that he has obtained adequate fall protection training as appropriate for the roof to be accessed and the activity to be performed thereon;
(e) the signature of the person requesting access; and
(f) the signature of the person granting access.
(6) Any person accessing a roof must have fall protection equipment as required by any applicable authority.
(7) The access limitations of this rule may be modified or reduced in order to provide access to roofs or portions of roofs that are designed and constructed for such access.