R156-60c-304. Continuing Education  

Latest version.
  •   (1) There is hereby established a continuing education requirement for all individuals licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 4, as a clinical mental health counselor and associate clinical mental health counselor.

      (2) During each two year period commencing October 1st of each even numbered year, a clinical mental health counselor or licensed associate clinical mental health counselor shall complete at least 40 hours of continuing education directly related to the licensee's professional practice of which at least six hours shall be in ethics/law.

      (3) The required number of hours of continuing education for an individual who first becomes licensed during the two year period shall be decreased proportionally, according to the date of licensure.

      (4) Continuing education under this section shall:

      (a) be relevant to the licensee's professional practice;

      (b) be prepared and presented by individuals who are qualified by education, training and experience to provide continuing education regarding clinical mental health counseling; and

      (c) document and verify attendance and completion.

      (5) Credit for continuing education shall be recognized in accordance with the following:

      (a) unlimited hours shall be recognized for continuing education completed in blocks of time of at least one hour in formally established classroom courses, seminars, or conferences;

      (b) a maximum of 10 hours per two year period may be recognized for teaching in a college or university, teaching qualified continuing education courses in the field of clinical mental health counseling, or supervising of an individual completing the experience requirement for licensure in a mental health therapist license classification; and

      (c) a maximum of 10 hours per two year period may be recognized for distance learning, clinical readings, or internet-based courses directly related to practice as a clinical mental health counselor or as otherwise approved by the Division.

      (6) A licensee shall be responsible for maintaining competent records of completed continuing education for at least four years after close of the two year period to which the records pertain. It is the responsibility of the licensee to maintain such information with respect to continuing education to demonstrate it meets the requirements under this section.

      (7) A licensee who documents having engaged in full-time activities or is subjected to circumstances that prevent the licensee from meeting the continuing education requirements established under this Section may be excused from the requirement for a period of up to three years. However, it is the responsibility of the licensee to document the reasons and justify why the requirement could not be met.

      (8) If a licensee completes more than the required number of continuing education hours during a two-year renewal cycle specified in Subsection (2), up to ten hours of the excess may be carried over to the next two-year renewal cycle.

      (9) No education received prior to licensure in Utah may be used towards the continuing education requirements of Subsection (2).