R156-31b-801. Medication Aide Certified -- Formulary and Protocols  

Latest version.
  •   In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-102(12)(b)(i), the formulary and protocols for an MAC to administer routine medications are as follows.

      (1) Under the supervision of a licensed nurse, an MAC may:

      (a) administer over-the-counter medication;

      (b) administer prescription medications:

      (i) if expressly instructed to do so by the supervising nurse; and

      (ii) via approved routes as listed in Subsection 58-31b-102(17)(b);

      (c) turn oxygen on and off at a predetermined, established flow rate;

      (d) destroy medications per facility policy;

      (e) assist a patient with self administration; and

      (f) account for controlled substances with another MAC or nurse physically present.

      (2) An MAC may not administer medication via the following routes:

      (a) central lines;

      (b) colostomy;

      (c) intramuscular;

      (d) subcutaneous;

      (e) intrathecal;

      (f) intravenous;

      (g) nasogastric;

      (h) nonmetered inhaler;

      (i) intradermal;

      (j) urethral;

      (k) epidural;

      (l) endotracheal; or

      (m) gastronomy or jejunostomy tubes.

      (3) An MAC may not administer the following kinds of medications:

      (a) barium and other diagnostic contrast;

      (b) chemotherapeutic agents except oral maintenance chemotherapy;

      (c) medication pumps including client controlled analgesia; and

      (d) nitroglycerin paste.

      (4) An MAC may not:

      (a) administer any medication that requires nursing assessment or judgment prior to administration, through ongoing evaluation, or during follow-up;

      (b) receive written or verbal patient orders from a licensed practitioner;

      (c) transcribe orders from the medical record;

      (d) conduct patient or resident assessments or evaluations;

      (e) engage in patient or resident teaching activities regarding medications unless expressly instructed to do so by the supervising nurse;

      (f) calculate drug doses, or administer any medication that requires a medication calculation to determine the appropriate dose;

      (g) administer the first dose of a new medication or a dosage change, unless expressly instructed to do so by the supervising nurse; or

      (h) account for controlled substances, unless assisted by another MAC or a nurse who is physically present.

      (5) In accordance with Section R156-31b-701, a nurse may refuse to delegate to an MAC the administration of medications to a specific patient or in a specific situation.

      (6)(a) A nurse practicing in a facility that is required to provide nursing services 24 hours per day shall not supervise more than two MACs per shift.

      (b) A nurse providing nursing services in a facility that is not required to provide nursing services 24 hours per day may supervise as many as four MACs per shift.