R156-11a-102. Definitions  

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  •   In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 11a, as used in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 11a or this rule:

      (1) "Acrylic nail", as used in Section 15A-3-402 and Subsection R156-11a-102(25), means an extension for natural nails molded out of a polymer powder and a liquid monomer buffed to a shine.

      (2) "Advanced pedicures", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(D), means any of the following while caring for the nails, cuticles or calluses of the feet:

      (a) utilizing manual instruments, implements, advanced electrical equipment, tools, or microdermabrasion for cleaning, trimming, softening, smoothing, or buffing;

      (b) utilizing blades, including corn or callus planer or rasp, for smoothing, shaving or removing dead skin from the feet as defined in Section R156-11a-611; or

      (c) utilizing topical products and preparations for chemical exfoliation as defined in Subsection R156-11a-610(4).

      (3) "Aroma therapy" means the application of essential oils which are applied directly to the skin, undiluted or in a misted dilution with a carrier oil or lotion. for varied applications such as massage, hot packs, cold packs, compress, inhalation, steam or air diffusion, or in hydrotherapy services.

      (4) "BCA acid" means bicloroacetic acid.

      (5) "Body wraps", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(A), means body treatments utilizing products or equipment to enhance and maintain the texture, contour, integrity and health of the skin and body.

      (6) "Chemical exfoliation", as defined in Subsections 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(C) and R156-11a-610(4), means a resurfacing procedure performed with a chemical solution or product for the purpose of removing superficial layers of the epidermis to a point no deeper than the stratum corneum.

      (7) "Dermabrasion or open dermabrasion" means the surgical application of a wire or diamond frieze for deep skin resurfacing by a physician to abrade the skin to the epidermis and possibly down to the papillary dermis.

      (8) "Dermaplane" means the use of a scalpel or bladed instrument under the direct supervision of a health care practitioner to shave the upper layers of the stratum corneum.

      (9) "Direct supervision by a licensed health care practitioner" means a health care practitioner who, acting within the scope of the licensee's license, authorizes and directs the work of a licensee pursuant to this chapter as defined under Subsection R156-1-102a(4)(a).

      (10) "Equivalent number of credit hours" means:

      (a) the following conversion table if on a semester basis:

      (i) theory - 1 credit hour - 30 clock hours;

      (ii) practice - 1 credit hour - 30 clock hours; and

      (iii) clinical experience - 1 credit hour - 45 clock hours; and

      (b) the following conversion table if on a quarter basis:

      (i) theory - 1 credit hour - 20 clock hours;

      (ii) practice - 1 credit hour - 20 clock hours; and

      (iii) clinical experience - 1 credit hour - 30 clock hours.

      (11) "Exfoliation" means the sloughing off of non-living skin cells "corneocytes" by superficial and non-invasive means.

      (12) "Extraction" means the following:

      (a) "Advanced extraction", as used in Subsections 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(F) and R156-11a-611(2)(b), means to perform extraction with a lancet or device that removes impurities from the skin.

      (b) "Manual extraction", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(31)(a), means to remove impurities from the skin with protected fingertips, cotton swabs or a loop comedone extractor.

      (13) "Galvanic current" means a constant low-voltage direct current.

      (14) "General supervision by a licensed health care practitioner" means a health care practitioner who, acting within the scope of the licensee's license, authorizes and directs the work of a licensee pursuant to this chapter as defined under Subsection R156-1-102a(4)(c).

      (15) "Health care practitioner" means a physician/surgeon licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, an advanced practice registered nurse licensed under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, a podiatrist under Title 58, Chapter 5A, Podiatric Physician Licensing Act, or a physician assistant licensed under Title 58, Chapter 70a, Physician Assistant Practice Act, acting within the appropriate scope of practice.

      (16) "Hydrotherapy", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(B), means the use of water for cosmetic purposes or beautification of the body.

      (17) "Indirect supervision" means the supervising instructor who, acting within the scope of the licensee's license, authorizes and directs the work of a licensee pursuant to this chapter as defined under Subsection R156-1-102a(4)(b).

      (18) "Limited chemical exfoliation" means a non-invasive chemical exfoliation and is further defined in Subsection R156-11a-610(3).

      (19) "Lymphatic massage", as used in Subsections 58-11a-102(39)(a)(ii) and 58-11a-302(11)(e), means a method using a light rhythmic pressure applied by manual or other means to the skin using specific lymphatic maneuvers to promote drainage of the lymphatic fluid through the tissue.

      (20) "Manipulating", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(31)(a), means applying a light pressure by the hands to the skin.

      (21) "Microdermabrasion", as used in Subsection 58-11a-102(39)(a)(i)(E), means a gentle, progressive, superficial, mechanical exfoliation of the uppermost layers of the stratum corneum using a closed-loop vacuum system.

      (22) "Microneedling" means the use of multiple tiny solid needles designed to pierce the skin for the purpose of stimulating collagen production or cellular renewal. Devices used may be in the form of rollers, stamps or electronic "pens". It is also known as:

      (a) dermal needling;

      (b) Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT);

      (c) dermal rolling;

      (d) cosmetic dry needling;

      (e) multitrepannic collagen actuation; or

      (f) percutaneous collagen induction.

      (23) "Patch test" or "predisposition test" means applying a small amount of a chemical preparation to the skin of the arm or behind the ear to determine possible allergies of the client to the chemical preparation.

      (24) "Pedicure" means any of the following:

      (a) cleaning, trimming, softening, or caring for the nails, cuticles, or calluses of the feet;

      (b) the use of manual instruments or implements on the nails, cuticles, or calluses of the feet;

      (c) callus removal by sanding, buffing, or filing; or

      (d) massaging of the feet or lower portion of the leg.

      (25) "Source capture system", as used in Section 15A-3-402 and Subsection 58-11a-502(7), means an air filtration and recirculation system that shall be:

      (a) maintained and cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions; and

      (b) capable of:

      (i) filtering and recirculating air to inside space not less than 50 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per acrylic nail station; or

      (ii) exhausting not less than 50 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per acrylic nail station.

      (26) "TCA acid" means trichloroacetic acid.

      (27) "Unprofessional conduct" is further defined, in accordance with Section 58-1-501, in Section R156-11a-502.