R151-1. Department of Commerce General Provisions  

R151-1-1. Oaths to Investigators and to Members of Boards and Commissions
Latest version.

Each investigator employed by the Department of Commerce, and each board member and commission member working in conjunction with the Department or its Divisions, shall take the oath of office required by the Utah Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 10. The oath of office may be administered by the following personnel within the Department: Department Executive Director and Deputy Director, Division Directors, Administrative Law Judges, Commerce Managers II, Division Assistant Directors, and Division Bureau Managers.

R151-1-2. Electronic Meetings
Latest version.

In compliance with Utah Code Ann. Section 52-4-207, the following shall apply to electronic meetings held by any "public body" (as defined in Utah Code Ann. Section 52-4-103) within the Department of Commerce.

(1) Electronic meetings are not prohibited but may be limited by an agency director or designee based on budget, public policy, or logistical considerations.

(2)(a) An agency director or designee, on his/her own initiative, may establish an electronic meeting.

(b) Any member of a public body may also request an agency director to establish an electronic meeting.

(i) Any such request shall be made as far in advance as possible, but not less than three business days prior to a meeting to allow for arrangements to be made for the electronic meeting. The agency director or designee may shorten this time frame upon a determination of reasonable need.

(ii) The agency director or designee may determine whether such a request should be granted. No vote of the public body is required.

(3) A quorum of the public body is not required to be present at a single anchor location for an electronic meeting.

(4) Any number of separate connections for members of a public body is allowed for an electronic meeting, unless an agency director or designee limits the number of separate connections based on available equipment capability or other relevant and reasonable considerations.