
The pilot program will begin with the effective date of this rule and conclude no later than 12/31/2018. All individuals interested in participating must submit an application to provide information about the nature of the applicant's hearing/speech challenge, to document the applicant's income level, and to confirm that the applicant is willing and able to provide feedback to the Commission during the pilot program. Initially, up to 25 participants will be selected to test tablet devices or cellular telephones. Additional participants may be included in the pilot program over time. Participants will be required to complete surveys, follow instructions from the Commission, and protect against loss of and damage to the devices provided under the pilot program. The Commission notes that the rule uses the terms "speech-impaired" and "hearing-impaired" to identify potential participants. The term "impaired" carries negative connotations, and the Commission regrets having to use it. However, where the term is included in the definition section of the statute under which this rule is promulgated, the Commission is hesitant to introduce a different term in rule.