
Regular rulemaking procedures would cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; and cause an imminent budget reduction because of budget restraints or federal requirements; and place the agency in violation of federal or state law.

Justification: ORR and CMS recommend the Department enroll eligible refugees in the RMA program instead of PCN. This recommendation is based on the following: 1) PCN offers limited coverage to meet the medical needs of new refugees resettling in Utah; 2) PCN does not cover medical screenings to protect the public health of communities in Utah; and 3) PCN coverage of refugees creates a gap in health coverage between refugees enrolled in PCN versus refugees enrolled in Medicaid and RMA. The Department must follow this guidance to receive all federal funding for the RMA program, which is 100% federally funded. The Department will receive only a 70% federal match rate if it continues to enroll eligible refugees in PCN instead of RMA, and will incur more costs for its medical assistance programs.