
Citations to authorizing statutes now include Sections 26-1-5 and 26-1-30. The definition of a temporary mass gathering is changed to be 1,000 people for 2 hours or more per day. The definitions for "operator" and "wastewater" are clarified. Changes are made to accommodate the change from 500 to 1,000 people. Temporary mass gathering limits are changed from 30 days to 16 consecutive days. Requirements for medical personnel are clarified and simplified. Information to be included in applications is updated. Requirements for how permitting by the local health departments is accomplished and a subsection pertaining to appeals are removed since such requirements fall outside the purview of Title 26 and are covered in Title 26a. Parking areas are now included as part of an event site which would be required to be kept clean and in good repair. Changes are made to solid waste, site maintenance, drinking water, and waste water requirements.