
This rule has been amended numerous times since it became effective. In response to a proposed amendment to Sections R162-2f-205, R162-2f-401a, and R162-2f-403, filed 02/23/2011, several written comments were received in opposition to the proposed amendment of Section R162-2f-401a. The division received one written comment in favor of the amendment of Section R162-2f-205 and no comment regarding the proposed amendment to Section R162-2f-403. After considering the comments, the commission determined to take no further action on the proposed rule amendment and the rule filing lapsed. Later in the year, proposed rule amendments to Sections R162-2f-205 and R162-2f-403 were adopted without any additional public comment. In response to a proposed amendment to Section R162-2f-401a filed 03/03/2015, several written comments were received in opposition to the proposed amendment. The Commission determined to hold a public hearing to allow for additional public comment on the proposed amendment. Following the public hearing, the commission determined to take no further action on the proposed rule amendment and the rule filing lapsed. Except as summarized above, the division has no record of any other written comments received during and since the adoption of this rule.