
The reason for the amendments are to add the following sections to the rule: Section R33-24-105 - Financial Conflict of Interest Prohibited; Section R33-24-106 - Personal Relationship, Favoritism, or Bias Participation Prohibitions; and Section R33-24-107 - Professional Relationships and Social Acquaintances Not Prohibited. The Division is also changing Section R33-24-104 to state that procurement professional shall not participate with vendors or contractors that will (instead of may) interfere with the proper performance of the procurement professional's duties; participate in social activities with vendors or contractors that will (instead of may) lead to unreasonably frequent disqualification of the procurement professional from the procurement process. In addition, the Division is adding that if an executive branch procurement professional participates in a social activity that is prohibited under Subsection R33-24-104(1) or has a close relationship with a vendor or contractor, they shall promptly notify their supervisor and the supervisor shall take the appropriate action which may include removal of the procurement professional from the procurement or contract administration process that is affected.