
If a vehicle being inspected is a commercial motor vehicle, the "acute area" of a windshield means the area of a commercial vehicle windshield extending upward from the height of the top of the steering wheel, excluding a 2-inch border at the top of the windshield, and a 1-inch border at each side of the windshield or windshield panel. If the vehicle is a passenger vehicle, the "acute area" of a windshield means the area of a passenger vehicle windshield inside a 6-inch border measured from the edge of the glass where it meets the molding around the entire outside of the windshield. This definition of "acute area" of a windshield for a passenger vehicle has not changed. In addition, the reference to Subsection 53-8-205(1)(b)(iii) was removed from Section R714-160-21 as it was removed from statute upon passage of H.B. 265 during the 2017 General Session; and the reference in Section R714-160-23 was changed from Subsection 53-8-205(3) to Subsection 53-8-205(1)(a) because the reference was not correct.