There have been no comments specifically supporting or opposing the rule. However, since the last five-year review in 2011, two substantive amendments have been made to the rule (Utah State Bulletin, No. 2013-22 (DAR No. 38076) and 2013-3 (DAR No. 37190)). During the rulemaking action for DAR No. 38076, comments were submitted addressing the proposed changes to the civil penalty amounts for the different severity categories, as well as the civil penalty amount associated with repeat violations and the time associated with correcting violations. The increase in the severity category penalty amounts were made by the Radiation Control Board to incorporate changes enacted during the 2013 General Session of the Legislature to increase the maximum civil penalty authorized by the Utah Radiation Control Act (Section 19-3-109). The comments suggested the Radiation Control Board revise the rule by 1) designating the severity categories as a range rather than retain a single penalty amount for each category, 2) retaining the existing multiplier for repeated violation, and 3) further clarifying the time period for correcting violations. No comments were received for the rule changes made under DAR No. 37190.