The changes include revising guidelines for annual statutory training and guidelines for reporting annual training to appropriately outline current requirements and procedures; defining the terms "annual statutory training"," in-service training", "reporting year", and "training year" in Section R728-410-3; outlining provisions for a waiver of the required training for peace officers or dispatchers in Section R728-410-4; outlining the requirements for training record maintenance by a chief administrative officer for peace officers or dispatchers employed within their agency Section R728-410-5; outlining the requirement to report completion of required training to the division in Section R728-410-6; indicating in Section R728-410-7 that all training offered by the division is authorized for in-service credit, and that a chief administrative officer of an agency can authorize other forms of training for it's peace officers and dispatchers; and outlining in Section R728-410-8 the provisions for suspension of the certification of a peace officer or dispatcher for failure to complete required training, and requirements for reinstatement of the certification.