
In Subsection R156-55a-302b(1), this change deletes requirements that experience be directly related to the classification of licensure applied for. S.B. 102 (2013) provides that experience may be in any area of the construction trades. In Subsection R156-55a-302d(2), this change clarifies that a public liability insurance policy shall not exclude coverage for any type of work that a contractor performs. In Subsection R156-55a-302e(2)(ii), this change makes a technical correction to update a reference to a section of rule that has been changed. In Subsection R156-55a-302f(3)(b), this change allows an association with less than 250 members to be considered by the Commission to be a pre-license education course provider. In Subsection R156-55a-302f(6)(h), this change allows a pre-license education course to be taught by live broadcast if certain criteria is met. In Subsection R156-55a-302f(12)(c), this change specifies the time frame applicable to this exemption. In Subsection R156-55a-302b(1), this change requires at least three hours of the total of six hours of the continuing education must in live seminars. The prior rule allows all of the continuing education be obtained through distance learning. In Subsections R156-55a-302b(1)(a), (b) and (c), these changes add "job site safety" and "finance and bookkeeping" to core continuing education, deletes "finance and bookkeeping" from professional continuing education, and adds "business motivation" as an unacceptable subject for continuing education. In Subsections R156-55a-302b(2)(b) and (6), this deletes the prior list of allowed continuing education providers and references Subsection 58-55-302.5(2)(b) where the new list of providers is specified in statute. In Subsection R156-55a-302b(2)(g), this change adds additional tracking requirements for continuing education providers who offer distance learning. In Subsection R156-55a-302b(10)(b)(iii), this change is a grammatical correction. In Subsections R156-55a-501(2) and (3), this change adds failure to comply with certain insurance requirements to the definition of unprofessional conduct for contractors.