
The applicability threshold is reduced from 2.7 tons per year (tpy) potential to emit to the use of a combined 20 gallons or more of coating products and solvents combined. The definition of a coating is removed from the rule and added to the definitions in Rule R307-101, General Requirements. The coating categories are updated to current types of coatings used in the industry. The agency is also separating out the types of polyurethanes that currently fall under the topcoat or sealer category. The VOC limits for the two component polyurethanes are being slightly elevated from 0.9 to 1.0 lb VOC/lb solids. Canned aerosol coating products that are less than 22 fl. oz. and used exclusively for touch-up or repair are now exempt. (Editor's Note: The proposed amendment to Section R307-101-2 is under Filing No. 41814 in this issue, July 1, 2017, of the Bulletin.)