The proposed amendments to this rule will: 1) expand the Landowner Association member definition to include CWMU employees, agents, and volunteers who are acting under the direction of an operator; 2) eliminate different hunt boundaries for multiple species on a single CWMU; 3) require a landowner or lessee with agricultural interests inside the CWMU to sign a waiver releasing all claims for depredation assistance on the property; 4) require CWMU's to notify the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) of land-ownership changes within the CWMU; 5) require an operator to disclose any areas excluded from hunting in the CWMU management plan; 6) prohibit the CWMU from harassing wildlife in an effort to retain animals on the property, unless authorized by DWR to limit agricultural damage to neighboring lands; 7) allow a management buck hunt on the CWMU if there is a current management buck hunt on the unit that the CWMU lies within; 8) simplify muzzleloader elk season dates to match the standard 61-day elk season; 9) set August 1 deadline for the donation of vouchers through reciprocal agreements; 10) designates an individual who will administer and coordinate reciprocal agreements; 11) require the CWMU to provide an annual report; and 12) make technical corrections.