
The rule was modified three times since the last five-year review. No comments were receive on two of the modifications. The third modification received comments as follows: proposed changes remove the requirement of the agency to offer a split sample of material sampled during an agency inspection; proposed changes do not define containers and tanks; comments related to the secondary containment requirements for containers and tanks for used oil storage; the burden of proof for PCB content should be placed on the used oil generator; the term "suspicious" is subjective; requests to remove the requirement for laboratories to be Utah certified from the proposed changes to Rule R315-15 or adding language that allows use for non-Utah certified laboratories as means of testing based on approval from the Director; and recommendation to change the proposed text in Subsection R315-15-18(e)(3) to read "individual Aroclors (registered trademark) shall be reported with a reporting limit of 2ppm or less."