
Subsection R313-25-31.5(3), as published in the 11/1/2017 issue of the Bulletin, is being deleted in response to a comment submitted by the licensee of the radioactive waste disposal facility during the public comment period. Deleting this subsection removes the requirement for an applicant or licensee of a radioactive waste disposal facility to reimburse the costs of the Director to utilize the expertise of an outside contractor or cost estimator to review the applicant's or licensee's competitive site-specific estimate. It was determined that costs for reviewing a competitive site-specific estimate can be recovered using the Division's current budgeting process. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The original proposed amendment upon which this change in proposed rule (CPR) was based was published in the November 1, 2017, issue of the Utah State Bulletin, on page 83. Underlining in the rule below indicates text that has been added since the publication of the proposed rule mentioned above; strike-out indicates text that has been deleted. You must view the CPR and the proposed amendment together to understand all of the changes that will be enforceable should the agency make this rule effective.)