The changes are primarily being done to clarify certain aspects of the rule that were unclear in the initial version. Specifically, it adds two subsections that authorize promulgation of the rule, adds a reference to the location on the UID website where CCR forms are posted, eliminates an unnecessary reference to a document retention schedule, and eliminates a section regarding administrative forfeitures. It also makes several changes to word choice to standardize it with accepted rulewriting principles. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The original proposed new rule upon which this change in proposed rule (CPR) was based was published in the December 1, 2016, issue of the Utah State Bulletin, on page 94. Underlining in the rule below indicates text that has been added since the publication of the proposed new rule mentioned above; strike-out indicates text that has been deleted. You must view the CPR and the proposed new rule together to understand all of the changes that will be enforceable should the agency make this rule effective.)