
This rule is to establish a change date for annual leave II. The change date established by the Division of Finance is 06/20/2015. All annual leave accrued on or after the change date, to an employee who is eligible to receive paid leave, will be considered annual leave II. State agencies are required to offer annual leave II in lieu of annual leave to eligible employees on or after the change date. The rule also requires the Division of Finance to determine a set-aside rate for each subfund of the annual leave trust fund. The set-aside rates will be determined by the expected increase in the annual leave liability subject to a 10% cap. The rule names the subfunds of the trust and requires the Division of Finance to apply the set-aside rates to gross pay of eligible employees and deposit the amounts generated into the applicable subfunds of the trust. There is no impact to state employees. The rule does not affect existing annual leave benefits. (DAR NOTE: A corresponding proposed new Rule R25-15 is under DAR No. 39943 in this issue, December 1, 2015, of the Bulletin.)