
The proposed change to Rule R746-312 makes the definitions of "inverter" and "switchgear" consistent with those in Section 54-15-102. Particularly, the references to IEEE1547 in Subsections 54-15-102(9)(b) and (13)(b)(ii) now refer to "IEEE1547, as amended". The proposed rule change also includes minor changes or corrections to references in Title 54. Recent amendments to IEEE1547 include minor changes to Sections 4.1.1 pertaining to voltage regulation and 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 pertaining to voltage and frequency under abnormal conditions. These changes allow distributed energy resources to support grid voltage regulation and provide voltage and frequency ride through, if so approved by and coordinated with, the area electric power system. These changes do not affect the requirements for interconnection of a distributed energy resource with a public utility's distribution system.