Subsections R156-17b-102(7) and (8) are deleted because "central prescription processing" is already defined in Subsection 58-17b-102(9). Subsection R156-17b-102(37) is added to define a "non drug or device handling central prescription processing pharmacy" in rule. Subsection R156-17b-102(54) is modified to change the license classification for third party logistic providers from class C to class E. Subsection R156-17b-102(58) is updated to reflect the most current version of the United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary (USP-NF) to include Supplement 2, dated 12/01/2016. Section R156-17b-302 is modified to: 1) change the name of methadone clinic pharmacies to narcotic treatment program pharmacies; 2) move veterinarian pharmaceutical facility pharmacies from class B to class E; 3) add non drug or device handling central prescription processing pharmacy to class E; and 4) add third party logistic providers to class E. Section R156-17b-304 is modified to allow individuals licensed and in good standing in another state or territory of the United States to apply for a temporary license in Utah. Section R156-17b-601 is modified to clarify the ratio of pharmacy technician trainee to pharmacist working in a pharmacy at any given time. Section R156-17b-604 is modified to require that pharmacies that are closing surrender their license to the Division. Section R156-17b-614f is modified to: 1) clarify existing language; 2) establish that non drug handling central prescription processing pharmacies are required to obtain a class E license; and 3) establish that all other central prescription processing pharmacies are required to obtain licensure in the appropriate license classification consistent with their business practices. Section R156-17b-617a is modified to clearly establish that all class E pharmacies are required to follow all applicable state and federal laws.