
In Section R156-24b-102, the proper name of the approved credential evaluations agency was updated and the abbreviation included in the definitions. In Section R156-24b-302a, the credential evaluation completed by the Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT) was changed to a Type I review. The currently required FCCPT credentials evaluation did not include verification of English proficiency. The Type I review includes verification of English proficiency. The Board determined that the rule needed to be changed to be consistent with Subsection 58-24b-302(1)(e) and that the applicant must be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language. In Subsections R156-24b-303b(1)(a) and (b), the number of hours required for continuing education in ethics/law is decreased from a minimum of three hours to a minimum of two hours. Physical therapists have identified for the Division that many ethics/law continuing education offerings are two-hour courses. The Board concurred that a two-hour requirement is more consistent with current continuing education offerings. The Board also determined that completion of two hours of ethics/law continuing education is sufficient for the profession. In Subsection R156-24b-505(1)(a), the approval bodies for trigger point dry needling courses was expanded to include any of the sections or local chapters of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). The Board determined that any of the sections or local chapters for the APTA would require similar rigor and would ensure the consistency and quality of the offerings. In Subsection R156-24b-505(2), the level of supervision and the requirements for the licensure requirements of the supervisor were determined to be redundant. Approved trigger point dry needling courses meet industry standards, and the requirement for supervision and licensure status is redundant and unnecessary.