
In Subsection R156-63b-304(2), deletes the words "formal classroom". New Subsection R156-63b-304(3) adds the use of education courses provided via the Internet as a recognized means of completing the 16 hours of continuing education. Remaining subsections are renumbered. Subsection R156-63b-304(9) replaces the word "attendees" with the word "participants" for consistency with other subsections. Subsection R156-63b-304(10) adds the word "course" and the word "participant" and deletes the word "instructor" for clarity and consistency. Subsection R156-63b-304(10)(e) adds that the continuing education course certificate shall also include the name of the course instructor. The new Subsection R156-63b-604(2) adds an academic exam requirement for the six hours of classroom firearms instruction.