
The amendments to the text of Section R307-110-17 change the title of the rule to match the title that is found in the SIP. The date has also been changed to reflect the most recent incorporation of Part H. Part H has been amended to include the following: 1) more frequent monitoring; 2) emission limits that match the 24-hour averaging period of the PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard; 3) condensable PM2.5 limits where appropriate; 4) corrections to the emission limits at Chemical Lime Company; 5) revisions to the compliance schedule for Compass Minerals; 6) elimination of the conditions for Hill Air Force Base and Vulcraft/Nucor Building Systems; 7) elimination of the provisions intended to facilitate the production of gasoline meeting the sulfur requirements of Tier 3; and 8) a requirement for Kennecott to operate its existing wet scrubber at the Copperton Concentrator.