The rule is expanded to include all solid fuel burning sources, while exempting commercial and industrial food preparation sources, as well as exempting some commercial and industrial boilers and electrical generating units (EGUs). As proposed, the exemption to industrial boilers and EGUs would only apply to those sources that are existing as of the effective date of this rule amendment. DAQ is specifically requesting the public to submit their comments regarding this exemption as it will affect future biomass and waste-to-energy projects within the PM2.5 nonattainment area. The proposed amendment would also re-open the sole source registry until 06/01/2015. As proposed, there is no provision to permit the transfer of non-EPA Phase 2 certified stoves located within businesses and institutions as part of a real estate transaction. (A similar provision is currently within the rule for residential properties.) DAQ is interested in the public's opinion on the possibility of including such a provision for businesses and institutions in this rule.