
In conjunction with the separately filed repeals for Rules R746-341, R746-343, and R746-360, this rule enacts the necessary provisions of those rules while making changes to update the rules to be consistent with S.B. 130 (2017). This rule provides updated definitions to be consistent with both state and federal law governing universal service. This rule reenacts current rule language regarding the contribution method for the UUSF, adding new provisions clarifying that prepaid wireless providers are not required to submit more than one surcharge per access line per month, and establishing reporting requirements for exemptions claimed. This rule allows providers to remit assessments every six months, instead of every month, if assessments total less than $1,000 per month. This rule implements references to statutory requirements enacted by S.B. 130 for UUSF distributions. This rule establishes procedures for wireless eligible telecommunications providers to receive distributions from the Lifeline program, as provided for in S.B. 130. This rule reenacts, without modification, the existing rules governing UUSF support for a deaf, hard of hearing, or severely speech impaired person. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The proposed repeal of Rule R746-341 is under Filing No. 42423, the proposed repeal of Rule R746-343 is under Filing No. 42425, and the proposed repeal of Rule R746-360 is under Filing No. 42426 in this issue, January 15, 2018, of the Bulletin.)