No. 39564 (5-year Review): Rule R865-21U. Use Tax  

  • DAR File No.: 39564
    Filed: 08/06/2015 01:58:47 PM


    Concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require the rule:

    Section 59-12-103 imposes a tax on sales and uses of tangible personal property and services, but leaves unclear how the two taxes work together. Section 59-12-107 places responsibility for collecting use tax upon vendors, but does not provide adequate detail to determine if a taxable use has occurred, and is silent on the issue of whether the vendor should collect use tax on goods purchased in interstate commerce, but stored, used or consumed within the state. Section 59-12-107 also imposes a use tax upon users if a sales or use tax was not collected by the vendor, but does not provide detail on how the user should pay or account for those payments. Section 59-12-118 gives the Tax Commission rulemaking authority to administer the sales and use tax.

    Summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of the rule from interested persons supporting or opposing the rule:

    No written comments have been received.

    Reasoned justification for continuation of the rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to the rule, if any:

    Section R865-21U-1 clarifies the purpose of the use tax and when the use tax applies. Section R865-21U-2 clarifies that all rules promulgated for sales taxes are applicable to use taxes. Section R865-21U-6 sets forth a purchaser�s responsibilities with regard to payment of and accounting for use tax. Section R865-21U-16 clarifies that use tax is required on goods sold in interstate commerce but stored, used or consumed within the state. Therefore, this rule should be continued.

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Tax Commission
    210 N 1950 W
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84134

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:



    Authorized by:

    Rebecca Rockwell, Commissioner

Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Five-Year Notices of Review and Statements of Continuation
Filed Date:
Tax Commission, Auditing
Authorized By:
Rebecca Rockwell, Commissioner
DAR File No.:

No written comments have been received.

{38618|R865-21U|R865-21U. Use Tax}
Link Address:
Tax CommissionAuditing210 N 1950 WSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84134
Link Way:

Christa Johnson, by phone at 801-297-3901, by FAX at 801-297-3907, or by Internet E-mail at

More information about a Five-Year Notice of Review and Statement of Continuation is available online. The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version. For questions regarding the content or ...
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R865-21U. Use Tax.