No. 36343 (5-year Review): Rule R710-9. Rules Pursuant to the Utah Fire Prevention and Safety Act  

  • DAR File No.: 36343
    Filed: 06/07/2012 10:53:17 AM


    Concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require the rule:

    Section 53-7-203 creates the Utah Fire Prevention Board, a Board made up of 10 members appointed by the Governor that oversees the Utah State Fire Marshal's Office, firefighter training, recommendation of fire prevention codes to the State Legislature, and the certification of several occupations. Section 53-7-204 is the statute that directs the Utah Fire Prevention Board to create rules that establish standards for the prevention of fire and for the protection of life and property against fire and panic in several specific occupancies that have been identified by the legislature. The enactment of this administrative rule also affects 268 local fire departments who are required to enforce the state adopted fire code and also use this administrative rule.

    Summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of the rule from interested persons supporting or opposing the rule:

    There have been no written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this administrative rule. The Utah Fire Prevention Board takes great effort to make sure all that are affected by a proposed rule amendment, are informed before the completion of the rule filing. The Board wants to work out all concerns before the administrative rule is sent to the Division of Administrative Rules for statewide filing.

    Reasoned justification for continuation of the rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to the rule, if any:

    This administrative rule should be continued due to the need and importance of the rule. This rule was enacted in 1993 after the Utah Fire Prevention and Safety Act was fully recodified by the Utah State Legislature. The rule establishes conduct at Fire Prevention Board meetings, deputizing Special Deputy State Fire Marshals, procedures to amend the state adopted fire code, a number of subcommittees that assist the Fire Prevention Board, and the various amendments and additions to the state adopted fire code that are passed by the Board till the next session of the Utah State Legislature.

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Public Safety
    Fire MarshalRoom 302
    5272 S COLLEGE DR
    MURRAY, UT 84123-2611

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Authorized by:

    Brent Halladay, State Fire Marshal



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Public Safety,Fire Marshal
Authorized By:
Brent Halladay, State Fire Marshal
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R710-9. Rules Pursuant to the Utah Fire Prevention Law.