No. 28764 (Amendment): R994-406. Fraud, Fault and Nonfault Overpayments  

  • DAR File No.: 28764
    Filed: 05/30/2006, 05:49
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of this amendment is to correct a numbering error and provide more specific language regarding the Department's debit card.


    Summary of the rule or change:

    A numbering error was made during the last rule change which is corrected. The Department now issues benefits on a debit-type card and the Department is experiencing possible fraud with the card. This change will prohibit claimants from keeping their PIN number with their card and require that the loss of the card be reported immediately.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Subsections 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-4-502(1)(b), and Section 35A-1-303


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    This is a federally-funded program so there are no costs or savings to the state budget.


    local governments:

    This is a federally-funded program so there are no costs or savings to local government.


    other persons:

    There are no costs or savings to any other persons as there are no fees associated with this program and it is federally funded.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There are no costs or savings to any affected persons as there are no fees associated with this program and it is federally funded.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    There are no compliance costs associated with this change. There are no fees associated with this change. It will not cost anyone any sum to comply with these changes. There will be no fiscal impact on any business. Tani Downing, Executive Director


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Workforce Services
    Unemployment Insurance
    140 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2333


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Suzan Pixton at the above address, by phone at 801-526-9645, by FAX at 801-526-9211, or by Internet E-mail at


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Tani Downing, Executive Director




    R994. Workforce Services, Unemployment Insurance.

    R994-406. Fraud, Fault and Nonfault Overpayments.

    R994-406-301. Claimant Fault.

    (1) Elements of Fault.

    Fault is established if all three of the following elements are present, or as provided in subsection (3) and (4) of this section. If one or more elements cannot be established, the overpayment does not fall under the provisions of Subsection 35A-4-405(5).

    (a) Materiality.

    Benefits were paid to which the claimant was not entitled.

    (b) Control.

    Benefits were paid based on incorrect information or an absence of information which the claimant reasonably could have provided.

    (c) Knowledge.

    The claimant had sufficient notice that the information might be reportable.

    (2) Claimant Responsibility.

    The claimant is responsible for providing all of the information requested by the Department regarding his or her Unemployment Insurance claim. If the claimant has any questions about his or her eligibility for unemployment benefits, or the Department's instructions, the claimant must ask the Department for clarification before certifying to eligibility. If the claimant fails to obtain clarification, he or she will be at fault in any resulting overpayment.

    (3) Receipt of Settlement or Back-Pay.

    (a) A claimant is "at fault" for the resulting overpayment if he or she fails to advise the Department that grievance procedures are being pursued which may result in payment of wages for weeks during which he or she claims benefits.

    (b) If the claimant advises the Department prior to receiving a settlement that he or she has filed a grievance with the employer and makes an assignment directing the employer to pay to the Department that portion of the settlement equivalent to the amount of unemployment compensation received, the claimant will not be "at fault" if an overpayment is created due to payment of wages attributable to weeks for which the claimant received benefits. If the grievance is resolved in favor of the claimant and the employer was properly notified of the wage assignment, the employer is liable to immediately reimburse the Department upon settlement of the grievance. If reimbursement is not made to the Department consistent with the provisions of the assignment, collection procedures will be initiated against the employer.

    (c) If the claimant refuses to make an assignment of the wages claimed in a grievance proceeding, benefits will be withheld on the basis that the claimant is not unemployed because of anticipated receipt of wages. In this case, the claimant should file weekly claims and if back wages are not received when the grievance is resolved, benefits will be paid for weeks properly claimed provided the claimant is otherwise eligible.

    (4) Receipt of Retirement Income.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a claimant who could be eligible for retirement income but does not apply until after unemployment benefits have been paid, is "at fault" for any overpayment resulting from a retroactive payment of retirement benefits. See R994-401-203(1)(d) and (2)


    R994-406-401. Claimant Fraud.

    (1) All three elements of fraud must be proved to establish an intentional misrepresentation sufficient to constitute fraud. See section 35A-4-405(5). The three elements are:

    (a) Materiality.

    (i) Materiality is established when a claimant makes false statements or fails to provide accurate information for the purpose of obtaining;

    (A) any benefit payment to which the claimant is not entitled, or

    (B) waiting week credit which results in a benefit payment to which the claimant is not entitled.

    (ii) A benefit payment received by fraud may include an amount as small as one dollar over the amount a claimant was entitled to receive.

    (b) Knowledge.

    A claimant must have known or should have known the information submitted to the Department was incorrect or that he or she failed to provide information required by the Department. The claimant does NOT have to know that the information will result in a denial of benefits or a reduction of the benefit amount. Knowledge can also be established when a claimant recklessly makes representations knowing he or she has insufficient information upon which to base such representations. A claimant has an obligation to read material provided by the Department [or]and to ask a Department representative [when]if he or she has a question about what information to report.

    (c) Willfulness.

    Willfulness is established when a claimant files claims or other documents containing false statements, responses or deliberate omissions. If a claimant delegates the responsibility to personally provide information or allows access to his or her Personal Identification Number (PIN) so that someone else may file a claim, the claimant is responsible for the information provided or omitted by the other person, even if the claimant had no advance knowledge that the information provided was false or important information was omitted. The claimant is responsible for securing the debit card issued by the Department (EPPICard or card). Securing the card means that the card and the PIN are never been kept together, the card is kept in a secure location, and the PIN is a not known by anyone but the claimant. If a claimant loses his or her card, the claimant must report the loss of the card to the Department and change his or her PIN immediately even if the claimant is not currently filing weekly claims for benefits. If the claimant fails to report the loss of the card and change the PIN immediately, or fails to secure the card, the claimant will be liable for claims made and money removed from the card.

    (2) The Department relies primarily on information provided by the claimant when paying unemployment insurance benefits. Fraud penalties do not apply if the overpayment was the result of an inadvertent error. Fraud requires a willful misrepresentation or concealment of information for the purpose of obtaining unemployment benefits.

    (3) The absence of an admission or direct proof of intent to defraud does not prevent a finding of fraud.


    KEY: overpayments, unemployment compensation

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [December 31, 2005]2006

    Notice of Continuation: May 23, 2002

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 35A-4-406(2); 35A-4-406(3); 35A-4-406(4); 35A-4-406(5)





Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Workforce Services,Unemployment Insurance
Rulemaking Authority:

Subsections 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-4-502(1)(b), and Section 35A-1-303


Authorized By:
Tani Downing, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R994-406. Appeal Procedures.