DAR File No.: 31085
Filed: 03/28/2008, 09:48
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The Utah Fire Prevention Board met on 03/11/2008 in a regularly scheduled board meeting and adopted by motion and vote three updated incorporated references and some requirements when taking certification of registration examinations.
Summary of the rule or change:
A summary of the rule changes is as follows: 1) in Subsection R710-7-1(1.1), the board proposes to update three National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) incorporated references to the 2008 editions; and 2) in Subsections R710-7-4(4.3.3) through (4.3.6), the board proposes to establish requirements when completing certification of registration examinations to include examination time limits, no use of cellular telephones in the examination area, total completion of each level of proficiency, limited materials of reference in the testing area, adequate level of preparation before testing, etc.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 53-7-204
This rule or change incorporates by reference the following material:
National Fire Protection Association, Standard 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, 2008 edition; National Fire Protection Association, Standard 96, Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 2008 edition; and National Fire Protection Association, Standard 2001, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, 2008 edition
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There would be an aggregate cost to the state budget of approximately $115 to purchase the three updated NFPA documents for use. There would be a total of approximately $345 to purchase three sets of the NFPA documents for use by the State Fire Marshal's Office.
local governments:
There is no aggregate anticipated cost or savings to local government because these proposed amendments do not affect local government due to the fact this program is overseen by the state and is not a locally mandated program.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
There would be an aggregate cost to small businesses of approximately $115 to purchase all three of the updated NFPA standards for use in their business. There would be an aggregate cost of approximately $6,325 for each of the 55 licensed concerns to purchase one set of three for use in their business.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There would be a compliance cost of approximately $115 to purchase all three updated NFPA references. There would be a requirement that at least one set of three be purchased per company. There would be no compliance cost for affected persons for the proposed examination requirements because they are procedural in nature and are not cost incurring.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
There would be a fiscal impact to businesses of approximately $115 per business to purchase the three updated NFPA references. The industry prefers to use the latest editions of the NFPA standards to be allowed to receive the latest allowances in the trades. Scott T. Duncan, Commissioner
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Public Safety
Fire Marshal
MURRAY UT 84123-2611Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Brent Halladay at the above address, by phone at 801-284-6352, by FAX at 801-284-6351, or by Internet E-mail at bhallada@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Ron L. Morris, Utah State Fire Marshal
R710. Public Safety, Fire Marshal.
R710-7. Concerns Servicing Automatic Fire Suppression Systems.
R710-7-1. Adoption of Codes.
Pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 7, Section 204, Utah Code Annotated 1953, the Utah State Fire Prevention Board adopts rules to provide regulation to those concerns that service Automatic Fire Suppression Systems. These rules do not apply to standpipe systems, deluge systems, or automatic fire sprinkler systems.
There is adopted as part of these rules the following codes which are incorporated by reference:
1.1 National Fire Protection Association, Standard 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, [
2005]2008 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 12A, Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems, 2004 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 12B, Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems, 1990 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 2002 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 2002 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 96, Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, [2004]2008 edition; N.F.P.A., Standard 2001, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, [2004]2008 edition. The definitions contained in these pamphlets shall pertain to these regulations.1.2 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase, of these rules is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, contrary to statute, or exceeding the authority of the SFM, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of these rules.
1.3 Systems Prohibited
No person shall market, distribute, sell, install or service any automatic fire suppression system in this state, unless it meets the following:
1.3.1 It complies with these rules.
1.3.2 It has been tested by, and bears the label of a testing laboratory which is accepted by the SFM as qualified to test automatic fire suppression systems.
1.3.3 All existing automatic fire suppression systems using dry chemical shall be removed and replaced with a UL300 listed system by January 1, 2006 or before that date when any of the following occurs: Six year internal maintenance service; Recharge; Hydrostatic test date as indicated on the manufacturer date of the cylinders; Reconfiguration of the system piping.
1.3.4 All existing wet chemical automatic fire suppression systems not UL300 listed shall be removed, replaced or upgraded to a UL300 listed system by January 1, 2006 or before that date when any of the following occurs: Six year internal maintenance service; Recharge; Hydrostatic test date as indicated on the manufacturer date of the cylinders; Reconfiguration of the system piping.
1.4 Copies of the above listed codes are on file in the Office of Administrative Rules and the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
R710-7-4. Certificates of Registration.
4.1 Required Certificates of Registration
No person shall service any automatic fire suppression system without a certificate of registration issued by the SFM pursuant to these rules expressly authorizing such person to perform such acts.
4.2 Application
Application for a certificate of registration to work on automatic fire suppression systems shall be made in writing to the SFM on forms provided by the SFM. The application shall be signed by the applicant.
4.3 Examination
The SFM shall require all applicants for a certificate of registration to take and pass a written examination, which may be supplemented by practical tests to determine the applicant's knowledge to work on automatic fire suppression systems. Pictured identification of the applicant for a certificate of registration may be requested by the SFM or his deputies. Examinations will be given according to the following schedule and requirements:
4.3.1 On the first and third Tuesdays of each month. When holidays conflict with these days, the day immediately following will be used. An appointment will be made to take an examination at least 24 hours in advance of the examination date.
4.3.2 Examinations may be given at various field locations as deemed necessary by the SFM. Appointments for field examinations are required.
4.3.3 All certification examinations given are open book examinations. The applicant is allowed to use the statute, the administrative rule, and the NFPA standard that applies to the certification examination. Any other materials to include cellular telephones are prohibited in the examination room.
4.3.4 Completion of the certification examination will not be allowed if it appears to the test administrator that the applicant has not prepared to take the examination.
4.3.5 Each certification examination taken has a time limit of two hours to completion. Leaving the office or testing location before the completion of the examination voids the examination and will require the examination to be retaken by the applicant.
4.3.6 If there are different levels of proficiency in the subject matter, the lower proficiency level will be fully completed before the next higher proficiency will be administered.
4.4 Examination - Passing Grade
To successfully pass the written examination, the applicant must obtain a minimum grade of seventy percent (70%) in each portion of the examination taken.
4.5 Contents of Examination
The examination required shall include a written test of the applicant's knowledge of the work to be performed, the provisions of these rules, and may include an actual demonstration of his ability to perform the acts indicated on the application.
4.6 Right to Contest
Every person who takes an examination for a certificate of registration shall have the right to contest the validity of individual questions of such examination. Every contention as to the validity of individual questions of the examination shall be made in writing within 48 hours after taking said examination. The decision of the SFM shall be final.
4.7 Issuance
Following receipt of the completed application, compliance with the provisions of these rules, and the successful completion of the required examination, the SFM shall issue a certificate of registration.
4.8 Original and Renewal Valid Date
Original certificates of registration will be valid for one year from the date of application. Thereafter, each certificate of registration will be renewed annually and renewals will be valid for one year from issuance. The failure to renew a certificate of registration will cause the certificate of registration to become invalid. The holder of an invalid certificate of registration shall not perform any work on automatic fire suppression systems.
4.9 Renewal Date
Application for renewal will be made as directed by the SFM. Beginning March 4, 2003 through February 29, 2004, renewal dates for certification of registrations will be based upon the license inspection date and valid for a one-year period of time. Renewal certificate of registrations shall be prorated monthly, and monthly fees already paid in that time period shall be credited towards the renewal fee.
4.10 Re-examination
Every holder of a valid certificate of registration will take a re-examination every five (5) years, from the date of original certificate, to comply with the provisions of Section 4.3 of these rules as follows:
4.10.1. The re-examination to comply with the provisions of Section 4.3 of these rules shall consist of one 25 question open book examination to be mailed to the certificate holder at least 60 days before the renewal date.
4.10.2 The 25 question re-examination will consist of questions that focus on changes in the last five years to the NFPA standards, the statute, and adopted practices of concerns noted by the Board or SFM,.
4.10.3 The certificate holder is responsible to complete the re-examination and return it to the SFM in sufficient time to renew.
4.10.4 The certificate holder is responsible to return to the SFM the correct renewal fees to complete that certificate renewal.
4.11 Refusal to Renew
The SFM may refuse to renew any certificate of registration for the reasons that is authorized pursuant to Section 8 of these rules. The applicant will, upon such refusal, have the same rights as are granted by Section 8 of these rules to an applicant for an original certificate of registration which has been denied by the SFM.
4.12 Inspection
The holder of a certificate of registration will submit such certificate for inspection, upon request of the SFM, any authorized deputies, or any local fire official.
4.13 Change of Address
Any change of address of any holder of a certificate of registration will be reported by the registered person to the SFM within thirty (30) days of such change. Such change will also be made by the holder of the certificate of registration on the reverse side of the certificate of registration card.
4.14 Duplicate
A duplicate certificate of registration may be issued by the SFM to replace any previously issued certificate which has been lost or destroyed.
4.15 Minimum Age
No certificate of registration shall be issued to any person who is under eighteen (18) years of age.
4.16 Restrictive Use
4.16.1 No certificate of registration will constitute authorization for any person to enter upon or into any property or building.
4.16.2 No certificate of registration will constitute authorization for any person to enforce any provisions of these rules or the Uniform Fire Code.
4.16.3 Regardless of the acts authorized to be performed by the licensed concern, only those acts for which the applicant for a certificate of registration has qualified will be permissible by such applicant.
4.17 Non-Transferable
Certificates of registration will not be transferable. Individual certificates of registration will be carried by the person to whom issued.
4.18 Limited Issuance
No certificate of registration will be issued to any person unless that person is a licensee or an employee of a licensed concern.
4.19 New Employees
New employees of a licensed concern may perform the various acts while under the direct supervision of a person holding a valid certificate of registration for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the initial date of employment.
4.20 Certificate Identification
Every certificate will be identified by a number, delineated as HE-(number).
KEY: fire prevention, systems
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
September 7, 2006]May 22, 2008Notice of Continuation: May 31, 2007
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 53-7-204
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 5/22/2008
- Publication Date:
- 04/15/2008
- Filed Date:
- 03/28/2008
- Agencies:
- Public Safety,Fire Marshal
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 53-7-204
- Authorized By:
- Ron L. Morris, Utah State Fire Marshal
- DAR File No.:
- 31085
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R710-7. Concerns Servicing Automatic Fire Suppression Systems.