Codification Errata for Code Updates

Total 10
Direct questions you may have regarding corrections to Mike Broschinsky at 801-538-3003.


10/24/2012 Correctoin: Effective 10/24/2012, the September 2012 Utah Administrative Code update files have been modified to include a correction. On 05/18/2012, the Bureau of Epidemiology filed an amendment to Rule R386-702, Communicable Disease Rule, under DAR No. 36247. This filing was published in the June 15, 2012, Bulletin; a Notice of Effective Date was subsequently filed, making the amendment effective on 08/08/2012. This effective date would have made the amendment to R386-702 part of the September 2012 update to the Utah Administrative Code. However, the amendment was not processed with the rest of the update. The amendment has now been processed and corrected versions of all affected files pertaining to the September update have been posted to the Division of Administrative Rules' web site. The Division regrets the error.

04/19/2012 Correction: Effective 04/19/2012, the following Utah Administrative Code updates have been modified to include three corrections: November 2011, December 2011, January 2011, and February 2011.

  1. 1. Rule R105-1, entitled "Attorney General's Selection of Outside Counsel, Expert Witnesses and Other Litigation Support Services," expired on 11/23/2011. Because of a clerical error, this rule remained in the Administrative Code until the January 2012 update was posted on 01/19/2012. An editor's note describing the error was published in the 01/15/2012 issue of the Utah State Bulletin.
  2. 2. Rule R694-1, entitled "Archeological Permits," expired effective 10/22/2011. The Division of Administrative Rules should have removed the rule from the Administrative Code with the November 2011. Due to a clerical error, the Division did not record the expiration until 02/08/2012. The notice of expiration was not published until 03/01/2012. The Division published an editor's note in the 03/01/2012 issue of the Utah State Bulletin describing the error.
  3. 3. Rule R277-100, entitled "Rulemaking Policy", was codified with an incorrect "Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment" appearing at the end of the rule. The Division published an editor's note in the 03/15/2012 issue of the Utah State Bulletin describing the error.


03/01/2010 Correction A: The Utah State Bulletin dated 11/01/2009 included a Notice of Expired Rule (Filing 33026). The Division failed to codify this rulemaking action as required by Subsection 63G-3-305(8). Therefore, the Division has removed Rule R426-100 from these updates so that these files accurately reflect the rules in effect.

03/01/2010 Correction B: The Utah State Bulletin dated 07/01/2006 included a Notice of Proposed Rule that amended Rule R657-24 (Filing 28796). This amendment was made effective on 08/08/2006 (see Notices of Rule Effective Dates published in the 09/01/2006 Bulletin). Because the Division of Wildlife Resources properly filed the amendment to Rule R657-24, because the Division properly published the amendment, and because, as a result, the public had proper notice of the amendment and an opportunity to comment, the Division has corrected the Utah Administrative Code to reflect the changes made by Filing 28796 so that these files accurately reflect the rules in effect.


09/30/2008 Correction: An amendment to Rule R527-231 was made effective on May 15, 2008. Due to a processing error at the Division of Administrative Rules, this amendment was not made part of the original June 1 update. The amendment was processed in September when the error was discovered. These files have been updated as of 09/30/2008 to reflect the rules in effect on 06/01/2008, including the amended Rule R527-231.


06/04/2007 Correction: Rules for Title R856 appeared under Title R865.


12/13/2002 Correction: In the 07/01/2002, issue of the Utah State Bulletin on page 38, an amendment to Rule R309-104 (changed to Rule R309-205) was published under DAR No. 24984. This amendment made significant changes throughout the rule, including the addition of four new sections at the beginning of the rule. An error in processing the amendment resulted in the deletion of these four new sections. The error has been corrected.

08/23/2002 Correction: On 08/23/2002, the Division identified a problem with the way it had codified an amendment earlier in the year. The codified text of Section R986-700-714 is incomplete. It omits two subsections, R986-700-714(3) and (4) that were properly added to the section as part of filing No. 24248, effective 02/01/2002. When a subsequent amendment (No. 24311) was codified on April 1, 2002, these subsections were unintentially omitted. The corrected text will be included with the 07/01/2002 update. A complete editor's note is published in the 09/15/2002, issue of the Utah State Bulletin.


12/19/2000 Correction:  Subsequent to an amendment to Rule R544-4 that reorganized the sections of the rule, Section R544-4-4 was misplaced in the body of the rule to appear at the end.  New versions of the following files containing the corrected version of Rule R544-4 have been posted to the web.


04/15/1999 Correction:  This file has been updated to correct a codification error resulted in an inaccurate "notice of continuation" annotation at the bottom of Rule R495-879.

Published Year

  • All: 10  (Selected)
  • 2012: 2
  • 2010: 2
  • 2008: 1
  • 2007: 1
  • 2002: 2
  • 2000: 1
  • 1999: 1