No. 43177 (Amendment): Rule R426-1. General Definitions  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 43177
    Filed: 08/31/2018 11:30:34 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The reason for this amendment is to update language to be consistent with Title 26, Chapter 8a, and to clarify the definition for inter-facility transfers.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The definition change is to repeal the last rule amendment from April 2018 and re-enact the prior definition.

    Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    • Title 26, Chapter 8a

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    This proposed rule change is not expected to have any fiscal impact on state government revenues or expenditures, because this amendment is to re-enact the definition prior to the last rule change. There is no fiscal impact because this rule amendment is simply re-enacting the rule that was in effect prior to April 2018.

    local governments:

    This proposed rule change is not expected to have any fiscal impact on local governments' revenues or expenditures, because this amendment is to re-enact the definition prior to the last rule change. There is no fiscal impact because this rule amendment is simply re-enacting the rule that was in effect prior to April 2018.

    small businesses:

    This proposed rule change is not expected to have any fiscal impact on small businesses' revenues or expenditures, because this amendment is to re-enact the definition prior to the last rule change. There is no fiscal impact because this rule amendment is simply re-enacting the rule that was in effect prior to April 2018.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    There is one non-small business operating as a licensed ambulance provider in Utah as per Utah Department of Health licensing records. This business is not expected to have a fiscal impact associated with this amendment because it is only a clarification of a term used for a type of ambulance transport. This amendment will return to the definition used prior to the current definition made effective 04/19/2018.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    This proposed rule amendment is not expected to have any fiscal impact on affected persons.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this rule amendment will not result in fiscal impact to businesses.

    Joseph K. Miner, MD, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Family Health and Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services
    3760 S HIGHLAND DR
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Joseph Miner, Executive Director


    Appendix 1: Regulatory Impact Summary Table*

    Fiscal Costs

    FY 2019

    FY 2020

    FY 2021

    State Government




    Local Government




    Small Businesses




    Non-Small Businesses




    Other Person




    Total Fiscal Costs:




    Fiscal Benefits

    State Government




    Local Government




    Small Businesses




    Non-Small Businesses




    Other Persons




    Total Fiscal Benefits:




    Net Fiscal Benefits:





    *This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts for State Government, Local Government, Small Businesses and Other Persons are described in the narrative. Inestimable impacts for Non - Small Businesses are described in Appendix 2.


    Appendix 2: Regulatory Impact to Non - Small Businesses

    There is one non-small business operating as a licensed ambulance provider in Utah as per Utah Department of Health licensing records. This business is not expected to have a fiscal impact associated with this amendment because it is only a clarification of a term used in for a type of ambulance transport. This amendment will return to the definition used prior to the current definition made effective 04/19/2018.


    After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this rule amendment will not result in fiscal impact to businesses. Joseph K. Miner, MD, Executive Director



    R426. Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services.

    R426-1. General Definitions.

    R426-1-100. Authority and Purpose.

    This rule establishes uniform definitions for all R426 rules. It also provides administration standards applicable to all R426 rules.


    R426-1-200. General Definitions.

    The definitions in Title 26, Chapter 8a are adopted and incorporated by reference into this rule, in addition:

    (1) "Advanced Emergency Medical Technician" or "AEMT" means an individual who has completed an AEMT training program, approved by the Department, who is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (2) "Affiliated Provider" means a licensed EMS individual's secondary employer or employers.

    (3) "Air Ambulance" means a specially equipped and permitted aircraft, especially a helicopter or fixed wing airplane, for transporting patients.

    (4) "Air Ambulance Personnel" mean the pilot and patient care personnel who are involved in an air medical transport.

    (5) "Air Ambulance Service" means any publicly or privately owned organization that is licensed or applies for licensure under R426-3 and provides transportation and care of patients by air ambulance.

    (6) "Air Ambulance Service Medical Director" means a physician knowledgeable of potential medical complications which may arise because of air medical transport, and is responsible for overseeing and assuring that the appropriate air ambulance, medical personnel, and equipment are provided for patients transported by the air ambulance service.

    (7) "Categorization" means the process of identifying and developing a stratified profile of Utah hospital trauma critical care capabilities in relation to the standards defined under R426-5-7.

    (8) "Certify," "Certification," and "Certified" mean the official Department recognition that an individual has completed a specific level of training and has the minimum skills required to provide emergency medical care at the level for which he is certified.

    (9) "Competitive Grant" means a grant awarded through the Emergency Medical Services Grants Program on a competitive basis for a share of available funds.

    (10) "Complaint, Compliance, and Enforcement Unit or CCEU" means the investigative unit of the Department.

    (11) "Continuing Medical Education" means a Department-approved training relating specifically to the appropriate level of certification designed to maintain or enhance an individual's emergency medical skills.

    (12) "County or Multi-County EMS Council or Committee" means a group of persons recognized as the legitimate entity within the county to formulate policy regarding the provision of EMS.

    (13) "Course Coordinator" means an individual who has completed a Department course coordinator course and is certified by the Department as capable to conduct Department-authorized EMS courses.

    (14) "Department" means the Utah Department of Health.

    (15) "Emergency Medical Dispatcher" or "EMD" means an individual who has completed a Department approved EMD training program, and is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (16) "Emergency Medical Service Dispatch Center" means a call center designated by the Department for the routine acceptance of calls for emergency assistance, staffed by trained operators who utilize a selective medical dispatch system to dispatch licensed ambulance and paramedic services.

    (17) "Emergency Medical Responder" or "EMR" means an individual who has completed a Department approved EMR training program, and is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (18) "Emergency Medical Technician" or "EMT" means an individual who has completed a Department approved EMT training program and is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (19) "Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate Advanced" means an individual who has completed a Department approved EMT- IA training program and is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (20) "Emergency vehicle operator" means an individual on the roster of an EMS provider who may, in the normal course of the individual's duties, drive an ambulance or an emergency medical response vehicle.

    (21) "EMS" means Emergency Medical Services.

    (22) "Emergency Medical Incident" means any instance in which an Emergency Medical Services Provider is requested to provide or potentially provide emergency medical services.

    (23) "EMS Instructor" means an individual who has completed a Department EMS instructor course and is certified by the Department as capable to teach EMS personnel.

    (24) "EMS stand-by event" means the on-site licensed ambulance, paramedic service, or designated quick response unit at a scheduled event or activity provided by the local 911 exclusive license provider or their designee.

    (25) "Exclusive License" means the sole right to perform the licensed act in a defined geographic service area, and that prohibits the Department of Health from performing the licensed act, and from granting the right to anyone else.

    (26) "Grants Review Subcommittee" means a subcommittee appointed by the EMS Committee to review, evaluate, prioritize and make grant funding recommendations to the EMS Committee.

    (27) "Ground Ambulance" means a vehicle which is properly equipped, maintained, permitted and used to transport a patient to a patient destination such as a patient receiving facility or resource hospital.

    (28) "Inclusive Trauma System" means the coordinated component of the State emergency medical services (EMS) system composed of all general acute hospitals licensed under Title 26, Chapter 21, trauma centers, and pre-hospital providers which have established communication linkages and triage protocols to provide for the effective management, transport and care of all injured patients from initial injury to complete rehabilitation.

    (29) ["Inter-facility Transfer" means an ambulance transfer of a patient, who does not have an emergency medical condition as defined in UCA 26-8a-102(6)(a), and the ambulance transfer of the patient originates at a hospital, nursing facility, patient receiving facility, mental health facility, or other licensed medical facility.]"Inter-facility Transfer" means an ambulance transfer of a patient, who does not have an emergency medical condition as defined in UCA 26-8a-102(6)(a), and the ambulance transfer of the patient is arranged by a transferring physician for the particular patient, from a hospital, nursing facility, patient receiving facility, mental health facility, or other licensed medical facility.

    (30) "Individual" means a human being.

    (31) "Level of Care" means the capabilities and commitment to the care of the trauma patient available within a specified facility.

    (32) "Level of License" means the official Department recognized step in the licensure process in which an individual has attained as an EMS provider.

    (33) "Licensed EMS Individual" means a person licensed by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness to perform an EMS function.

    (34) "Meritorious Complaint" means a complaint against a licensed ambulance provider, designated agency, or licensed provider(s) that is made by a patient, a member of the immediate family of a patient, or health care provider, that the Department determines is substantially supported by the facts or a licensed ambulance provider, designated agency, or licensed provider(s):

    (a) has repeatedly failed to provide service at the level or in the exclusive geographic service area required licensee;

    (b) has repeatedly failed to follow operational standards established by the EMS Committee;

    (c) has committed an act in the performance of a professional duty that endangered the public or constituted gross negligence; or

    (d) has otherwise repeatedly engaged in conduct that is adverse to the public health, safety, morals or welfare, or would adversely affect the public trust in the emergency medical service system.

    (35) "Matching Funds" means that portion of funds, in cash, contributed by the grantee to total project expenditures.

    (36) "On-line Medical Control" which refers to physician medical direction of pre-hospital personnel during a medical emergency; and

    (37) "Off-line Medical Control" which refers to physician oversight of local EMS services and personnel to assure their medical accountability.

    (38) "Medical Director" means a physician certified by the Department to provide off-line medical control.

    (39) "Mid-level Provider" means a licensed nurse practitioner or a licensed physician assistant.

    (40) "Net Income" means the sum of net service revenue, plus other regulated operating revenue and subsidies of any type, less operating expenses, interest expense, and income.

    (41)"Paramedic" means an individual who has completed a Department approved Paramedic training program and is licensed by the Department as qualified to render services enumerated in this rule.

    (42) "Paramedic Ground Ambulance" means the provision of advanced life support patient care and transport by licensed paramedic personnel in a licensed ambulance.

    (43) "Paramedic Rescue Service" means the provision of advanced life support patient care by licensed paramedic personnel without the ability to transport patients.

    (44) "Paramedic Unit" means a vehicle which is properly equipped, maintained and used to transport licensed paramedics to the scene of emergencies to perform paramedic services without the ability to transport patients to a designated hospital or designated patient receiving facility.

    (45) "Paramedic Tactical Service" means the retrieval and field treatment of injured peace officers or victims of traumatic confrontations by licensed paramedics who are trained in combat medical response.

    (46) "Paramedic Tactical Unit" means a vehicle which is properly equipped, maintained, and used to transport licensed paramedics to the scene of traumatic confrontations to provide paramedic tactical services.

    (47) "Patient Care Report" means a record of the response by each responding Emergency Medical Services Provider unit to each patient during an EMS Incident.

    (48) "Patient Receiving Facility" means a Department designated medical clinic or designated resource hospital that is approved to receive patients transported by a licensed ambulance provider.

    (49) "Per Capita grants" mean block grants determined by prorating available funds on a per capita basis as delineated in 26-8a-207, as part of the Emergency Medical Services Grants Program.

    (50) "Permit" means the document issued by the Department that authorizes a vehicle to be used in providing emergency medical services.

    (51) "Person" means an individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or group of individuals acting together for a common purpose, agency, or organization of any kind public or private.

    (52) "Physician" means a medical doctor licensed to practice medicine in Utah.

    (53) "Pilot" means an[y] individual licensed [under Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 135]to operate an air ambulance.

    (54) "Pre-hospital Care" means medical care given to an ill or injured patient by a designated or licensed EMS provider outside of a hospital setting.

    (55) "Primary Affiliated Provider" or "PAP" means a licensed EMS individual's primary or main employer or provider.

    (56) "Primary emergency medical services" means an organization that is the only licensed or designated service in a geographical area.

    (57) "Provider" means a Department licensed or designated entity that provides emergency medical services.

    (58) "Provisional License" means temporary terms and conditions placed on a licensed EMS individual's license until completion of an investigation or a final adjudication or conclusion of the pending matter.

    (59) "Quick Response Unit" or "QRU" means an entity that provides emergency medical services to supplement local licensed ambulance providers or provide unique services.

    (60) "Quick Response Vehicle" or "QRV" means a vehicle which is properly equipped, maintained, permitted and used to perform assistive services at a scene. A QRV may transport or deliver a patient to a licensed ambulance provider access point. The QRV may include an automobile, an all-terrain vehicle or a watercraft.

    (61) "Resource Hospital" means a facility designated by the EMS Committee to provide on-line medical control for the provision of pre-hospital emergency care.

    (62) "Restricted License" means a licensed EMS individual may not function in their EMS capacity for an interim period of time.

    (63) "Scene" means the location of initial contact with the patient.

    (64) "Selective Medical Dispatch System" means a Department-approved reference system used by a designated local dispatch agency to dispatch aid to medical emergencies which includes:

    (a) systemized caller interrogation questions;

    (b) systemized pre-arrival instructions; and

    (c) protocols matching the dispatcher's evaluation of injury or illness severity with vehicle response mode and configuration.

    (65) "Specialized Life Support Air Ambulance Service" means a level of care which requires equipment or specialty patient care by one or more medical personnel in addition to the regularly scheduled air medical team.

    (66) "Training Officer" means an individual who has completed a department Training Officer Course and is certified by the Department to be responsible for an EMS provider organization's continuing medical education, license renewal records, and testing.


    KEY: emergency medical services

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ April 19, ]2018

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 26-8a

Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Notices of Proposed Rules
Filed Date:
Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services
Rulemaking Authority:

Title 26, Chapter 8a

Authorized By:
Joseph Miner, Executive Director
DAR File No.:

The definition change is to repeal the last rule amendment from April 2018 and re-enact the prior definition.

{29430|R426-1|R426-1. General Definitions}
Link Address:
HealthFamily Health and Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services3760 S HIGHLAND DRSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106
Link Way:

Guy Dansie, by phone at 801-273-6671, by FAX at 801-273-4165, or by Internet E-mail at

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R426-1. General Definitions