No. 35211 (Amendment): Rule R657-38. Dedicated Hunter Program  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 35211
    Filed: 09/01/2011 10:38:20 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is being amended pursuant to Wildlife Board meetings conducted for taking public input and reviewing the division's Dedicated Hunter Program.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The proposed revisions to the above listed rule: 1) eliminate the Dedicated Hunter Limited-entry permit drawing; 2) change "loyalty" to "preference"; 3) change "region" to "unit"; 4) remove an additional suspension time period to suspended dedicated hunter certificate of registrations; 5) require all current dedicated hunters to select a unit; 5) change the required service hours from 40 to 32; 6) change the reporting date from January 1 to March 15; and 7) make technical corrections for consistency and accuracy.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    These amendments can be implemented with relatively few programming changes and thus the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) determines that these amendments do not create a cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be carried out with existing budget.

    local governments:

    Since these amendments will impact individual participants in the dedicated hunter program and not the local governments, this should have no effect on them. This filing does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments because they are not directly affected by the rule. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the rule does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.

    small businesses:

    This amendment requires the participant to provide less hours of service to the division and may result in a potential to generate a cost savings to them. Therefore, the division determines that the amendments do not have the potential to generate a cost or savings impact to small businesses.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    This amendment requires the participant to provide less hours of service to the division and may result in a potential to generate a cost savings to them. Therefore, the division determines that the amendments have the potential to generate a cost or savings impact to other persons.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    DWR determines that these amendments are program changes that will create additional savings for those who wish to participate in the program. Participation is voluntary and the rule amendments do not create a cost or savings impact to individuals who do not participate in the dedicated hunter program.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    The amendments to this rule do not create an impact on businesses.

    Michael R. Styler, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Natural Resources
    Wildlife Resources
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    James Karpowitz, Director


    R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.

    R657-38. Dedicated Hunter Program.

    R657-38-1. Purpose and Authority.

    (1) Under the authority of Section 23-14-18, this rule provides the standards and requirements for qualified deer hunters to participate in the Dedicated Hunter Program by obtaining a certificate of registration.

    (2) The Dedicated Hunter Program provides the opportunity for participants to:

    (a) increase the opportunity for recreational general deer hunting, while the division regulates harvest;

    (b) increase participation in wildlife [management decisions;

    (c) increase participation in wildlife ]conservation projects that are beneficial to wildlife conservation and the division; and

    ([d]c) complete the wildlife conservation and ethics course to learn about hunter ethics, public input processes and wildlife conservation philosophies and strategies.


    R657-38-2. Definitions.

    (1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.

    (2) In addition:

    (a) "Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course" means a course of instruction provided by the division outlining the organization, structure and requirements of the Dedicated Hunter Program.

    (b) "Dedicated Hunter Permit" means a general buck deer permit issued to a participant in the Dedicated Hunter Program, which authorizes the participant to hunt general archery, general muzzleloader and general any weapon in the [region]unit specified on the permit.

    (c) "[Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit" means a limited entry deer permit or limited entry elk permit, for use in an area selected by the Division, which shall be offered through the Dedicated Hunter Program Drawing.

    (d) "]Hunt area" means an area prescribed by the Wildlife Board where general archery, general muzzleloader and general any weapon deer hunting is open to permit holders for taking deer.

    ([e]d) "Participant" means a person who has remitted the appropriate fee and has been issued a certificate of registration for the Dedicated Hunter Program.

    ([f]e) "Program" means the Dedicated Hunter Program, a program administered by the division as provided in this rule.

    ([g]f) "Program harvest" means tagging a deer with a Dedicated Hunter [Permit or Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Deer Permit,]permit or failing to return the Dedicated Hunter [Permit or Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Deer Permit with an]permit with the attached, unused tag, while enrolled in the program.

    ([h]g) "Program requirements" mean the Dedicated Hunter Program orientation course as provided in Section R657-38-9, the wildlife conservation and ethics course as provided in Section R657-38-10, wildlife conservation projects as provided in Section R657-38-11, and returning an unused Dedicated Hunter [Permit]permit and attached tag as provided in Subsection R657-38-13(1).

    ([i]h) "Wildlife [c]Conservation and Ethics course" means a course of instruction provided by the division on hunter ethics, public input processes and wildlife conservation philosophies and strategies.

    ([j]i) "Wildlife conservation project" means a project designed by the division, or any other individual or entity and pre-approved by the division, that provides wildlife habitat protection or enhancement, improves hunting or fishing access, or other conservation projects or activities that benefit wildlife or directly benefits the division.

    ([k]j) "Wildlife conservation project manager" means an employee of the division, or person approved by the division, responsible for supervising a wildlife conservation project and participating volunteers, and maintaining and reporting records of service hours to the division.


    R657-38-3. Certificate of Registration Required.

    (1)(a) To participate in the program a person must apply for, obtain and sign a certificate of registration issued by the division through the Big Game Application as prescribed in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (b) [No more than ten thousand]Each unit may not exceed the specified percentage ofcertificates of registration for the program [may be in effect] at any given time. The percentages shall be prescribed by the Wildlife Board in the guidebook for taking big game.

    (c) Certificates of registration are issued through a division drawing.

    (d) Each prospective participant must submit an online application provided by the division after completing the Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course before the division may issue the certificate of registration for the program.

    (e) A certificate of registration to participate in the program shall only be issued during the application period as prescribed in the [proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife [b]Board for taking big game.

    (2) The division may deny issuing a [d]Dedicated [h]Hunter certificate of registration to a person for any of the following reasons:

    (a) The application is incomplete or contains false information.

    (b) The person, at the time of application, is under a judicial or administrative order suspending any wildlife hunting or fishing privilege within Utah or elsewhere;

    (c) The person has violated the terms of any certificate of registration issued by the division or an associated agreement.

    (d) The person has ever had a [d]Dedicated [h]Hunter certificate of registration suspended by the division.

    (3) Prospective participants who have been under any wildlife suspension may not apply for the program until[:

    (a)] their suspension period has ended[; and

    (b) an additional length of time equivalent to the original suspension has passed].

    (4) Each certificate of registration is valid for three consecutive general deer hunting seasons, except as provided in subsections (13) and (14).

    (5)(a) Any person who is 12 years of age or older may obtain a certificate of registration. A person 11 years of age may obtain a certificate of registration if the date of that person's 12th birthday [is before the end of the any weapon general buck deer hunt]falls in the calendar year the certificate of registration is issued. A person may not use a permit to hunt big game before their 12th birthday.

    (b) Any person who is 17 years of age or younger before the beginning date of the annual general archery deer hunt shall pay the youth participant fees.

    (c) Any person who is 18 years of age or older on or before the beginning date of the annual general archery deer hunt shall pay the adult participant fees.

    (6) A certificate of registration authorizes the participant an opportunity to receive annually a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit to hunt during the general archery, general muzzleloader and general any weapon deer hunts. The Dedicated Hunter [P]permit may be used during the dates and within the hunt area boundaries established by the Wildlife Board.

    (7)(a) Except as provided in Subsections (b), R657-38-12(3)(a), and R657-38-12(6), a participant using a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit may take two deer within three years of enrollment, and only one deer in any one year as provided in Rule R657-5.

    (b) Participants entering or re-entering the Dedicated Hunter Program shall be subject to any changes subsequently made in this rule during the three-year term of enrollment, unless a variance is authorized by the division.

    (c) The harvest of an antlerless deer using a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit, as authorized under specific hunt choice areas during the general archery deer hunt, shall be considered a program harvest.

    (8) The certificate of registration must be signed by the participant. The certificate of registration is not valid without the required signature.

    (9) The participant and holder of the certificate of registration must have a valid Dedicated Hunter [Permit] permit in possession while hunting. A participant is not required to have the Dedicated Hunter [Certificate of Registration]certificate of registration in possession while hunting.

    (10) The division may issue a duplicate Dedicated Hunter [Certificate]certificateof [Registration]registration pursuant to Section 23-19-10.

    (11) Certificates of registration are not transferable and shall expire at the end of a participant's third consecutive general deer hunting season.

    (12)(a) The program requirements set forth in Sections R657-38-10, and R657-38-11 may be waived annually if the participant provides evidence of leaving the state for a minimum period of one year during the enrollment period for religious or educational purposes.

    (b) If the participant requests that the program requirements be waived in accordance with Subsection (a), and the request is granted, the participant shall not receive a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit for the year in which the program requirements were waived.

    (13)(a) A participant who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or public health or public safety organization and who is mobilized or deployed on order in the interest of national defense or emergency may request that their enrollment in the program be suspended for the period of their mobilization or deployment.

    (14)(a) A participant who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or public health or public safety organization and who is mobilized or deployed on order in the interest of national defense or emergency may request that the requirements set forth in Sections R657-38-10, R657-38-11, [and] be extended or satisfied as provided in Subsections (b) through (d).

    (b) The program requirement set forth in Section R657-38-10 may be extended to the second or third year of their program enrollment.

    (i) extended to the third year in the program if the participant is currently in the second year of the program; and

    (ii) waived in the third year of the program if the participant remains mobilized or deployed and is unable to reasonably meet the requirement.

    (c) The program requirement set forth in Section R657-38-11 may be considered satisfied by a participant that is prevented from completing the requirement due to the mobilization or deployment.

    (d) A participant must provide evidence of the mobilization or deployment.

    (15) A refund for the Dedicated Hunter [C]certificate of [R]registration may not be issued, except as provided in Section 23-19-38.2. Any refund will be issued pro rata based on the number of hunting seasons actually participated in during the three-year enrollment period.


    R657-38-4. Dedicated Hunter Drawing.

    (1) Applications are available through the division's Internet site.

    (2) A person may not submit more than one application in the Dedicated Hunter drawing in any one year.

    (3)(a) Applications must be submitted online by the date prescribed in the [bucks, bulls and once-in-a-lifetime proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (b) If an error is found on an application, the applicant may be contacted for correction.

    (4) Only a resident may apply for or obtain a resident certificate of registration and only a nonresident may apply for or obtain a nonresident certificate of registration.

    (5) To apply for a resident certificate of registration, a person must establish residency at the time of purchase.

    (6) The posting date of the drawing shall be considered the purchase date of a certificate of registration.

    (7) Applicants shall be notified by [mail and e-mail]email of drawing results by the date published in the [bucks, bulls and once-in-a-lifetime proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (8) Group applications are accepted. Up to four applicants may apply as a group.

    (9)(a) An applicant may withdraw their application for the Dedicated Hunter Program drawing by the date published in the [bucks, bulls and once-in-a-lifetime proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (b) Handling fees will not be refunded.

    (10) An applicant may withdraw and resubmit their application for the Dedicated Hunter Program certificate of registration drawing by the date published in the [bucks, bulls and once-in-a-lifetime proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (11)(a) Effective January 1, 2012 all current Dedicated Hunter Program participants must select a general season hunting unit prior to the Big Game application period as established by the Wildlife Board in the guidebook for taking big game.

    (b) Any current Dedicated Hunter Program participant who fails to select a general season hunting unit prior to the Big Game application period as established by the Wildlife Board in the guidebook for taking big game will be assigned a unit in the participants region of choice from the previous year.

    (i) The division shall make every reasonable attempt to contact each current Dedicated Hunter Program participant for the purpose of selecting a general season hunting unit.


    R657-38-7. Dedicated Hunter [Loyalty]Preference Point System.

    (1) [Loyalty]Preference points are used in the [dedicated hunter]Dedicated Hunter certificate of registration drawing to ensure that applicants who are unsuccessful in the drawing will have first preference in the next year's drawing.

    (2)[(a) A loyalty] A preference point is awarded for:

    ([i]a) each valid unsuccessful application;

    ([ii]b) each valid application when applying only for a [loyalty]preference point in the dedicated hunter drawing.

    [(iii) each applicant who successfully completes a three-year enrollment in the dedicated hunter program.

    ] (3)(a) A person may not apply in the drawing for both a [loyalty]preference point and a certificate of registration.

    (b) A person may not apply for a [loyalty]preference point if that person is ineligible to apply for a certificate of registration.

    [(c) Loyalty points shall not be used when obtaining remaining certificates of registration after the dedicated hunter drawing.

    ] (4) [Loyalty]Preference points are forfeited if a person obtains a certificate of registration through the drawing.

    (5)(a) [Loyalty]Preference points are not transferable.

    (b) [Loyalty]Preference points shall only be applied to the Dedicated Hunter drawing.

    (c) A person may [not have more than one loyalty point at any time.

    (d) Loyalty points are only valid through the end of the following application period]accumulate preference points.

    (6)[ Loyalty] Preference points are averaged and rounded down to the nearest whole point when two or more applicants apply together on a group application.

    (7)(a)[ Loyalty] Preference points are tracked using social security numbers or division-issued customer identification numbers.

    (b) The division shall retain copies of electronic applications from [2009]2011to the current [Dedicated Hunter]applicabledrawing for the purpose of researching [loyalty]preferencepoint records.

    (c) Any requests for researching an applicant's [loyalty]preference point records must be requested within the time frames provided in Subsection (b).

    (d) Any [loyalty]Preference points on the division's records shall not be researched beyond the time frames provided in Subsection (b).

    (e) The division may eliminate any [loyalty]Preference points earned that are obtained by fraud , deceitor misrepresentation.


    R657-38-8. Dedicated Hunter Permits.

    (1)(a) Participants may hunt during the general archery, general muzzleloader and general any weapon deer hunts within the hunt area and during the season dates prescribed in the [proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (b) The division may exclude multiple season opportunities on specific deer management units due to extenuating circumstances on that specific unit.

    (2)(a) Participants must designate a [regional]unit hunt choice during the Dedicated Hunter application period.

    (b) The [regional]unit hunt choice shall remain in effect for the duration of the Dedicated Hunter certificate of registration[, unless otherwise changed in writing by the participant by the last business day in January].

    (3)(a) Participants must notify the division of any change of mailing address in order to receive a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit by mail.

    (b) A participant who enters the program as a resident and becomes a nonresident, or claims residency outside of Utah shall be issued a nonresident permit at no additional charge for the remainder of the three-year enrollment period.

    (c) A participant who enters the program as a nonresident and becomes a resident, or claims residency in Utah, shall be issued a resident permit with no reimbursement of the higher nonresident fee for the remainder of the three-year enrollment period.

    (4)(a) Dedicated Hunter permits may be issued through the mail [by June 1 of each year and again three weeks ]prior to the beginning of the general archery deer hunt, and only upon evidence that the participant has completed all program requirements and possesses a Utah hunting or combination license. For the purposes of meeting the requirement of 23-19-24(2) the application period for a Dedicated Hunter deer permit will be considered to be the application period for the big game permits. Any Dedicated Hunter who does not have a valid hunting license during this application period must obtain one before a Dedicated Hunter deer permit will be issued.

    (b) Participants completing program requirements [after June 1] may obtain their Dedicated Hunter [P]permit over-the-counter from any division office after the remaining general season deer permits become available to the public as listed in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (5) A Dedicated Hunter [P]permit may not be issued to any participant who:

    (a) does not complete the program requirements;

    (b) violates the terms of this rule or the Dedicated Hunter [C]certificate of [R]registration;

    (c) does not possess a current and or valid Utah hunting or combination license.

    (6)(a) The division may issue a duplicate Dedicated Hunter [P]permit pursuant to Section 23-19-10.

    (b) If a participant's unused Dedicated Hunter [P]permit and tag is destroyed, lost, or stolen a participant may complete an affidavit verifying the permit was destroyed, lost, or stolen in order to obtain a duplicate. A fee to duplicate the permit and tag may apply.

    (c) A duplicate Dedicated Hunter [P]permit shall not be issued after the closing date of the general any weapon buck deer hunt. However, a participant may complete an affidavit and submit the affidavit for program reporting purposes as required in Section R657-38-13(1).

    (7)(a) A participant may [exchange or] surrender a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit in accordance with Rule R657-[42 provided annual program requirements are completed.]42.

    (b) A participant may not [exchange or] surrender a Dedicated Hunter[ Permit for any other buck deer] permit once the general archery deer hunt has begun, [except:

    (i) a participant may exchange a Dedicated Hunter Permit for a Dedicated Hunter Permit in any other available area prior to the opening of the general muzzleloader buck deer hunt.

    (ii) a participant may surrender a Dedicated Hunter Permit after the opening of the buck deer archery hunt, provided]unless the Division can verify that the permit was never in the participant's possession.

    ([9]8)(a) Lifetime license holders may participate in the program.

    (b) [Upon signing the certificate of registration, the]The lifetime license holder agrees to forego any rights to receive a lifetime license buck deer permit for the general archery, general muzzleloader or general any weapon deer hunts as provided in Section 23-19-17.5.

    (c) A refund or credit is not issued for the lifetime license general archery, general muzzleloader or general any weapon permit.


    R657-38-9. Dedicated Hunter Program Orientation Course.

    (1)(a) The division shall provide an annual Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientationcourse.

    (b) Prior to applying for the program, and obtaining a certificate of registration, a prospective participant must complete the Dedicated Hunter Program orientation course.

    (2) The Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course shall explain the program to give a prospective participant a reasonable understanding of the program.

    (3) The Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course is available through the division's Internet site.

    (4)(a) Evidence of completion of the Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course shall be provided to the prospective participant upon completion of the Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course.

    (b) Certificates of registration shall not be issued without the prospective participant having completed the Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course.

    (c) The division shall keep a record of all participants who complete the Dedicated Hunter Program [Orientation]orientation course.


    R657-38-11. Wildlife Conservation Projects.

    (1) Each participant in the program shall provide a total of [40]32 hours of service as a volunteer on a wildlife conservation project as provided in Subsections (a) and (b), or pay the approved fee for each hour not completed as provided in Subsection (c).

    (a) A participant must provide no fewer than [sixteen]eighthours of service before obtaining the first Dedicated Hunter Permit.

    (b) A participant must provide an additional sixteen hours of service prior to receiving the second Dedicated Hunter Permit.

    (c) A participant must provide the remaining balance of hours of service prior to [October]November 1 of the third-year in the program[ to be eligible for a loyalty point.] .

    (d) If a participant fails to complete all third year required service hours by November 1 after having been issued permits in years one and two, the value of the final hours must be paid in full prior to applying in any division drawings.

    ([d]e) Residents may not purchase more than [30]24 of the [40]32 total required service hours. Nonresidents may purchase all of the [40]32 total required service hours.

    ([e]f) Goods or services may be provided to the division in lieu of hours of service.

    ([f]g) Goods or services provided to the division for wildlife conservation projects by a participant may be, at the discretion of the division, substituted for service hours based upon current market values for the goods or services, and using the approved hourly service buyout rate when applying the credit.

    [(g) If a participant fails to complete all third year required service hours by October 1 after having been issued permits in years one and two, the value of the final hours must be paid in full prior to applying in any division drawings.

    ](2) Wildlife conservation projects shall be designed by the division, or any other individual or entity and shall be pre-approved by the division.

    (3)(a) Wildlife conservation projects may occur anytime during the year as determined by the division.

    (b) The division shall publicize the dates, times, locations and description of approved wildlife conservation projects and activities on the division's Internet site.

    (4)(a) Service hours completed in any given year may be carried over to the following years, however excess service hours shall not be carried over to any year outside of the three-year enrollment period.

    (b) Dedicated Hunter permits issued to participants within three weeks prior to the opening date of the general archery deer hunt annually, shall be issued over-the-counter at division offices.

    (5) A participant [must]may request a receipt from the wildlife conservation project manager showing service hours worked on the wildlife conservation project.

    (6)(a) If a participant fails to fulfill the wildlife conservation project requirement in any year of participation, as required under Subsection (4), the participant shall not be issued a Dedicated Hunter [Permit]permit for that year.

    (b) The participant may obtain a Dedicated Hunter Permit for subsequent years upon completion of the wildlife conservation project program requirements due or payment of the fee in lieu thereof.

    (7) The [wildlife conservation project manager]Volunteer Service Program Coordinator shall keep a record of all participants who attend [the] wildlife conservation [project]projects and the number of service hours worked.


    R657-38-12. Obtaining Other Permits.

    (1) Participants may not apply for or obtain general buck deer permits or preference points issued by the division through the big game drawing, license agents, over-the-counter sales, or the Internet during the three-year period of enrollment in the program. Any general deer permit obtained in addition to the Dedicated Hunter permit becomes invalid and must be surrendered prior to the beginning date of the general archery deer hunt. A refund may not be issued pursuant to Section 23-19-38.

    (2) Participants may not apply for or obtain general landowner buck deer permits as provided under Rule R657-43.

    (3)(a) Participants may apply for or obtain any other non general season buck deer permit as provided in Rule R657-5 and the [proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (i) harvest of a deer with a permit obtained pursuant to Subsection (a) shall not be considered a program harvest.

    (ii) participants are not required to complete program requirements prior to obtaining a permit pursuant to Subsection (a).

    (b) [Participants may apply for or obtain a Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit as provided under Section R657-38-14.

    (c)] If the participant obtains any other[ buck deer permit, or Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry] buck deer permit, the Dedicated Hunter [P]permit becomes invalid and the participant must surrender the Dedicated Hunter [P]permit prior to the opening day of the general archery deer hunt. A refund may not be issued pursuant to Section 23-19-38.

    ([d]c) If the participant obtains any other buck deer permit[, or a Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit,] the participant may use the permit only in the prescribed area during the season dates listed on the permit.

    ([e]d) Participants who obtain a cooperative wildlife management unit deer permit may hunt only within those areas identified on the permit and only during the dates determined by the cooperative wildlife management unit landowner or operator.

    (4) Participants must have a valid permit in their possession while hunting.

    (5) Obtaining any other buck deer permit does not authorize a participant to take an additional deer.

    (6)(a) Participants may apply for or obtain antlerless deer permits as provided in Rule R657-5 and the [Antlerless Addendum to the proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

    (b) Antlerless permits do not count against the number of permits issued pursuant to this program.

    (c) Harvest of an antlerless deer as provided in the [Antlerless Addendum to the proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game shall not be considered a program harvest.


    R657-38-13. Reporting Requirements.

    (1)(a) A participant must return the unused Dedicated Hunter [P]permit and attached tag, or an affidavit as provided in Section R657-38-8(6)(c), to a division office by March 15 annually[by the last business day in January to be eligible for the Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit drawing].

    (b) The division shall credit a program harvest to any participant who fails to return the unused Dedicated Hunter [P]permit and attached tag, or an affidavit as provided in Section R657-38-8(6)(c)[, by the last business day in January to be eligible for the Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit drawing].

    (i) An unused Dedicated Hunter [P]permit and attached tag, or an affidavit as provided in Subsection R657-38-8(6)(c)[, returned after the last business day in January,] will be accepted and the credited program harvest removed.[ However, the participant will not be eligible for the Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit drawing.]

    (ii) A participant who returns an unused Dedicated Hunter [P]permit after March 15, and who is credited with a second program harvest, is only eligible to obtain a Dedicated Hunter [P]permit for an available [region]unit if permits remain after the big game drawing and must obtain the Dedicated Hunter [P]permit over-the-counter at a division office.

    (iii) If there are no permits remaining after the big game drawing, additional Dedicated Hunter permits shall not be issued.

    (2)(a) The division may contact participants to gather annual harvest information and hunting activity information.

    (b) Participants are expected to provide harvest information and hunting activity information if contacted by the division.

    [(3)(a) A participant may specify a change to their regional hunt choice for a Dedicated Hunter Permit by submitting a request in writing to the division by the last business day in January.

    (b) If a change is not specified pursuant to Subsection (a), the regional hunt choice selected initially or in the prior year shall remain in effect.


    R657-38-14. [ Dedicated Hunter Program Limited Entry Drawing.

    (1) Any unfilled Dedicated Hunter Permit with an unused attached tag, returned to the Division by the last business day in January, may qualify the participant to be entered into the Dedicated Hunter Program Limited Entry Drawing provided:

    (a) the participant is currently enrolled in the program;

    (b) the participant has returned the Dedicated Hunter Permit and unused, attached tag, or an affidavit as provided in Section R657-38-8(6)(c): and

    (c) the participant is 14 years of age or older, or if the participant is 13 years of age and will have their 14th birthday in the calendar year for which the permit is issued.

    (2)(a) One limited entry deer permit and one limited entry elk permit shall be offered through the drawing for each 250 permits received by the Division in accordance with Subsection (1).

    (b) The eligible participants and limited entry permits shall be randomly drawn.

    (c) The successful participant must meet all program requirements by June 1 for the current year in which the permit is valid before the issuance of the permit.

    (d) If the successful participant fails to fulfill program requirements by June 1, the permit may be issued to the next participant on the alternate drawing list as provided in Rule R657-42.

    (3)(a) The successful participant shall be notified by certified mail.

    (b) The successful participant must submit the appropriate limited entry permit fee within ten business days of the date on the notification letter.

    (c) If the successful participant fails to submit the required limited entry permit fee, the permit may be issued to the next participant on the alternate drawing list as provided in Rule R657-42.

    (5)(a) The Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit allows the recipient to take only the species for which the permit is issued.

    (b) The species that may be taken shall be printed on the permit.

    (c) The species may be taken in the area and during the season specified on the permit.

    (d) The species may be taken only with the weapon specified on the permit.

    (e) The recipient of a limited entry deer or elk permit is subject to all of the provisions of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code, and the rules and proclamations of the Wildlife Board for taking and pursuing wildlife.

    (f) Bonus points shall not be awarded or utilized when applying for or obtaining Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry permits.

    (g) Any participant who obtains a Dedicated Hunter Limited Entry Permit is not subject to the waiting periods set forth in Rule R657-5 and the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.


    R657-38-15.] Certificate of Registration Surrender.

    (1)[(a)] A participant who has obtained a Dedicated Hunter certificate of registration may surrender the certificate of registration to a division office provided the participant does not have two program harvests[.

    (b) A participant who surrenders the Dedicated Hunter certificate of registration may not re-enter the program until the participant's initial certificate of registration has expired.]and the participant has not been issued a permit in years one and two.

    (2) The division may not issue a refund, except as provided in Section 23-19-38 and Section R657-38-3(15).


    R657-38-[16.]15. Certificate of Registration Suspension.

    (1) The division may suspend a Dedicated Hunter certificate of registration pursuant to Section 23-19-9 and R657-26.

    (2) A certificate of registration may be suspended if the participant fraudulently:

    (a) submits a time sheet for service hours; or

    (b) completes a wildlife conservation and ethics course.

    (3) A certificate of registration may be suspended if the participant is under a judicial or administrative suspension order suspending any wildlife hunting or fishing privilege within Utah or elsewhere.

    (4) A certificate of registration is invalid if the participant's big game hunting privileges are suspended in any jurisdiction during the participant's enrollment in the program.

    (5) A Dedicated Hunter permit is invalid if a participant's certificate of registration is suspended.


    KEY: wildlife, hunting, recreation, wildlife conservation

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [March 10, 2009]2011

    Notice of Continuation: November 1, 2010

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 23-14-18


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Natural Resources,Wildlife Resources
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 23-14-18

Section 23-14-19

Authorized By:
James Karpowitz, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R657-38. Dedicated Hunter Program.