DAR File No.: 35179
Filed: 08/23/2011 03:02:51 PMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of the revision is to establish minimum limits for the new Errors and Omissions (E&O) requirement resulting from H.B. 43 of the recent 2011 General Session, to correct the expiration date for bail bond agency licenses to be consistent with the date as changed in H.B. 19 of the 2011 General Session, and to add clarity to the definition of SIRCON, and to allow for opening up the application process via National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) as they become available with regard to resident license types that currently may only be applied for via SIRCON.
Summary of the rule or change:
The following changes are being made to the rule: 1) a new citation is being added to the Authority section authorizing the commissioner to adopt a rule prescribing terms and conditions of legal liability insurance coverage to be maintained by an individual resident producer licensee; 2) Section R590-244-5 sets the minimum coverage amount for legal liability errors and omissions insurance coverage required to be maintained by individual resident producer licensees as per H.B. 43 passed this year; 3) allows resident licensees to apply for issuance or renewal of their insurance license through either Sircon Corporation (SIRCON) or National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR), licensing vendors for the department; and 4) Section R590-244-7 changed the expiration date for a bail bond agency license from July 15 to August 14, as per the passage this year of H.B. 19.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 31A-23a-104(2)
- Subsection 31A-23a-111(10)
- Subsection 31A-35-401(2)
- Subsection 31A-26-213(10)
- Section 31A-35-104
- Subsection 31A-35-301(1)
- Subsection 31A-25-201(1)
- Subsection 31A-23a-302(2)
- Subsection 31A-25-208(9)
- Subsection 31A-23a-110(1)
- Subsection 31A-26-210(1)
- Subsection 31A-23a-115(1)
- Subsection 31A-23a-203.5(3)
- Subsection 31A-26-202(1)
- Subsection 31A-35-406(1)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There will be no change in fees or workload for the department. There will be no change in filings received by the department or revenues. This rule will impact the department's licensing vendors, Sircon and NIPR as well as residents seeking a new insurance license and producers renewing existing licensees.
local governments:
This rule will not affect local government since it deals solely with the relationship between the department and its licensees.
small businesses:
H.B. 43 authorizes the department to set terms and conditions for the errors and omissions coverage to be maintained by Utah resident individual producer insurance licensees. Currently this E and O requirement focuses on the 18,476 resident licensees in Utah. The rule requires a resident producer to either purchase an E and O policy, be covered under their agency's policy, or be covered under a written agreement with an insurer on whose behalf they are working. E and O coverage is handled differently by lines of insurance. Property and casualty insurance companies or agencies generally provide the coverage for producers who work for them; life and health insurance producers are generally required by the insurance company they represent to obtain their own coverage and often at much higher limits than that required now by the law, those affiliated with an insurance association can often obtain it from them at a reduced price.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Regarding E and O coverage, insurance companies are not mandated to provide E and O coverage to their producers but it has been a common practice for property and casualty companies and agencies to provide it for their producers. Cost varies greatly based upon the agency's premium volume or number of producers working for them, as well as experience. In regards to obtaining or renewing an insurance license through the two vendors associated with the department, SIRCON and NIPR; in the past resident licensees have been limited to doing business with SIRCON. As a result of the change they will also have the option of purchasing the license from NIPR. To satisfy the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 6-29-2010, surplus lines brokers can now be licensed through NIPR also. Even though the rule opens the possibility for those seeking licensure as a resident licensee or to renew an existing license, the opportunity to do so will be made available gradually to allow time for NIPR to make sure they can provide the fingerprinting services and background checks resident licensees are required to have before obtaining an insurance license. As more and more resident licensees are allowed to choose between NIPR and Sircon to handle their licensing needs Sircon could find their Utah business reduced, thus reducing their revenues and NIPR could find the reverse true. NIPR and SIRCON licensing processing fees are similar for both vendors charging under $10 for a new and renewal license. NIPR may be $1 to $2 less in certain circumstances. On a monthly basis an average of 270 individuals apply for a new resident license and 535 renew their licenses, about half of those licensed fail to renew each year.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Individual life and health insurance producers that have not had E and O coverage in the past are now required to obtain it at a minimum limit of $250,000/$500,000. Since most life and health insurers have not generally obtained this coverage the producer will likely be required to pay this cost themselves. The cost range is wide depending on experience, coverage limits, and premium volume. As far as licensing goes, the individual resident licensee will have two instead of one licensing vendor to choose from. This will have minimal financial impact on the licensee. Initially it will have little impact on the two providers. Once all resident insurance licensees are allowed to choose from both vendors they will be impacted by an increase or decrease in their business from Utah resident licensees. It should be noted that both vendors do a new and renewal resident licensing processing business in other states, NIPR in all 50 states and SIRCON in around 20 states.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Sircon and NIPR will ultimately be affected by the change in law allowing resident licensees a choice between the two vendors. In addition, the requirement for all resident producers to be covered by E&O coverage will mostly impact health and life producers who have not traditionally been required to have this coverage by the insurer or agency for whom they work. The new requirement will have little impact, if any, on property and casualty producers who generally are required to have this coverage already. Service and reliability will be key to getting and keeping resident licensee business.
Neal T. Gooch, Commissioner
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Jilene Whitby at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3803, by FAX at 801-538-3829, or by Internet E-mail at jwhitby@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Jilene Whitby, Information Specialist
R590. Insurance, Administration.
R590-244. Individual and Agency Licensing Requirements.
R590-244-1. Authority.
This rule is promulgated pursuant to:
(1) Subsection 31A-2-201(3) that authorizes the commissioner to adopt rules to implement the provisions of the Utah Insurance Code;
(2) Subsections 31A-23a-104(2), 31A-23a-110(1), 31A-25-201(1), 31A-26-202(1), 31A-35-104, 301(1) and 401(2) that authorize the commissioner to prescribe the forms and manner in which an initial or renewal individual or agency license application under Chapters 23a, 25, 26 and 35 is to be made to the commissioner;
(3) Subsections 31A-23a-111(10), 31A-25-208(9), 31A-26-213(10), and 31A-35-406(1) that authorize the commissioner to adopt a rule prescribing license renewal and reinstatement requirements for individual and agency licensees under Chapters 23a, 25, 26, and 35;
(4) Subsection 31A-23a-115(1) that authorizes the commissioner to adopt a rule prescribing reporting requirements to be utilized by an insurer for the initial appointment or the termination of appointment of a person authorized to act on behalf of the insurer under Chapter 23a;[
and](5) Subsection 31A-23a-203.5(3) that authorizes the commissioner to adopt a rule prescribing the terms and conditions of any required legal liability insurance coverage to be maintained by or on behalf of a licensed resident individual producer ;and
(6) Subsections 31A-23a-302(2) and 31A-26-210(1) that authorize the commissioner to adopt a rule prescribing reporting requirements to be utilized by an agency for the initial designation or the termination of designation of a person authorized to act on behalf of the agency under Chapters 23a and 26.
R590-244-2. Purpose and Scope.
(1) The purpose of this rule is to provide standards for:
(a) an individual or agency licensee for:
(i) obtaining, renewing or reinstating a license; and
(ii) making other miscellaneous license amendments;
(b) an insurer for the initial appointment or the termination of an appointment of an individual or agency licensee; and
(c) an agency for the initial designation or the termination of a designation of an individual licensee to the agency's license.
(2) Scope.
(a) This rule applies to all individuals and agencies licensed under Chapters 23a, 25, 26 and 35.
(b) This rule applies to all admitted insurers doing business in Utah.
R590-244-3. Definitions.
For the purpose of this rule the commissioner adopts the definitions as set forth in Subsections 31A-1-301, 31A-23a-102, 31A-26-102, and 31A-35-102 and the following:
(1) "Active license" means a license under which a licensee has been granted authority by the commissioner to engage in some activity that is part of or related to the insurance business.
(2) "Inactive license" means a formerly active license where a licensee is no longer authorized by the commissioner to engage in some activity that is part of or related to the insurance business.
(3) "Lapse" means the inactivation of an active license by expiration of the period for which the license was issued or by operation of law.
(4) "License application" means information submitted by a license applicant to provide information about the license applicant that is used by the commissioner to evaluate the applicant's qualifications and decide whether to:
(a) issue or decline to issue a license;
(b) add or decline to add an additional line of authority to an active license;
(c) renew or decline to renew an active license; or
(d) reinstate or decline to reinstate an inactive license.
(5) "Line of authority" means a line of insurance of a particular subject matter area within a license type for which the commissioner may grant authority to do business.
(6) "License type" means a category of license identifying a specific functional area of insurance activity for which the commissioner may grant authority to do business.
(7) "NIPR" means an electronic application software provided by the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).
(8) "Reinstate" means the activation of an inactive license within 365 days of the inactivation date.
(9) "Renewal" means the continuation of an active license from one two-year licensing period to another, except that the licensing period for a bail bond agency is one year.
(10) "SIRCON" means an electronic application software provided by [
SIRCON]Sircon Corporation or its acquiring parent company, Vertafore, Inc.(11) "Termination for cause" means
(a) an insurer or an agency has ended its relationship with a licensee or has cancelled the licensee's authority to act on behalf of the insurer or agency for one of the reasons identified in 31A-23a-111(5); or
(b) a licensee has been found to have engaged in any of the activities identified in 31A-23a-111(5) by a court, government body, or self-regulatory organization authorized by law.
R590-244-4. Requirement to Electronically Submit License Applications, Appointments, Designations, and License Amendments.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this rule the following shall be submitted electronically to the department using [
http://www.sircon.com/utah (]SIRCON[)] or [http://www.nipr.com/ (]NIPR[)]:(a) all individual and agency license applications under chapters 23a, 25, 26, and 35 as prescribed in R590-244-6, 7, and 8 for:
(i) a new license;
(ii) an additional license type or line of authority;
(iii) a license renewal; or
(iv) a license reinstatement;
(b) all appointments, termination of appointments, designations, and terminations of designations as prescribed in R590-244-9 and 10;
(c) all miscellaneous license amendments pertaining to individual and agency licenses under Chapters 23a, 25, 26 and 35 as prescribed in R590-244-11;
(d) all documents related to reporting to the commissioner of criminal prosecution or administrative action taken against a licensee as required under Chapters 23a, 25, 26 and 35; and
(e) any additional documentation required in connection with an application, except as shown in (iv) below, including but not limited to:
(i) written explanation and documentation for positive responses to background questions on a license application;
(ii) evidence of meeting specific experience, bonding, or other requirements for certain license types or lines of authority; or
(iii) evidence of meeting continuing education requirements for a renewal or reinstatement application when there is a question regarding the number of course hours completed.
(iv) If an electronic attachment of a document required in connection with an application is not available in the attachment utility from SIRCON or NIPR, the document shall be submitted electronically via a facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email, until such time that an electronic attachment of the document to the application becomes available from SIRCON or NIPR.
(2) Attestation. Submission of an electronic application or other form under this Rule constitutes the applicant's or submitter's attestation under penalties of perjury that the information contained in the application or form is true and correct.
(3) Any submission subject to this rule that does not comply with this rule, including an application that remains incomplete for a period of 30 days following the initial submission, may be rejected as incomplete and returned to the submitter without being processed, with any paid fees forfeited to the State.
R590-244-5. Requirement of an Active License to Sell, Solicit, or Negotiate Insurance.
(1) A person must have the following to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance:
(a) an active license matching the type and line of insurance being sold, solicited, or negotiated; and
(b) if the person is an agency, an appointment from an insurer[
or a designation from an agency.]; or(c) if the person is an individual:
(i) an appointment from an insurer or a designation from an agency; and
(ii) if the individual is a resident producer, legal liability errors and omissions insurance coverage in an amount not less than $250,000 per claim and $500,000 annual aggregate limit, as applicable in accordance with Section 31A-23a-203.5.
(2) A licensee whose license is inactivated for any reason shall not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance from the date the active license is inactivated until the date the inactive license is reactivated.
R590-244-6. New License Application.
(1) [
A resident license application for a new license, or for the addition of an additional license type or line of authority, shall be submitted using SIRCON.(2)] A resident or non-resident license application for a new license, or for the addition of an additional license type or line of authority, shall be submitted using either SIRCON or NIPR, except as stated in [(3)](2) below.[
(3)](2) A non-resident license application for a license type or line of authority not offered in the person's home state shall be submitted to the commissioner via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email using a form available through the Department's website, until such time that an electronic application becomes available from SIRCON or NIPR.R590-244-7. Renewal and Non-renewal of an Active License.
(1) An active license shall be renewed on or before the license expiration date [
as shown below:(a) A resident license renewal application shall be submitted online via SIRCON.(b) A]by submitting a resident or non-resident license renewal application [shall be submitted] online via SIRCON or NIPR.(2) A new individual license shall expire on the last day of the licensee's birth month following the two-year anniversary of the license issue date, unless renewed.
(3) A renewed individual license shall expire on the last day of the licensee's birth month every two years, unless renewed.
(4) An agency license shall expire on the last day of the month every two years from the most recent license issue or renewal date, unless renewed, except as shown in (5) below.
(5) A bail bond agency license shall expire annually on[
July 15th]August 14th, unless renewed.(6) Renewal Notice.
(a) Prior to the license expiration date, the commissioner may, as a courtesy, send a renewal notice to the licensee's business email address as shown on the records of the Department.
(b) A renewal notice sent by the commissioner to the business email address, as shown on the records of the department, shall be considered received by the licensee.
(c) A licensee who fails to properly submit to, and maintain with, the commissioner a valid business email address may be subject to administrative penalties.
(7) A license shall non-renew effective the license expiration date if it is not renewed on or before the expiration date, and:
(a) the non-renewed license shall be inactivated;
(b) all agency designations and insurer appointments shall be terminated; and
(c) a lapse license notice will be sent to the affected licensee.
(8) An active licensee who fails to renew a license shall not engage in the business of insurance during the period of time from the expiration date of the license until the date the inactive license is reinstated or a new license is issued.
R590-244-8. Reinstatement of Inactive License.
(1) An inactive license that has been inactive for a period of one year or less following the license expiration date can be reinstated as stated in (3) through (7) below.
(2) An inactive license that has not been reinstated within one year following its expiration date shall not be reinstated and the inactive licensee shall apply as a new license applicant.
(3) A reinstatement applicant shall:
(a) comply with all requirements for renewal of a license, including any applicable continuing education requirements if the reinstatement applicant is an individual; and
(b) pay a reinstatement fee as shown in R590-102.
(4) A resident license application for reinstatement of an inactive license shall be submitted using SIRCON, except as shown in (6) below.(5)](4) A resident or non-resident license application for reinstatement of an inactive license shall be submitted using either SIRCON or NIPR, except as stated in [(6)](5) below.[
(6)](5) The following license applications for reinstatement of an inactive license must be submitted to the department via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email using a form available through the department's website, until such time that an electronic application becomes available from SIRCON or NIPR:(a) a non-resident reinstatement application for a person whose license has been inactivated for failure to maintain an active license in the person's home state;
(b) a resident or non-resident reinstatement application for a person whose license has been voluntarily surrendered; and
(c) a resident or non-resident reinstatement application for a person whose license has been inactivated due to an incomplete renewal application, except as stated in (i) below.
(i) If a resident license has been inactivated due to a renewal application that was incomplete solely for failure to meet the continuing education requirements, a resident reinstatement application must be submitted to the department:
(A) during the first 30 days after a license expiration date as a facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email using a form available through the department's website; or
(B) 31 days to one year after a license expiration date through SIRCON or NIPR.
(7) A license that has been voluntarily surrendered:
(a) may be reinstated:
(i) during the license period in which the license was surrendered; and
(ii) no later than one year from the date the license was surrendered; and
(b) must comply with the reinstatement requirements stated in (3) above, except that no continuing education requirement will apply for an individual license applicant because the reinstatement is within the current license period.
(8) A reinstated license shall expire on the same date it would have expired had the license not become inactive.
(9) A person with a reinstated license must complete any required new contracts and appointments with insurers or new agency designations before the reinstated licensee can resume doing business.
R590-244-9. Appointments and Termination of Appointments by Insurers.
(1) Initial Appointments.
(a) An insurer shall electronically appoint an individual or agency licensee with whom the insurer has a contract.
(b) Appointments are continuous until terminated by the insurer or canceled by the department.
(c) It is not necessary for an insurer to appoint an individual who is listed as a designee on an appointed agency's license.
(d) To appoint a person, an insurer shall:
(i) identify the date the appointment is to be effective; and
(ii) submit the electronic appointment to the commissioner no later than 15 days after the identified effective date of appointment or receipt of the first insurance application, using SIRCON or NIPR, except as stated in (iii) below.
(iii) A motor club insurer must submit the appointment to the commissioner via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email using a form available through the department's website, until such time that an electronic appointment becomes available from SIRCON or NIPR.
(2) Termination of Appointment.
(a) An insurer shall electronically terminate the appointment of any previously appointed individual or agency no longer authorized to conduct business on behalf of the insurer in this state.
(b) To terminate a person's appointment an insurer shall:
(i) identify the date the termination of appointment is to be effective; and
(ii) submit the termination of appointment to the department no later than 30 days after the identified effective date of termination, using SIRCON or NIPR, except as stated in (iii) below.
(iii) A motor club insurer must submit the termination of appointment as a facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email using a form available through the department's website, until such time that an electronic termination of appointment becomes available from SIRCON or NIPR.
(3) Termination for Cause.
(a) In addition to electronically terminating the individual or agency licensee's appointment, an insurer that terminates an individual or agency licensee for cause must send the following information to the department via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email:
(a) the insurer must state that the termination was for cause; and
(b) provide the specific circumstances causing the termination for cause.
R590-244-10. Designations and Termination of Designations by Agencies.
(1) Designations.
(a) An agency shall electronically designate a licensed individual to the agency license to do business on behalf of the agency in this state.
(b) Designations are continuous until terminated by the agency or canceled by the department.
(c) To designate an individual on its license, an agency shall:
(i) identify the date the designation is to be effective; and
(ii) submit the designation to the commissioner no later than 15 days after the identified effective date of designation using SIRCON or NIPR.
(2) Termination of designations.
(a) An agency shall electronically terminate the designation of any previously designated individual no longer authorized to conduct business on behalf of the agency in this state.
(b) To terminate an individual's designation an agency shall:
(i) identify the date the termination of designation is to be effective; and
(ii) submit the termination of designation to the department no later than 30 days after the identified effective date of termination using SIRCON or NIPR.
(3) Termination for Cause.
(a) In addition to electronically terminating the individual licensee's designation, an agency that terminates an individual licensee for cause must send the following information to the department via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email:
(a) the agency must state that the termination was for cause; and
(b) provide the specific circumstances causing the termination for cause.
R590-244-11. Miscellaneous License Amendments and Changes to an Agency's Employer Identification Number (EIN).
(1) All miscellaneous license amendments shall be submitted electronically.
(2) The following four miscellaneous license amendments shall be submitted via SIRCON or NIPR:
(a) a change of residence, business, or mailing address within the same state;
(b) a change of email address;
(c) a change of telephone number; or
(d) a change of an individual licensee's name.
(3) The following six miscellaneous license amendments shall be submitted electronically via facsimile or as a PDF attachment to an email, except that a license amendment identified in (d), (e) and (f) shall be submitted via SIRCON or NIPR once the amendment becomes available electronically from SIRCON or NIPR:
(a) a voluntary surrender of a license or line or authority;
(b) a clearance letter request;
(c) a change of an agency name;
(d) a change of residence, business, or mailing address from one state to another state;
(e) a change of position or title of an owner, partner, officer, or director of an agency; or
(f) a change of the licensed individual designated as the person responsible for the regulatory compliance of the agency.
(4) A miscellaneous license amendment submitted in accordance with this section shall contain:
(a) the name and title of the individual submitting the amendment;
(b) the relationship to the licensee of the individual submitting the amendment; and
(c) the following attestation made by the individual submitting the amendment: "I hereby attest that all of the information submitted is true and correct, and that I am the individual licensee for whom the requested change is being submitted, or an authorized responsible representative of the individual or agency licensee for whom the requested change is being submitted."
(5) A change of Employer Identification Number (EIN):
(a) cannot be processed as a miscellaneous license amendment; and
(b) the entity must apply as a new license applicant.
R590-244-12. Penalties.
A person found to be in violation of this rule shall be subject to penalties as provided under Section 31A-2-308.
R590-244-13. Enforcement Date.
The commissioner will begin enforcing this rule 45 days from the rule's effective date.
R590-244-14. Severability.
If any provision of this rule or its application to any person or situation is held to be invalid, that invalidity shall not affect any other provision or application of this rule which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this rule are declared to be severable.
KEY: insurance licensing requirements
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
November 9, 2010]2011Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 31A-2-201; 31A-23a-104; 31A-23a-110; 31A-23a-111; 31A-23a-115; 31A-23a-302; 31A-25-201; 31A-25-208; 31A-26-202; 31A-26-210; 31A-26-213; 31A-35-104; 31A-35-301; 31A-35-401; 31A-35-406
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 10/24/2011
- Publication Date:
- 09/15/2011
- Filed Date:
- 08/23/2011
- Agencies:
- Insurance,Administration
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 31A-23a-104(2)
Subsection 31A-23a-111(10)
Subsection 31A-35-401(2)
Subsection 31A-26-213(10)
Section 31A-35-104
Subsection 31A-35-301(1)
Subsection 31A-25-201(1)
Subsection 31A-23a-302(2)
Subsection 31A-25-208(9)
Subsection 31A-23a-110(1)
Subsection 31A-26-210(1)
Subsection 31A-23a-115(1)
Subsection 31A-23a-203.5(3)
Subsection 31A-26-202(1)
Subsection 31A-35-406(1)
- Authorized By:
- Jilene Whitby, Information Specialist
- DAR File No.:
- 35179
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R590-244. Individual and Agency Licensing Requirements.