No. 34024 (New Rule): Rule R651-637. 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt  

  • (New Rule)

    DAR File No.: 34024
    Filed: 08/30/2010 11:29:10 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    During the 2010 General Session of the Utah Legislature, the following intent language was incorporated into H.B. 3: "The Legislature intends that the proceeds of the hunts for bison, deer and bighorn sheep on Antelope Island, up to the amount of $200,000, be used on Antelope Island State Park. Both conservation and regular hunts will be coordinated through a cooperative agreement between the Division of State Parks and the Division of Wildlife Resources." This language directs the Division of State Parks and Recreation to begin efforts resulting in a hunt for both mule deer and bighorn sheep during the fall of 2011. (DAR NOTE: H.B. 3 (2010) is found at Chapter 414, Laws of Utah 2010, and was effective 07/01/2010.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Hunting on Antelope Island is currently authorized only for bison in accordance with Rule R651-614. Hunting of other species of wildlife which reside on Antelope Island is prohibited. Consequently, no rule exists which would authorize a hunt for mule deer and bighorn sheep, nor adequately define access limitations and hunter behavior with regards to the 2011 hunt. This is a one-time hunt for mule deer and bighorn sheep on Antelope Island during the fall of 2011.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There is no anticipated cost or savings to the state budget. The only affected persons are those who draw the permits. Since the permit costs are set by either bid conditions or by the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR), they are not affected by this rule.

    local governments:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to local government budgets. The only affected persons are those who draw the permits. Since the permit costs are set by either bid conditions or by DWR, they are not affected by this rule.

    small businesses:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to small business. The only affected persons are those who draw the permits. Since the permit costs are set by either bid conditions or by DWR, they are not affected by this rule.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to other persons. The only affected persons are those who draw the permits. Since the permit costs are set by either bid conditions or by DWR, they are not affected by this rule.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The only affected persons are those who draw the permits. Since the permit costs are set by either bid conditions or by DWR, they are not affected by this rule.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This rule should have a positive impact on private concessionaires on Antelope Island State Park.

    Michael Styler, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Natural Resources
    Parks and Recreation
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Fred Hayes, Acting Operations Deputy Director


    R651. Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation.

    R651-637. 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt.

    R651-637-1. Authorization of a Hunt.

    (1) A hunt for mule deer and bighorn sheep on Antelope Island State Park is authorized for the fall of 2011. Access on Antelope Island State Park is authorized for purposed of hunting mule deer and bighorn sheep in the fall of 2011.

    (2) All hunting shall be confined to the designated hunting unit which consists of that portion of approximately 26,000 acres on Antelope Island lying south of the chain link fence, commonly known as the "2000 acre fence" beginning in Farmington Bay and running in a south southwesterly direction and ending at White Rock Bay.


    R651-637-2. Applicability of Law and Rules.

    Hunting during the 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt shall be conducted in accordance with applicable state law, administrative code, hunting guidebooks of the Utah Wildlife Board, and in accordance with this rule.


    R651-637-3. Season Dates.

    The 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt shall be conducted during legal hunting hours as follows:

    (1) Hunters obtaining a permit to hunt mule deer or bighorn sheep on Antelope Island through the competitive bid process may hunt during legal hours beginning 30 minutes before official sunrise on November 15, 2011 and ending 30 minutes after official sunset on November 24, 2011.

    (2) Hunters obtaining a permit to hunt mule deer or bighorn sheep on Antelope Island through the public draw process may hunt during legal hours beginning 30 minutes before official sunrise on November 19, 2011 and ending 30 minutes after official sunset on November 24, 2011.


    R651-637-4. Hunting Party Size.

    Each hunter licensed to hunt during the 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt may be accompanied by up to four (4) non-hunting companions. Guides, photographers, packers and all other individuals accompanying the hunter in camp or in the field are included in this limit.


    R651-637-5. Fees.

    (1) Day use fees for licensed hunters and their companions will be waived for the duration of their hunt.

    (2) Camping fees for hunters and their companions who desire to camp on Antelope Island during the hunt will be charged per the current fee schedule. All campers shall camp in designated areas as directed by park management.


    R651-637-6. Access.

    (1) Motor vehicle access will be limited to publicly accessible roads. No off-road, motorized vehicular travel will be allowed.

    (2) Off-highway vehicles as defined in Title 41-22-2 UCA are not allowed on Antelope Island.

    (3) During the hunt, foot and horse travel, including cross-country foot and horse travel, will be allowed in all areas of the hunting unit.

    (4) Foot and horse travel outside the actual hunting season will be confined to designated roads and trails. This includes preseason scouting trips, unless conducted during regularly scheduled "Open Access Events".


    R651-637-7. Mandatory Orientation.

    A mandatory orientation will be held prior to the hunt at the Antelope Island State Park Visitor Center. All license holders and their guides shall be in attendance at this orientation session.


    R651-637-8. Mandatory Check-in and Check-out.

    All hunters and their companions shall check in with Park Management at the beginning of their hunt and shall check out at the end of their hunt. In addition, any hunter or companion leaving or returning to Antelope Island during the course of the hunt shall check in or check out with Park Management. Instructions on checking in and out will be provided at the mandatory orientation.


    R651-637-9. Handling of Harvested Wildlife.

    The carcasses of all harvested wildlife shall be covered while being transported on Antelope Island or on the Antelope Island Causeway. This includes all parts of the harvested wildlife, including the head.


    KEY: parks, hunting

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2010

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 79-4-304


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Natural Resources,Parks and Recreation
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 79-4-304

Authorized By:
Fred Hayes, Acting Operations Deputy Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R651-637. 2011 Antelope Island State Park Special Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep Hunt.