No. 31831 (Amendment): R277-470. Charter Schools.  

  • DAR File No.: 31831
    Filed: 08/14/2008, 03:45
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is amended to provide changes resulting from H.B. 472 and S.B. 2, 2008 Legislative Session. (DAR NOTES: H.B. 472 (2008) is found at Chapter 222, Laws of Utah 2008, and was effective 05/05/2008. S.B. 2 (2008) is found at Chapter 397, Laws of Utah 2008, and was effective 03/20/2008.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The changes include: 1) modifying the appointment procedures for the staff director of the State Charter School Board; 2) modifying provisions relating to the purposes and status of charter schools; 3) requiring the Utah State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Charter School Board, to make rules relating to charter school accountability; 4) modifying the reporting deadlines and requirements relating to students who have accepted enrollment in charter schools; 5) modifying provisions related to the funding of charter schools; and 6) modifying the maximum number of authorized students in charter schools.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Subsection 53A-1-401(3)

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There are no anticipated cost or savings to the state budget. State funding for charter schools/student was determined by the 2008 Legislature. This rule does not interrupt the funding directives of S.B. 2, 2008 Legislative Session. The rule facilitates other procedures.

    local governments:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to local government. S.B. 2, 2008 Legislative Session, funding for charter schools will have significant fiscal impact on local government and entities (school districts). This rule does not interfere with that impact. These amendments will not affect either local or state funding of charter schools.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses and persons other than business. This rule relates specificially to public charter school procedures and enhanced monitoring.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There are no compliance costs for affected persons. Enhanced monitoring will be provided for by existing staff within existing budgets.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    I have reviewed this rule and I see no fiscal impact on businesses. Patti Harrington, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    250 E 500 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-3272

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Carol Lear at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation


    R277. Education, Administration.

    R277-470. Charter Schools.

    R277-470-1. Definitions.

    A. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

    B. "Charter schools" means schools acknowledged as charter schools by local boards of education under Section 53A-1a-515 and this rule or by the Board under Section 53A-1a-505.

    C. "Charter school application" means the official chartering document by which a prospective charter school seeks recognition and funding under Section 53A-1a-505. The application includes the basic elements of the charter to be established between the charter school and the chartering board.

    D. "Charter school deficiencies" means the following information:

    (1) a charter school is not satisfying financial obligations as required by Section 53A-1a-505 in the charter school's written contractual agreement;

    (2) a charter school is not providing required documentation following reasonable warning;

    (3) compelling evidence of fraud or misuse of funds by charter school governing board members or employees.

    E. "Charter school founding member" or "founding member" means an individual who had a significant role in the initial development of the charter school up until the first instructional day of school, the first year of operation, as submitted in writing to the State Charter School Board the first day of operation.

    F. "Charter school governing board" means the board designated by the charter school to make decisions for the operation of the school similar to a local board of education.

    G. "Days" means calendar days, unless specifically designated.

    H. "Expansion" means a proposed ten percent increase of students or grade level(s) in an operating charter school at a single location.

    I. "Local education agency (LEA)" means a local board of education, combination of school districts, other legally constituted local school authority having administrative control and direction of free public education within the state, or other entities as designated by the Board, and includes any entity with state-wide responsibility for directly operating and maintaining facilities for providing public education.

    J. "NAAS accreditation" means the formal process for evaluation and approval under the Standards for Accreditation of the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools or the accreditation standards of the Board, available from the Utah State Office of Education Accreditation Specialist.

    [J]K. "Neighborhood or traditional school" for purposes of this rule, means a public, non-charter school.

    L. "New charter school" as provided in Section 53A-21-401(5)(d) means any charter school through the first day of its second year with students, or a satellite school that requires a new location/campus.

    [K]M. "No Child Left Behind (NCLB)" means the federal law under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title IX, Part A, 20 U.S.C. 7801.

    [L]N. "On-going funds" means funds that are appropriated annually by the Legislature with the expectation that the funds shall continue to be appropriated annually.

    [M]O. "Satellite school" means a charter school affiliated with an operating charter school having a common governing board and a similar program of instruction, but located at a different site or in a different geographical area.

    [N]P. "State Charter School Board" means the board designated in Section 53A-1a-501.5.

    [O]Q. "Subaccount" means the Charter School Building Subaccount consisting of funds provided under 53A-[1a-104]21-401(5)(b).

    [P]R. "Subaccount Committee" means the committee established by the Superintendent under Section 53A-21-[104]401(6).

    [Q]S. "Superintendent" means the State Superintendent of Public Instruction as designated under 53A-1-301.

    T. "Urgent facility need" as provided in Section 53A-21-401(5)(d) means an unexpected exigency that affects the health and safety of students such as:

    (1) to satisfy an unforeseen condition that precludes a school's qualification for an occupancy permit; or

    (2) to address an unforeseen circumstance that keeps the school from satisfying provisions of public safety, public health or public school code.

    [R]U. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.

    [S]V. "Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU)" means the unit of measure that is computed in accordance with the Minimum School Program Act for the purpose of distributing revenue on a uniform basis for each pupil.


    R277-470-2. Authority and Purpose.

    A. This rule is authorized under Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3 which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board, Section 53A-1a-513 which directs the Board to [adopt rules for charter school funding and fund distribution]distribute funds for charter school students directly to the charter school, Section 53A-1-401(3) which allows the Board to adopt rules in accordance with its responsibilities, and 20 U.S.C., Section 8063(3) which directs the Board to submit specific information prior to charter schools' receipt of federal funds.

    B. The purpose of this rule is to establish procedures for authorizing, funding, and monitoring charter schools and for repealing charter school authorizations. The rule also establishes timelines as required by law to provide for adequate training for beginning charter schools and to ensure parent involvement on charter school boards.


    R277-470-3. Maximum Authorized Charter School Students.

    [A. Total authorized students for both the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school years include all students who attend charter schools in the respective school years.

    B]A. Local school boards may not approve [locally]district-chartered schools [for the 2007-08 or 2008-09 school years ]unless they notify the State Charter School Board by [April 15, 2007]August 15 two years prior to opening of proposed [locally]district-chartered schools and estimated numbers of students.

    [C]B. The Board, in consultation with the State Charter School Board, may approve schools, expansions and satellite charter schools for the total number of students authorized under 53A-1a-502.5[ minus the total projected number of students who will attend locally-chartered schools provided the State Charter School Board receives notification of proposed locally-chartered schools by April 15, 2007.]

    [D]C. [Locally]District-chartered schools submitting applications shall be considered with all new charters.[

    E. If the State Charter School Board does not receive written notification of proposed locally-chartered schools by April 15, 2007 and March 15 every year thereafter, the State Charter School Board may recommend approval of additional Board-chartered schools or expansions or satellites that include the entire total number of students allowed under 53A-1a-502.5.]


    R277-470-5. New or Expanding Charter School Notification to Prospective Students and Parents.

    A. All charter schools opening or expanding by at least ten percent of overall enrollment or adding one or more grade levels after July 1, 2007 shall notify all families consistent with the schools' outreach plans described in the charter agreements of:

    (1) a new or expanding charter school's purpose, focus and governance structure, including names and contact information of governing board members;

    (2) the number of new students that will be admitted into the school;

    (3) the proposed school calendar for the charter school;

    (4) the charter school's timelines for acceptance or rejection of new students;

    (5) a State-approved student charter school application (beginning with the 2008-09 school year);

    (6) procedures for transferring to or from a charter school, together with applicable timelines; and

    (7) provide for payment, if required, of a one-time fee per secondary school enrollment, not to exceed $5.00, consistent with Section 53A-12-103.

    B. Beginning with charter schools that are opening or expanding for the 2007-08 school year, charter schools shall provide written notice of the information in R277-470-5A consistent with the school's outreach plan and at least 150 days before the proposed opening day of school beginning with the 2008-09 school year; or

    C. Beginning with charter schools that are opening or expanding for the 2007-08 school year, charter schools shall have an operative and readily accessible electronic website providing information required under R277-470-5A in place, and for schools opening after the 2007-08 school year at least 150 days before the proposed first day of school. The completed charter school website shall be provided to the State Charter School Board at least 170 days prior to the proposed opening day of school. The State Charter School Board shall require new charter schools to have websites that may be reviewed by the State Charter School Board prior to the schools posting the websites publicly.


    R277-470-6. Transfer Student Criteria.

    A. Charter schools shall allow students to transfer from one charter school to another and enroll students only consistent with Sections 53A-1a-506.5(2) through ([5]6), including timelines.

    B. Charter schools shall provide notice to a withdrawing student's school of residence consistent with Section 53A-1a-506.5([4]5) and using USOE-designated transfer forms.

    C. Both charter schools and neighborhood schools shall enroll students and exchange student information consistent with 53A-1a-506.5(2)(c) and 53A-11-504 and using USOE-designated transfer forms.

    D. Both charter schools and neighborhood schools shall have policies that provide procedures for properly excluding students and notifying students and parents under 53A-11-903 and 53A-11-904.

    E. Neither neighborhood schools nor charter schools may discourage students from attending schools of choice in violation of state or federal law.

    F. Neither charter schools nor neighborhood schools shall be required to enroll students who have been properly excluded from public schools under 53A-11-903 and 53A-11-904.


    R277-470-11. Charter Schools and NCLB Funds.

    A. Charter schools that desire to receive NCLB funds shall comply with the requirements of R277-470-11.

    B. To obtain its allocation of NCLB formula funds, a charter school shall complete all appropriate sections of the Consolidated Utah Student Achievement Plan (CUSAP) and identify its economically disadvantaged students in the October upload of the Data Clearinghouse.

    C. If the school does not operate a federal school lunch program, the school:

    (1) shall determine the economically disadvantaged status for its students on the basis of criteria no less stringent than those established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for identifying students who qualify for reduced price lunch for the fiscal year in question; or

    (2) may use the Charter School Declaration of Household Income form provided by the USOE for this purpose.

    D. A school which does not use the form shall maintain equivalent documentation in its records, which may be subject to audit.


    R277-470-13. Charter School Oversight and Monitoring.

    A. The State Charter School Board shall provide direct oversight to the state's board chartered schools, including:

    (1) creation of an accountability review process which shall include:

    (a) approval of first year charter school accountability plans which may consist of:

    (i) revised charter effectiveness goals or accountability plan for elementary schools; or

    (ii) revised charter effectiveness goals or accountability plan and official application for NAAS accreditation.

    (b) visit to charter school at least once during its first year of operation;

    (c) visit(s) to charter school as determined in the review process; and

    (d) written reports to charter schools after each visit.

    ([1]2) annual review of student achievement indicators for all schools, disaggregated for various student subgroups;

    ([2]3) quarterly review of summary financial records and disbursements and student enrollment;

    ([3]4) annual review conducted through site visits or random audits of personnel matters such as employee licensure and evaluations;

    [(4) regular review of charter school operations to ensure the operations and practices are consistent with the currently approved charter language;](5) review and approval of first year charter school accountability plans, which may be the charter effectiveness goals or official application for NAAS accreditation;

    ([5]6) regular review of other matters specific to effective charter school operations as determined by the USOE charter school staff; and

    ([6]7) audits and investigations of claims of fraud or misuse of public assets or funds.

    B. The Board retains the right to review or repeal charter school authorization based upon factors that may include:

    (1) financial deficiencies or irregularities; or

    (2) persistently low student achievement inconsistent with comparable schools; or

    (3) failure of the charter school to comply with state law, Board rules, or directives; or

    (4) failure to comply with currently approved charter commitments.

    C. All charter schools shall amend their charters to include the following statement:

    To the extent that any charter school's charter conflicts with applicable federal or state law or rule, the charter shall be interpreted and enforced to comply with such law or rule and all other provisions of the charter school shall remain in full force and effect.

    D. District charter school authorizers shall:

    (1) visit a charter school at least once during its first year of operation;

    (2) visit a charter school as determined in the review process; and

    (3) provide written reports to the charter schools after the visits.


    R277-470-14. Approved Charter School Expansion.

    A. The following shall apply to requests for expansion for approved and operating charter schools:

    (1) The school satisfies all requirements of state law and Board rule.

    (2) The approved Charter Agreement shall provide for an expansion consistent with the request; or

    (3) The charter school governing board has submitted a formal amendment request to the State Charter School Board that provides documentation that:

    (a) the school district in which the charter school is located has been notified of the proposed expansion in the same manner as required in Section 53A-1s-505(1);

    (b) the school can accommodate the expansion within existing facilities or that necessary structures will be completed, meeting all requirements of law and Board rule, by the proposed date of operation;

    (c) the school currently satisfies all requirements of state law and Board rule including adequate insurance, adequate parental involvement, compliance with all fiscal requirements, and adequate services for all special education students at the school;

    (d) students at the school are performing on standardized assessments at an acceptable level with stable scores or scores showing an upward trend;

    (e) adequate qualified administrators and staff shall be available to meet the needs of the increased number of students at the time the expansion is implemented.

    B. The charter school governing board shall file a request with the State Charter School Board for an expansion no [fewer than nine months]later than April 1 two years prior to the date of the proposed implementation of the expansion.

    C. Expansion requests[ for the 2008-09 school year] shall be considered by the State Charter School Board as part of the total number of[ new] charter school students allowed under 53A-1a-502.5(1).


    R277-470-15. Satellite School for Approved Charter Schools.

    A. An existing charter school may submit an amendment request to the State Charter School Board for a satellite school no later than April 1 two years prior to the date of the proposed implementation of the satellite if the charter school fully satisfies the following:

    (1) The school currently satisfies all requirements of state law and Board rule including adequate insurance, adequate parental involvement, compliance with all fiscal requirements, and adequate services for all special education students at the school;

    (2) The school has operated successfully for at least three years;

    (3) Students at the school are performing on standardized assessments at an acceptable level with stable scores or scores showing an upward trend;

    (4) The proposed satellite school will provide educational services, assessment, and curriculum consistent with the services, assessment, and curriculum currently being offered at the existing charter school;

    (5) The school shall be financially stable; there have been no repeat findings of deficiencies on required outside audits for at least two consecutive years;

    (6) Adequate qualified administrators, including at least one onsite administrator, and staff are available to meet the needs of the proposed student population at the satellite site school;

    (7) The school has had an audit by Charter School Section staff regarding performance of the current charter agreement, contractual agreements, and financial records; and

    (8) The school provides any additional information or documentation requested by the Charter School Section staff or the Board.

    (9) A satellite school that receives School LAND Trust funds shall have a School LAND Trust committee and satisfy all requirements for School LAND Trust committees consistent with R277-477.

    B. The satellite school amendment request shall include the following:

    (1) Written certification from the charter school governing board that the charter school currently satisfies all requirements of state law and Board rule;

    (2) A detailed explanation of the governance structure for the satellite school, including appointed, elected and parent representation on the governing board, parental involvement and professional staff involvement in implementing the educational plan. The applicant charter school shall include at least two voting parent members representing the parents of students at the satellite school on its governing board; at least one parent shall be elected by parents of students attending the satellite school;

    (3) Information detailing the grades to be served, the number of students to be served and general information regarding the physical facilities anticipated to serve the school;

    (4) A detailed financial plan for the satellite school;

    (5) A signed acknowledgment by the charter school governing board certifying board members' understanding that a physical site for the building must be secured no later than January 1 of the year the satellite school is scheduled to open;

    (a) the securing of the building site must be verified by a real estate closing document, signed lease agreement, or other contract indicating a right of occupancy;

    (b) failure to secure a site by the required date may, at the discretion of the State Charter School Board, delay the opening of the satellite school for at least one academic year.

    (6) Notification to both the school district in which the charter school is located and the school district of the proposed satellite school location in the same manner as required in Section 53A-1a-505(1);

    (7) Written certification that no later than 15 days after securing a building site, the charter school governing board shall notify the school district in which the charter school satellite school is located of the school location, grades served, and anticipated enrollment by grade with a copy of the notification sent to the State Charter School Board; and

    (8) A signed acknowledgment by the charter school governing board that the board understands the satellite school shall be held accountable for its own AYP report and disaggregated financial data and reports.

    C. The approval of the satellite school by the State Charter School Board requires ratification by the State Board of Education and will expire 24 months following such ratification if a building site has not been secured for the satellite school.

    D. A charter school may not apply for more than three satellite locations.


    R277-470-17. Charter School Building Subaccount.

    A. The Board shall establish or reauthorize a Subaccount Committee consistent with 53A-[1a-104]21-401(6) by July 15 annually.

    (1) The Superintendent, on behalf of the Board, may annually accept nominations of individuals who meet the qualifications of 53A-[1a-104]21-401(6)(a) from interested parties, including individuals desiring to nominate themselves, before June 1. The Board shall determine an appropriate number of Subaccount Committee members based upon nominations.

    (2) The governor shall nominate one or more individuals who meet the qualifications of 53A-[1a-104]21-401(6)(a) before June 1.

    (3) Subaccount Committee members shall serve three year terms, beginning in June 2007. If revolving loan account funds continue to be available, the Board shall appoint at least two additional members in June 2008, to ensure continuity of the committee.

    B. The Subaccount Committee shall develop and the USOE shall make available a loan application that includes criteria designated under Sections 53A-[1a-104]21-401(6)(b) and (8).

    C. The Subaccount Committee shall include other criteria or information from loan applicants that the committee or the Board determines to be necessary and helpful in making final recommendations to the Superintendent, the State Charter School Board and the Board. The Subaccount Committee shall also establish terms and conditions for loan repayment.

    D. Applications for loans shall be accepted on an ongoing basis, subject to eligibility criteria and availability of funding.

    (1) To apply for a loan, a charter school shall submit the information requested on the Board's most current loan application form together with the requested supporting documentation.

    (2) The application shall include a resolution from the governing board of the charter school that the governing board, at a minimum:

    (a) agrees to enter into the loan as provided in the application materials;

    (b) agrees to the interest established by the Subaccount Committee and repayment schedule of the loan designated by the Subaccount Committee and the Board;

    (c) agrees that loan funds shall only be used consistent with the purposes of Section 53A-21-[104]401(5)(c) and the purpose of the approved charter;

    (d) agrees to any and all audits or financial reviews ordered by the Subaccount Committee or the Board;

    (e) agrees to any and all inspections or reviews ordered by the Subaccount Committee or the Board;

    (f) understands that repayment, including interest, shall be deducted automatically from the charter school's monthly fund transfers, as appropriate.

    E. The Subaccount Committee shall not make recommendations to the Superintendent, the State Charter School Board or the Board until the committee receives complete and satisfactory information from the applicant and the Subaccount Committee has reached a majority recommendation.

    F. The submission of intentionally false, incomplete or inaccurate information from a loan applicant shall result in immediate cancellation of any previous loan(s), the requirement for immediate repayment of any funds received, denial of subsequent applications for a 12 month period from the date of the initial application, and possible Board revocation of a charter.

    G. The Superintendent, in consultation with USOE and State Charter Board staff, shall review recommendations from the Subaccount Committee and make final recommendations to the Board.

    H. The Superintendent shall submit final recommendations from the Subaccount Committee to the Board no more than 60 days after submission of all information and materials from the loan applicant to the Subaccount Committee.

    I. The Board may request additional information from loan applicants or a reconsideration of a recommendation by the Subaccount Committee.

    J. The Board's approval or denial of loan applications constitutes the final administrative action in the charter school building revolving loan process.


    R277-470-19. Miscellaneous Provisions.

    A. The State Charter School Board and the Board shall, in the recommendation and approval process, consider and may give priority to charter school applications that target underserved student populations, among traditional public schools and operating charter schools.

    (1) Underserved student populations may include low income students, students with disabilities, English Language Learners (ELL), or students in remote areas of the state who have limited access to the full range of academic courses;

    (2) Priority may also be given to charter school applicants for proposed schools that do not have other charter schools within the school district; and

    (3) To be given priority, the charter school application and proposed employee and site information shall support the school's designated focus.

    B. The State Charter School Board shall provide a form on its website for individuals to report threats to health, safety, or welfare of students consistent with 53A-1a-510(3).

    (1) Individuals making reports shall be directed to report suspected criminal activity to local law enforcement and suspected child abuse to local law enforcement or the Division of Child and Family Services consistent with 62A-4a-403 and 53A-11-605(4).

    (2) Additionally, Individuals may report threats to the health, safety, or welfare of students to the local charter board.

    (a) reports shall be made in writing;

    (b) reports shall be timely;

    (c) anonymous reports shall not be reviewed further.

    (3) Local charter boards shall verify that potential criminal activity or suspected child abuse has been reported consistent with state law and this rule.

    (4) Local charter boards shall act promptly to investigate disciplinary action, if appropriate, against students who may be participants in threatening activities or take appropriate and reasonable action to protect students or both.


    KEY: education, charter schools

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [February 7,] 2008

    Notice of Continuation: October 31, 2003

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X, Sec 3; 53A-1a-515; 53A-1a-505; 53A-1a-513; 53A-1a-502; 53A-1-401(3); 53A-1a-510; 53A-1a-509; 41-6-115; 53A-1a-506; 53A-21-401; 53A-1a-519; 53A-1a-520



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Subsection 53A-1-401(3)

Authorized By:
Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R277-470. Charter Schools.