No. 36552 (Amendment): Rule R156-15A. State Construction Code Administration and Adoption of Approved State Construction Code Rule
DAR File No.: 36552
Filed: 07/30/2012 11:21:21 AMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This proposed rule filing clarifies rules required by H.B. 260 passed during the 2011 General Session and enacts rules addressing funding grants from the Factory Built Housing Fees Account.
Summary of the rule or change:
In Sections R156-15A-220 and R156-15A-221, H.B. 260 which passed during the 2012 General Session, made some modifications to Section 15A-1-209 (formerly Section 58-56-20) which had slightly different wording than specified by the existing rule. After a review of the revised statute, every requirement that is in the existing rule is already required by statute. Therefore, there is no need to put those requirements in rule and they are being deleted in this filing. Subsection 15A-1-209(3)(a) provides the Division shall by rule adopt a standardized permit form. Because a rule is required by statute, the Division must have the rule for clarification, even if it simply states no additional requirements are needed beyond those stated in the statute. In Sections R156-15A-201 and Subsection R156-15A-231, upon review of our rules the Division found it did not have a rule that specified the criteria to be applied for education funding grants from the Factory Built Housing Fees Account. The Division has previously applied criteria in the rule for the Building Codes Training Fund for grants from the Factory Built Housing Fee Account. This proposed rule change provides that the criteria specified in Section R156-15A-231 will be used in administering both of these funds. This proposed rule change also adds a factory built housing dealer to the education committee which reviews these funding grants.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)
- Subsection 58-1-202(1)(a)
- Subsection 15A-1-204(6)
- Section 15A-1-205
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
Since these proposed amendments do not involve substantive changes in application, there is no fiscal impact to the Division other than a minimal cost of approximately $50 to republish the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective. Any costs incurred will be absorbed in the Division's current budget.
local governments:
Since these proposed amendments do not involve substantive changes in application, the Division has determined there is no fiscal impact to local governments.
small businesses:
Since these proposed amendments do not involve substantive changes in application, the Division has determined there is no fiscal impact to small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Since these proposed amendments do not involve substantive changes in application, the Division has determined there is no fiscal impact to other persons.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Since these proposed amendments do not involve substantive changes in application, the Division has determined there is no fiscal impact to affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
As indicated in the summary, this filing removes provisions that are duplicative to newly adopted statutes, adds criteria for education funding grants from the factory built housing fee account, and appoints a factory built housing dealer to the education committee. No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated from these changes.
Francine A. Giani, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Dan Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6720, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
- 08/22/2012 09:00 AM, Sandy Fire Station, 9010 S 150 E, Lower Level, Sandy, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Mark Steinagel, Director
R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.
R156-15A. State Construction Code Administration and Adoption of Approved State Construction Code Rule.
R156-15A-201. Advisory Peer Committees Created - Membership - Duties.
(1) There is created in accordance with Subsections 58-1-203(1)(f) and 15A-1-203(10)(d), the following advisory peer committees to the Uniform Building Codes Commission:
(a) the Education Advisory Committee consisting of [
nine]ten members, which shall include a factory built housing dealer, a design professional, a general contractor, an electrical contractor, a mechanical or plumbing contractor, an educator, and four inspectors (one from each of the specialties of plumbing, electrical, mechanical and general building);(b) the Plumbing and Health Advisory Committee consisting of nine members;
(c) the Structural Advisory Committee consisting of seven members;
(d) the Architectural Advisory Committee consisting of seven members;
(e) the Fire Protection Advisory Committee consisting of five members;
(i) This committee shall join together with the Fire Advisory and Code Analysis Committee of the Utah Fire Prevention Board to form the Unified Code Analysis Council.
(ii) The Unified Code Analysis Council shall meet as directed by the Utah Fire Prevention Board, or as directed by the Uniform Building Code Commission, or as needed to review fire prevention and building code issues that require definitive and specific analysis.
(iii) The Unified Code Analysis Council shall select one of its members to act as chair and another to act as vice chair. The chair and vice chair shall serve for one-year terms on a calendar year basis. Elections for chair and vice chair shall occur at the meeting conducted in the last quarter of the calendar year.
(iv) The chair or vice chair shall report to the Utah Fire Prevention Board or Uniform Building Code Commission recommendations of the council with regard to the review of fire and building codes;
(f) the Mechanical Advisory Committee consisting of seven members; and
(g) the Electrical Advisory Committee consisting of seven members.
(2) The committees shall be appointed and serve in accordance with Subsection 15A-1-203(10)(d). The membership of each committee shall be made up of individuals who have direct knowledge or involvement in the area of code involved in the title of that committee.
(3) The duties and responsibilities of the committees shall include:
(a) reviewing codes proposed for adoption or approval as assigned by the Division in collaboration with the Commission;
(b) reviewing requests for amendments to the adopted codes or approved codes as assigned to each committee by the Division with the collaboration of the Commission; and
(c) submitting recommendations concerning the reviews made under Subsection (a) and (b).
(4) The duties and responsibilities of the Education Advisory Committee shall include:
(a) reviewing and making recommendations regarding funding requests that are submitted; and
(b) reviewing and making recommendations regarding budget, revenue and expenses of the education fund established pursuant to Subsection 15A-1-209(5).
R156-15A-220. Standardized Building Permit Number.
As provided in Section 15A-1-209, any agency issuing a permit for construction within the state of Utah shall use the standardized building permit numbering system in a form adopted by rule There are no additional requirements to those specified in Subsection 15A-1-209.[
The standardized building permit numbering system described under Subsection 15A-1-209(2)(b) shall include a combination of alpha or numeric characters arranged in a format acceptable to the issuing agency.][
R156-15A-221. Standardized Building Permit Content.As provided in Section 15A-1-209, any agency issuing a permit for construction within the state of Utah shall use a permit form that incorporates standardized building permit content as follows:(1) the permit number, as set forth in Section R156-15A-220, shall be printed by typewriter, computer printer or rubber stamp in the upper right-hand corner of the building permit in at least 12-point type;(2) the name of the owner of the project;(3) the name of the original contractor or owner-builder for the project;(4) whether the permit applicant is an original contractor or owner-builder; and(5) the street address of the project or a general description of the project.]
R156-15A-231. Administration of Building Code Training Fund and Factory Built Housing Fees Account.
In accordance with Subsection 15A-1-209(5)(c), the Division shall use monies received under Subsection 15A-1-209(5)(a) to provide education regarding codes and code amendments to building inspectors and individuals engaged in construction-related trades or professions. In accordance with Subsection 58-56-17.5(2)(c), the Division shall use a portion of the monies received under Subsection 58-56-17.5(1) to provide education for factory built housing. The following procedures, standards, and policies are established to apply to the administration of these separate funds:
(1) The Division shall not approve or deny [
expenditure]education grant requests from the Building Code Training Fund [("the fund")]or from the Factory Built Housing Fees Account until the Uniform Building Code Commission (UBCC) Education Advisory Committee ("the Committee"), created in accordance with Subsections 58-1-203(1)(f) and R156-15A-201(1)(a), has considered and made its recommendations on the requests.(2) Appropriate funding expenditure categories include:
(a) grants in the form of reimbursement funding to the following organizations that administer code related or factory built housing educational events, seminars or classes:
(i) schools, colleges, universities, departments of universities, or other institutions of learning;
(ii) professional associations or organizations; and
(iii) governmental agencies.
(b) costs or expenses incurred as a result of educational events, seminars, or classes directly administered by the Division;
(c) expenses incurred for the salary, benefits or other compensation and related expenses resulting from the employment of a Board Secretary;
(d) office equipment and associated administrative expenses required for the performance of the duties of the Board Secretary, including but not limited to computer equipment, telecommunication equipment and costs and general office supplies; and
(e) other related expenses as determined by the Division.
(3) The following procedure shall be used for submission, review and payment of funding grants:
(a) A funding grant applicant shall submit a completed "Application for Building Code Training Funds Grant" or a "Factory Built Housing Education Grant Application" a minimum of 15 days prior to the meeting at which the request is to be considered and prior to the training event on forms provided for that purpose by the Division. Applications received less than 15 days prior to a meeting may be denied.
(b) Payment of approved funding grants will be made as reimbursement after the approved event, class, or seminar has been held and the required receipts, invoices and supporting documentation, including proof of payment, if requested by the Division or Committee, have been submitted to the Division.
(c) Approved funding grants shall be reimbursed only for eligible expenditures which have been executed in good faith with the intent to ensure the best reasonable value.
(4) The Committee shall consider the following in determining whether to recommend approval of a proposed funding request to the Division:
(a) the fund balance available and whether the proposed request meets the overall training objectives of the fund, including but not limited to:
(i) the need for training on the subject matter;
(ii) the need for training in the geographical area where the training is offered; and
(iii) the need for training on new codes being considered for adoption;
(b) the prior record of the program sponsor in providing codes training including:
(i) whether the subject matter taught was appropriate;
(ii) whether the instructor was appropriately qualified and prepared; and
(iii) whether the program sponsor followed appropriate and adequate procedures and requirements in providing the training and submitting requests for funding;
(c) costs of the facility including:
(i) the location of a facility or venue, or the type of event, seminar or class;
(ii) the suitability of said facility or venue with regard to the anticipated attendance at or in connection with additional non-funded portions of an event or conference;
(iii) the duration of the proposed educational event, seminar, or class; and
(iv) whether the proposed cost of the facility is reasonable compared to the cost of alternative available facilities;
(d) the estimated cost for instructor fees including:
(i) the experience or expertise of the instructor in the proposed training area;
(ii) the quality of training based upon events, seminars or classes that have been previously taught by the instructor;
(iii) the drawing power of the instructor, meaning the ability to increase the attendance at the proposed educational event, seminar or class;
(iv) travel expenses; and
(v) whether the proposed cost for the instructor or instructors is reasonable compared to the costs of similar educational events, seminars, or classes;
(e) the estimated cost of advertising materials, brochures, registration and agenda materials, including:
(i) printing costs that may include creative or design expenses; and
(ii) whether delivery or mailing costs, including postage and handling, are reasonable compared to the cost of alternate available means of delivery;
(f) other reasonable and comparable cost alternatives for each proposed expense item; and
(g) any other information the Committee reasonably believes may assist in evaluating a proposed expenditure.
(5) Joint function.
(a) "Joint function" means a proposed event, class, seminar, or program that provides code or code related or factory built housing education and education or activities in other areas.
(b) Only the prorated portions of a joint function that are code and code related or factory built housing education are eligible for a funding grant.
(c) In considering a proposed funding request that involves a joint function, the Committee shall consider whether:
(i) the expenses subject to funding are reasonably prorated for the costs directly related to the code and code amendment or factory built housing education; and
(ii) the education being proposed will be reasonable and successful in the training objective in the context of the entire program or event.
(6) Advertising materials, brochures and agenda or training materials for a Building Code Training funded educational event, seminar, or class shall include a statement that acknowledges that partial funding of the training program has been provided by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing from the 1% surcharge funds on all building permits.
(7) Advertising materials, brochures and agenda or training materials for a Factory Built Housing Fees Account funded educational event, seminar, or class shall include a statement that acknowledges that partial funding of the training program has been provided by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing from surcharge fees on factory built housing sales.
KEY: contractors, building codes, building inspections, licensing
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
September 12, 2011]2012Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a); 15A-1-204(6); 15A-1-205
Document Information
- Hearing Meeting:
- 08/22/2012 09:00 AM, Sandy Fire Station, 9010 S 150 E, Lower Level, Sandy, UT
- Effective Date:
- 9/21/2012
- Publication Date:
- 08/15/2012
- Filed Date:
- 07/30/2012
- Agencies:
- Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)
Subsection 58-1-202(1)(a)
Subsection 15A-1-204(6)
Section 15A-1-205
- Authorized By:
- Mark Steinagel, Director
- DAR File No.:
- 36552
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R156-15A. State Construction Code Administration and Adoption of Approved State Construction Code Rule.