DAR File No.: 30276
Filed: 07/31/2007, 04:10
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of this change is to lower the minimum participation requirement for households with children under six.
Summary of the rule or change:
Parents who have children under the age of six have difficulty meeting the 30 hour per week participation requirements. Lowering those requirements to a minimum of 20 hours per week is more realistic and helps families.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 35A-1-104 and Subsection 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-3-302(5)(b)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
This is a federally-funded program so there are no costs or savings to the state budget.
local governments:
This is a federally-funded program so there are no costs or savings to local government.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
This is a federally-funded program so there are no costs or savings to small businesses or other persons.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are no compliance costs for any affected persons as there are no fees associated with this program and it is federally funded.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
There are no compliance costs associated with this change. There are no fees associated with this change. There will be no cost to anyone to comply with these changes. There will be no fiscal impact on any business. Kristen Cox, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Workforce Services
Employment Development
140 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2333Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Suzan Pixton at the above address, by phone at 801-526-9645, by FAX at 801-526-9211, or by Internet E-mail at spixton@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Kristen Cox, Executive Director
R986. Workforce Services, Employment Development.
R986-200. Family Employment Program.
R986-200-210. Requirements of an Employment Plan.
(1) Within 15 business days of completion of the assessment, the following individuals in the household assistance unit are required to sign and make a good faith effort to participate to the maximum extent possible in a negotiated employment plan:
(a) All parents, including parents whose income and assets are included in determining eligibility of the household but have been determined to be ineligible or disqualified from being included in the financial assistance payment.
(b) Dependent minor children who are at least 16 years old, who are not parents, unless they are full-time students or are employed an average of 30 hours a week or more.
(2) The goal of the employment plan is obtaining marketable employment and it must contain the soonest possible target date for entry into employment consistent with the employability of the individual.
(3) An employment plan consists of activities designed to help an individual become employed. For each activity there will be:
(a) an expected outcome;
(b) an anticipated completion date;
(c) the number of participation hours agreed upon per week; and
(d) a definition of what will constitute satisfactory progress for the activity.
(4) Each activity must be directed toward the goal of increasing the household's income.
(5) Activities may require that the client:
(a) obtain immediate employment. If so, the parent client shall:
(i) promptly register for work and commence a search for employment for a specified number of hours each week; and
(ii) regularly submit a report to the Department on:
(A) how much time was spent in job search activities;
(B) the number of job applications completed;
(C) the interviews attended;
(D) the offers of employment extended; and
(E) other related information required by the Department.
(b) participate in an educational program to obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent, if the parent client does not have a high school diploma;
(c) obtain education or training necessary to obtain employment;
(d) obtain medical, mental health, or substance abuse treatment;
(e) resolve transportation and child care needs;
(f) relocate from a rural area which would require a round trip commute in excess of two hours in order to find employment;
(g) resolve any other barriers identified as preventing or limiting the ability of the client to obtain employment, and/or
(h) participate in rehabilitative services as prescribed by the State Office of Rehabilitation.
(6) The client must meet the performance expectations of, and provide verification for, each eligible activity in the employment plan in order to stay eligible for financial assistance. A list of what will be considered acceptable documentation is available at each employment center.
(7) The client must cooperate with the Department's efforts to monitor and evaluate the client's activities and progress under the employment plan, which includes providing the Department with a release of information, if necessary to facilitate the Department's monitoring of compliance.
(8) Where available, supportive services will be provided as needed for each activity.
(9) The client agrees, as part of the employment plan, to cooperate with other agencies, or with individuals or companies under contract with the Department, as outlined in the employment plan.
(10) An employment plan may, at the discretion of the Department, be amended to reflect new information or changed circumstances.
(11) The number of hours of participation in subsection (3)(c) of this section will not be lower than 30 hours per week. All 30 hours must be in eligible activities. 20 of those 30 hours must be in priority activities. A list of approved priority and eligible activities is available at each employment center. If the client has a child in the household under the age of six, the number of hours of participation in subsection (3)(c) of this section is a minimum of 20 hours per week and all of those 20 hours must be in priority activities.
(12) In the event a client has barriers which prevent the client from 30 hours of participation per week, or 20 hours in priority activities, a lower number of hours of participation can be approved if:
(a) the Department identifies and documents the barriers which prevent the client from full participation; and
(b) the client agrees to participate to the maximum extent possible to resolve the barriers which prevent the client from participating.
R986-200-211. Education and Training As Part of an Employment Plan.
(1) A parent client's participation in education or training beyond that required to obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent is limited to the lesser of:
(a) 24 months which need not be continuous; or
(b) the completion of the education and training requirements of the employment plan.
(2) Post high school education or training will only be approved if all of the following are met:
(a) The client can demonstrate that the education or training would substantially increase the income level that the client would be able to achieve without the education and training, and would offset the loss of income the household incurs while the education or training is being completed.
(b) The client does not already have a degree or skills training certificate in a currently marketable occupation.
(c) An assessment specific to the client's education and training aptitude has been completed showing the client has the ability to be successful in the education or training.
(d) The mental and physical health of the client indicates the education or training could be completed successfully and the client could perform the job once the schooling is completed.
(e) The specific employment goal that requires the education or training is marketable in the area where the client resides or the client has agreed to relocate for the purpose of employment once the education/training is completed.
(f) The client, when determined appropriate, is willing to complete the education/training as quickly as possible, such as attending school full time which may include attending school during the summer.
(g) The client can realistically complete the requirements of the education or training program within the required time frames or time limits of the financial assistance program, including the 36-month lifetime limit for FEP and FEPTP, for which the client is eligible.
(3) A parent client may participate in education or training for up to six months beyond the 24-month limit if:
(a) the parent client is employed for 80 or more hours per month during each month of the extension;
(b) circumstances beyond the control of the client prevented completion within 24 months; and
(c) the Department director or designee determines that extending the 24-month limit is prudent because other employment, education, or training options do not enable the family to meet the objective of the program.
(4) A parent client with a high school diploma or equivalent who has received 24 months of education or training while receiving financial assistance must participate a minimum of 30 hours per week in eligible activities. Twenty of those 30 hours must be in priority activities. A list of approved priority and eligible activities is available at each employment center. If the client has a child in the household under the age of six, the minimum number of hours of participation under this this subsection is 20 hours per week and all of those 20 hours must be in priority activities.
(5) Graduate work can never be approved or supported as part of an employment plan.
KEY: family employment program
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
July 1], 2007Notice of Continuation: September 14, 2005
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 35A-3-301 et seq.
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 9/21/2007
- Publication Date:
- 08/15/2007
- Filed Date:
- 07/31/2007
- Agencies:
- Workforce Services,Employment Development
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 35A-1-104 and Subsection 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-3-302(5)(b)
- Authorized By:
- Kristen Cox, Executive Director
- DAR File No.:
- 30276
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R986-200. Family Employment Program.