No. 30248 (Amendment): R156-31b. Nurse Practice Act Rules  

  • DAR File No.: 30248
    Filed: 07/26/2007, 02:05
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    During the 2007 legislative session, S.B. 45 was passed. As a result of the statutory amendments, references in this rule need to be updated. One of the key elements of the legislation was to include the licensure category of certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) into the licensure category of advanced practical registered nurse (APRN). To ensure recognition of these health care providers by those unfamiliar with Utah licensing laws, the abbreviation for an APRN specializing as a nurse anesthetist is APRN-CRNA. The proposed changes update the existing rule to recognize the inclusion of CRNAs into the licensure category of APRNs. Also, the proposed rule change adds an additional criterion for an applicant for a temporary licensed practical nurse (LPN) or registered nurse (RN) license. The division will be requiring applicants for a temporary license to be registered to take the National Council Licensure Examination of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX) examination. The division is seeing an alarming increase in the number of RN students requesting temporary licensure as an LPN who never intend to take the exam or complete the licensure process for the LPN. The temporary license allows a person to practice for up to four months while completing the licensure process. The RN students are utilizing the temporary license to begin practicing at the LPN level and pay without any intent to become licensed at that level. (DAR NOTE: S.B. 45 (2007) is found at Chapter 57, Laws of Utah 2007, and was effective 04/30/2007.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Throughout the rule, statutory references to the Nurse Practice Act have been updated. Also throughout the rule, amendments are made so the term certified registered nurse anesthetist or initials CRNA are included in the licensure category and initials of the APRN. In Subsection R156-31b-102(1), definition for "absolute discharge" was deleted because the statute revisions removed the term so a definition is no longer needed. Subsection R156-31b-102(3) added a definition for "APRN-CRNA". Subsection R156-31b-102(4)(c) updated the accepted edition of the "Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education" to the current 2006-2007 edition. Subsection R156-31b-102(5) updated the edition of the "Directory of Accredited Nursing Programs" to the most current edition dated 2006-2007. Subsection R156-31b-102(11) amended the definition of a contact hour to be 60 minutes to be consistent with the American Nurses Credentialing Center which is the largest accreditor of nursing continuing education. Subsection R156-31b-102(25) definition for "postsecondary school" is deleted because the definition is inaccurate in that nationally accredited proprietary schools are exempt from registration with Consumer Protection. Given this exemption, the division cannot force these schools to become registered and therefore, the definition is no longer needed or effective. In Section R156-31b-304, added a requirement that a person requesting a temporary license as either a LPN or RN be registered to take the appropriate NCLEX examination before the temporary license is issued. In Section R156-31b-401, the amendments removed the gender biased term "he" and replace it with the gender neutral term "the applicant".

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 58-31b-101 and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a) and 58-1-202(1)(a)

    This rule or change incorporates by reference the following material:

    Updates the "Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education", published by the American Council on Education from the 2003-2004 edition to the 2006-2007 edition; and updates the "Directory of Accredited Nursing Programs", published by the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission from the 2003 edition to the 2006-2007 edition

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    Once these proposed amendments are made effective, the division will incur minimal costs of approximately $100 to reprint the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective. Any costs incurred will be absorbed in the Division's current budget.

    local governments:

    The regulation of APRNs occurs at the state level; therefore, there should be no effect on local governments.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    SMALL BUSINESS: A CRNA employed by or owning a small business practice will continue to practice with the same scope of practice. Utilizing the initials APRN-CRNA will ensure licensees are recognized by other health care professionals, third party reimbursement companies, and the public as being a specialist in the area of nurse anesthesia. Temporary licensure for LPN and RN applicants will still be available so a health care company, regardless of size, can have more rapid access to new graduates. However, the person receiving the temporary license must have registered to take the NCLEX exam and intend to complete the licensure process. OTHER PERSONS: Including CRNAs within the licensure category of APRNs does not affect the scope of practice. Those currently licensed in the category of CRNA will need to change business cards, letterhead, and other such documentation, but the financial impact should be minimal. RN students who are using the LPN temporary license as a means to start working as a nurse and being paid a nurse's wages with no intention of completing the licensure process will be required to pay the $200 NCLEX examination fee to obtain the temporary license. The division is unable to determine an aggregate amount since it does not know how many applicants will be affected in the future.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    As stated above, APRN-CRNAs will have a minimal fiscal impact to change business documents to reflect the title and initial change. Anyone applying for a temporary LPN or RN license will be required to be registered to take the NCLEX examination which requires a registration fee of $200.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    The rule amendments regarding certified registered nurse anesthetists and advanced practice registered nurses are made to become consistent with statutory amendments passed in the 2007 General Session. The fiscal impact to businesses as a result of these amendments was addressed in the passage of S.B. 45. In addition, no fiscal impact to businesses is foreseen as to the requirement that applicants for a temporary LPN or RN license first register for the NCLEX examination. Earlier application for the examination only affects the timing of the registration and thus is not an additional substantive requirement. Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Occupational and Professional Licensing
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Laura Poe at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6789, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    F. David Stanley, Director


    R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-31b. Nurse Practice Act Rules.

    R156-31b-101. Title.

    These rules are known as the "Nurse Practice Act Rules".


    R156-31b-102. Definitions.

    In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 31b, as defined or used in these rules:

    (1) ["Absolute discharge", as used in Subsection 58-31b-302(5)(b), means the completion of criminal probation or parole.

    (2) ]"Affiliated with an institution of higher education", as used in Subsection 58-31b-601(1), means the general and science education courses required as part of a nursing education program are provided by an educational institution which is approved by the Board of Regents or an equivalent governmental agency in another state or a private educational institution which is regionally accredited by an accrediting board recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation of the American Council on Education; and the nursing program and the institution of higher education are affiliated with each other as evidenced by a written contract or memorandum of understanding.

    ([3]2) "APRN" means an advanced practice registered nurse.

    (3) "APRN-CRNA" means an advanced practice registered nurse specializing and certified as a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

    (4) "Approved continuing education" in Subsection R156-31b-303(3) means:

    (a) continuing education that has been approved by a professional nationally recognized approver of health related continuing education;

    (b) nursing education courses taken from an approved education program as defined in Section R156-31b-601; and

    (c) health related course work taken from an educational institution accredited by a regional institutional accrediting body identified in the "Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education", [2003-04]2006-2007 edition, published by the American Council on Education.

    (5) "Approved education program" as defined in Subsection 58-31b-102(3) is further defined to include any nursing education program published in the documents entitled "Directory of Accredited Nursing Programs", [2003]2006-2007, published by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, which are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as a part of these rules.

    (6) "CCNE" means the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

    (7) "CGFNS" means the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools.

    (8) "COA", as used in these rules, means the Council of Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Education Programs.

    (9) "Clinical mentor/preceptor", as used in Section R156-31b-607, means an individual who is employed by a clinical health care facility and is chosen by that agency, in collaboration with the Parent-Program, to provide direct, on-site supervision and direction to a nursing student who is engaged in a clinical rotation, and who is accountable to both the clinical agency and the supervisory clinical faculty member.

    (10) "Comprehensive nursing assessment", as used in Section R156-31b-704, means an extensive data collection (initial and ongoing) for individuals, families, groups and communities addressing anticipated changes in patient/client conditions as well as emergent changes in patient's/client's health status; recognizing alterations to previous patient/client conditions; synthesizing the biological, psychological, spiritual and social aspects of the patient's/client's condition; evaluating the impact of nursing care; and using this broad and complete analysis to make independent decisions and identification of health care needs; plan nursing interventions, evaluate need for different interventions and the need to communicate and consult with other health team members.

    (11) "Contact hour" means [50]60 minutes.

    (12) ["CRNA" means a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

    (13) ]"Delegation" means transferring to an individual the authority to perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation. The nurse retains accountability for the delegation.

    ([14]13) "Direct supervision" is the supervision required in Subsection 58-31b-306(1)(a)(iii) and means:

    (a) the person providing supervision shall be available on the premises at which the supervisee is engaged in practice; or

    (b) if the supervisee is specializing in psychiatric mental health nursing, the supervisor may be remote from the supervisee if there is personal direct voice communication between the two prior to prescribing a prescription drug.

    ([15]14) "Disruptive behavior", as used in these rules, means conduct, whether verbal or physical, that is demeaning, outrageous, or malicious and that places at risk patient care or the process of delivering quality patient care. Disruptive behavior does not include criticism that is offered in good faith with the aim of improving patient care.

    ([16]15) "Focused nursing assessment", as used in Section R156-31b-703, means an appraisal of an individual's status and situation at hand, contributing to the comprehensive assessment by the registered nurse, supporting ongoing data collection and deciding who needs to be informed of the information and when to inform.

    ([17]16) "Licensure by equivalency" as used in these rules means licensure as a licensed practical nurse after successful completion of course work in a registered nurse program which meets the criteria established in Sections R156-31b-601 and R156-31b-603.

    ([18]17) "LPN" means a licensed practical nurse.

    ([19]18) "NLNAC" means the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission.

    ([20]19) "NCLEX" means the National Council Licensure Examination of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

    ([21]20) "Non-approved education program" means any foreign nurse education program.

    ([22]21) "Other specified health care professionals", as used in Subsection 58-31b-102([13]15), who may direct the licensed practical nurse means:

    (a) advanced practice registered nurse;

    (b) certified nurse midwife;

    (c) chiropractic physician;

    (d) dentist;

    (e) osteopathic physician;

    (f) physician assistant;

    (g) podiatric physician;

    (h) optometrist;

    (i) [certified registered nurse anesthetist;

    (j) ]naturopathic physician; or

    ([k]j) mental health therapist as defined in Subsection 58-60-102(5).

    ([23]22) "Parent-program", as used in Section R156-31b-607, means a nationally accredited, Board of Nursing approved nursing education program that is providing nursing education (didactic, clinical or both) to a student and is responsible for the education program curriculum, and program and student policies.

    ([24]23) "Patient surrogate", as used in Subsection R156-31b-502(4), means an individual who has legal authority to act on behalf of the patient when the patient is unable to act or decide for himself, including a parent, foster parent, legal guardian, or a person designated in a power of attorney.[

    (25) "Postsecondary school", as used in Section R156-31b-607, means a program registered and in good standing with the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Consumer Protection, that offers coursework to individuals who have graduated from high school or have been awarded a GED.]

    ([26]24) "Psychiatric mental health nursing specialty", as used in Subsection 58-31b-302([3]4)(g), includes psychiatric mental health nurse specialists and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners.

    ([27]25) "RN" means a registered nurse.

    ([28]26) "Supervision" in Section R156-31b-701 means the provision of guidance or direction, evaluation and follow up by the licensed nurse for accomplishment of a task delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel or other licensed individuals.

    ([29]27) "Supervisory clinical faculty", as used in Section R156-31b-607, means one or more individuals employed by an approved nursing education program who meet the accreditation and Board of Nursing specific requirements to be a faculty member and are responsible for the overall clinical experiences of nursing students and may supervise and coordinate clinical mentors/preceptors who provide the actual direct clinical experience.

    ([30]28) "Unprofessional conduct" as defined in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 31b, is further defined in Section R156-31b-502.


    R156-31b-201. Board of Nursing - Membership.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-201(1), nurses serving as members of the Board shall be:

    (1) six registered nurses, two of whom are actively involved in nursing education;

    (2) one licensed practical nurse; and

    (3) two advanced practice registered nurses[ or certified registered nurse anesthetists].


    R156-31b-302a. Qualifications for Licensure - Education Requirements.

    In accordance with Sections 58-31b-302([1]2)(e) and 58-31b-303, the education requirements for licensure are defined as follows:

    (1) Applicants for licensure as a LPN by equivalency shall submit written verification from an approved registered nurse education program, verifying the applicant is currently enrolled and has completed course work which is equivalent to the course work of an NLNAC accredited practical nurse program.

    (2) Applicants from foreign education programs who are not currently licensed in another state shall submit a credentials evaluation report from one of the following credentialing services which verifies that the program completed by the applicant is equivalent to an approved practical nurse or registered nurse education program.

    (a) Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools for an applicant who is applying for licensure as a registered nurse; or

    (b) Foundation for International Services, Inc. for an applicant who is applying for licensure as a licensed practical nurse.


    R156-31b-302b. Qualifications for Licensure - Experience Requirements for APRNs Specializing in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-302([3]4)(g), the supervised clinical practice in mental health therapy and psychiatric and mental health nursing shall consist of a minimum of 4,000 hours of psychiatric mental health nursing education and clinical practice (including mental health therapy).

    (a) 1,000 hours shall be credited for completion of clinical experience in an approved education program in psychiatric mental health nursing.

    (b) The remaining 3,000 hours shall:

    (i) include a minimum of 1,000 hours of mental health therapy and one hour of face to face supervision for every 20 hours of mental therapy services provided;

    (ii) be completed while an employee, unless otherwise approved by the board and division, under the supervision of an approved supervisor; and

    (iii) be completed under a program of supervision by a supervisor who meets the requirements under Subsection (3).

    (c) At least 2,000 hours must be under the supervision of an APRN specializing in psychiatric mental health nursing. An APRN working in collaboration with a licensed mental health therapist may delegate selected clinical experiences to be supervised by that mental health therapist with general supervision by the APRN.

    (2) An applicant who has obtained all or part of the clinical practice hours outside of the state, may receive credit for that experience if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the training completed is equivalent to and in all respects meets the requirements under this section.

    (3) An approved supervisor shall verify practice as a licensee engaged in the practice of mental health therapy for not less than 4,000 hours in a period of not less than two years.

    (4) Duties and responsibilities of a supervisor include:

    (a) being independent from control by the supervisee such that the ability of the supervisor to supervise and direct the practice of the supervisee is not compromised;

    (b) supervising not more than three supervisees unless otherwise approved by the division in collaboration with the board; and

    (c) submitting appropriate documentation to the division with respect to all work completed by the supervisee, including the supervisor's evaluation of the supervisee's competence to practice.

    (5) An applicant for licensure by endorsement as an APRN specializing in psychiatric mental health nursing under the provisions of Section 58-1-302 shall demonstrate compliance with the clinical practice in psychiatric and mental health nursing requirement under Subsection 58-31b-302([3]4)(g) by demonstrating that the applicant has successfully engaged in active practice in psychiatric mental health nursing for not less than 4,000 hours in the three years immediately preceding the application for licensure.


    R156-31b-302c. Qualifications for Licensure - Examination Requirements.

    (1) In accordance with Section 58-31b-302, the examination requirements for graduates of approved nursing programs are as follows.

    (a) An applicant for licensure as an LPN or RN shall pass the applicable NCLEX examination.

    (b) An applicant for licensure as an APRN shall pass one of the following national certification examinations consistent with [his]the applicant's educational specialty:

    (i) one of the following examinations administered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center Certification:

    (A) Adult Nurse Practitioner;

    (B) Family Nurse Practitioner;

    (C) Pediatric Nurse Practitioner;

    (D) Gerontological Nurse Practitioner;

    (E) Acute Care Nurse Practitioner;

    (F) Clinical Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing;

    (G) Clinical Specialist in Gerontological Nursing;

    (H) Clinical Specialist in Adult Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing;

    (I) Clinical Specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing;

    (J) Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Adult and Family);

    (ii) Pediatric Nursing Certification Board;

    (iii) American Academy of Nurse Practitioners;

    (iv) the National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties;

    (v) the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse if taken on or before July 1, 2005;

    (vi) the Advanced Practice Certification for the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Acute and Critical Care; or

    (vii) the Advanced Critical Care Examination administered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses; or

    (viii) the national certifying examination administered by the American Midwifery Certification Board, Inc.; or

    ([c]ix) [An applicant for licensure as a CRNA shall pass ]the examination of the Council on Certification of Nurse Anesthetists.

    (2) In accordance with Section 58-31b-303, an applicant for licensure as an LPN or RN from a non-approved nursing program shall pass the applicable NCLEX examination.


    R156-31b-303. Renewal Cycle - Procedures.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-1-308(1), the renewal date for the two year renewal cycle applicable to licensees under Title 58, Chapter 31b, is established by rule in Section R156-1-308.

    (2) Renewal procedures shall be in accordance with Section R156-1-308.

    (3) Each applicant for renewal shall comply with the following continuing competence requirements:

    (a) A LPN or RN shall complete one of the following during the two years immediately preceding the application for renewal:

    (i) licensed practice for not less than 400 hours;

    (ii) licensed practice for not less than 200 hours and completion of 15 contact hours of approved continuing education; or

    (iii) completion of 30 contact hours of approved continuing education hours.

    (b) An APRN shall complete the following:

    (i) be currently certified or recertified in their specialty area of practice; or

    (ii) if licensed prior to July 1, 1992, complete 30 hours of approved continuing education and 400 hours of practice.[

    (c) A CRNA shall be currently certified or recertified as a CRNA.]


    R156-31b-304. Temporary Licensure.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-1-303(1), the division may issue a temporary license to a person who meets all qualifications for licensure as either an LPN or RN, except for the passing of the required examination, if the applicant:

    (a) is a graduate of or has completed a Utah-based, approved nursing education program within two months immediately preceding application for licensure;

    (b) has never before taken the specific licensure examination;

    (c) submits to the division evidence of having secured employment conditioned upon issuance of the temporary license, and the employment is under the direct, on-site supervision of a fully licensed registered nurse; and

    (d) has registered for the appropriate NCLEX examination.

    (2) The temporary license issued under Subsection (1) expires the earlier of:

    (a) the date upon which the division receives notice from the examination agency that the individual failed the examination;

    (b) four months from the date of issuance; or

    (c) the date upon which the division issues the individual full licensure.


    R156-31b-306. Inactive Licensure, Reinstatement or Relicensure.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-1-305(1), an individual seeking activation of an inactive RN or LPN license must document current competency to practice as a nurse as defined in Subsection (3) below.

    (2) An individual seeking reinstatement of RN or LPN licensure or relicensure as a RN or LPN in accordance with Subsection R156-1-308g(3)(b), R156-1-308i(3), R156-1-308j(3) and R156-1-308k(2)(c) shall document current competence as defined in Subsection (3) below.

    (3) Documentation of current competency to practice as a nurse is established as follows:

    (a) an individual who has not practiced as a nurse for five years or less must document current compliance with the continuing competency requirements as established in Subsection R156-31b-303(3);

    (b) an individual who has not practiced as a nurse for more than five years but less than 10 years must pass the required examinations as defined in Section R156-31b-302c within six months prior to making application for licensure or successfully complete an approved re-entry program;

    (c) an individual who has not practiced as a nurse for more than 10 years but less than 15 years must pass the required examinations as defined in Section R156-31b-302c within six months prior to making application for licensure [or]and successfully complete an approved re-entry program;

    (d) an individual who has not practiced as a nurse for more than 15 years shall repeat an approved nursing education program and pass the required examinations as defined in Section R156-31b-302c within six months prior to making application for licensure.

    (4) To document current competency for activation, reinstatement or relicensure as an APRN[ or CRNA], an individual must pass the required examinations as defined in Section R156-31b-302c and be currently certified or recertified in the specialty area.


    R156-31b-401. Disciplinary Proceedings.

    (1) An individual licensed as a LPN who is currently under disciplinary action and qualifies for licensure as an RN may be issued an RN license under the same restrictions as the LPN.

    (2) A nurse whose license is suspended, may under Subsection 58-31b-401 petition the division at any time that [he]the licensee can demonstrate that [he]the licensee can resume competent practice.

    (3) An individual who has had any license issued under Title 58, Chapter 31b revoked or surrendered two times or more as a result of unlawful or unprofessional conduct is ineligible to apply for relicensure.


    R156-31b-601. Nursing Education Program Standards.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-601(2), the minimum standards that a nursing education program must meet to qualify graduates for licensure under this chapter are set forth in Sections R156-31b-601, 602, 603, and 604.

    (1) Standards for programs located within Utah leading to licensure as a registered nurse[,] or advanced practice registered nurse[, or certified registered nurse anesthetist]:

    (a) be accredited or preaccredited regionally by a professional accrediting body approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation of the American Council on Education, or one of the following national accrediting bodies: the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES), the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT), or the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC);

    (b) admit as students, only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate;

    (c) be legally authorized by the State of Utah to provide a program of education beyond secondary education;

    (d) provide not less than a two academic year program of study that awards a minimum of an associate degree that is transferable to another institution of higher education;

    (e) provide an academic program of study that awards a minimum of a master's degree that is transferable to another institution of higher education if providing education toward licensure as an advanced practice registered nurse;

    (f) meet the accreditation standards of either CCNE, NLNAC, or COA as evidenced by accreditation by [either]one of the organizations as required under Subsection R156-31b-602; and

    (g) have at least 20 percent of the school's revenue from sources that are not derived from funds provided under title IV, HEA program funds or student fees, including tuition if a proprietary school.

    (2) Standards for programs located within Utah leading to licensure as a licensed practical nurse:

    (a) be accredited or preaccredited regionally by a professional accrediting body approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation of the American Council on Education; or one of the following national accrediting bodies: the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) or the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT);

    (b) admit as nursing students, only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate;

    (c) be legally authorized by the State of Utah to provide a program of education beyond secondary education;

    (d) provide not less than one academic year program of study that leads to a certificate or recognized educational credential and provides courses that are transferable to an institution of higher education;

    (e) meet the accreditation standards of either CCNE or NLNAC as evidenced by accreditation by either organization as required under Subsection R156-31b-602.

    (f) have at least 20 percent of the school's revenue from sources that are not derived from funds provided under title IV, HEA program funds or student fees, including tuition if a proprietary school.

    (3) Programs located outside of Utah leading toward licensure as a nurse must be:

    (a) accredited by the CCNE, NLNAC or COA; and

    (b) approved by the Board of Nursing or duly recognized agency in the state in which the program is offered.


    R156-31b-607. Standards for Out-of-State Programs Providing Clinical Experiences in Utah.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-601(2), the minimum standards that a nursing education program which is located outside the state must meet to allow students to obtain clinical experiences in Utah are set forth as follows.

    (1) An entry level distance learning nursing education program which leads to licensure utilizing precepted clinical experiences in Utah must meet the following criteria:

    (a) parent-program must be Board of Nursing approved in the state of primary location (business), be nationally accredited by either NLNAC, CCNE, or COA, and must be affiliated with an institution of higher education;

    (b) parent-program clinical faculty supervisor must be licensed in Utah or a Compact state;

    (c) preceptors within the health care facilities must be licensed in good standing, in Utah or a Compact State;

    (d) parent-program must have a contract with the Utah health care facilities that provide the clinical sites; and

    (e) parent-program must document compliance with the above stated criteria, along with a request to be approved to have a student who is exempt from licensure under Subsection 58-1-307(c).

    (2) A nursing education program located in another state that desires to use Utah health care facilities for clinical experiences for one or more students must meet the following criteria:

    (a) be approved by the home state Board of Nursing, be nationally accredited by either NLNAC or CCNE, and must be affiliated with an institution of higher education;

    (b) clinical faculty must be employed by the nursing education program, meet the requirements to be a faculty member as established by the accrediting body and the program's Board of Nursing, and must be licensed, in good standing in Utah or a Compact state;

    (c) preceptors within the health care facilities must be licensed, in good standing, in Utah or a Compact state;

    (d) have a contract with the Utah health care facilities that provide the clinical sites;

    (e) submit an annual report on forms provided by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing and Utah Board of Nursing; and

    (f) document compliance with the above stated criteria, along with a request to be approved to have a student(s) who is exempt from licensure under Subsection 58-1-307(c) of the Utah Code.

    (3) A distance learning didactic nursing education program with a Utah based proprietary post[-]secondary school which provides tutoring services, facilitates clinical site selection, and provides clinical site faculty must meet the following criteria:

    (a) parent-program must be approved by the Board of Nursing in the state of primary location (business), be nationally accredited by either NLNAC or CCNE, and must be affiliated with an institution of higher education;

    (b) a formal contract must be in place between the parent-program and the Utah post[-]secondary school;

    (c) parent-program and Utah post[-]secondary school must submit an application for program approval by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing in collaboration with the Board of Nursing in Utah, utilizing the parent-program's existing curriculum. Approval is granted to the parent-program, not to the post[-]secondary school;

    (d) clinical faculty (mentors) must be employed by the parent-program (this can be as a contractual faculty member), meet the requirements to be a faculty member as established by the accrediting body and the parent-program's Board of Nursing, and must be licensed, in good standing in Utah or a Compact state;

    (e) clinical faculty supervisor(s) located at the parent-program must be licensed, in Utah or a Compact state;

    (f) parent-program is responsible for conducting the nursing education program, the program's policies and procedures, and the selection of the students;

    (g) parent-program must have a contract with the Utah health care facilities that provide the clinical sites; and

    (h) submit an annual report on forms provided by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing and Utah Board of Nursing.


    R156-31b-701. Delegation of Nursing Tasks.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-102([11]14)(g), the delegation of nursing tasks is further defined, clarified, or established as follows:

    (1) The nurse delegating tasks retains the accountability for the appropriate delegation of tasks and for the nursing care of the patient/client. The licensed nurse shall not delegate any task requiring the specialized knowledge, judgment and skill of a licensed nurse to an unlicensed assistive personnel. It is the licensed nurse who shall use professional judgment to decide whether or not a task is one that must be performed by a nurse or may be delegated to an unlicensed assistive personnel. This precludes a list of nursing tasks that can be routinely and uniformly delegated for all patients/clients in all situations. The decision to delegate must be based on careful analysis of the patient's/client's needs and circumstances.

    (2) The licensed nurse who is delegating a nursing task shall:

    (a) verify and evaluate the orders;

    (b) perform a nursing assessment;

    (c) determine whether the task can be safely performed by an unlicensed assistive personnel or whether it requires a licensed health care provider;

    (d) verify that the delegatee has the competence to perform the delegated task prior to performing it;

    (e) provide instruction and direction necessary to safely perform the specific task; and

    (f) provide ongoing supervision and evaluation of the delegatee who is performing the task.

    (3) The delegator shall evaluate the situation to determine the degree of supervision required to ensure safe care.

    (a) The following factors shall be evaluated to determine the level of supervision needed:

    (i) the stability of the condition of the patient/client;

    (ii) the training and capability of the delegatee;

    (iii) the nature of the task being delegated; and

    (iv) the proximity and availability of the delegator to the delegatee when the task will be performed.

    (b) The delegating nurse or another qualified nurse shall be readily available either in person or by telecommunication. The delegator responsible for the care of the patient/client shall make supervisory visits at appropriate intervals to:

    (i) evaluate the patient's/client's health status;

    (ii) evaluate the performance of the delegated task;

    (iii) determine whether goals are being met; and

    (iv) determine the appropriateness of continuing delegation of the task.

    (4) Nursing tasks, to be delegated, shall meet the following criteria as applied to each specific patient/client situation:

    (a) be considered routine care for the specific patient/client;

    (b) pose little potential hazard for the patient/client;

    (c) be performed with a predictable outcome for the patient/client;

    (d) be administered according to a previously developed plan of care; and

    (e) not inherently involve nursing judgment which cannot be separated from the procedure.

    (5) If the nurse, upon review of the patient's/client's condition, complexity of the task, ability of the unlicensed assistive personnel and other criteria as deemed appropriate by the nurse, determines that the unlicensed assistive personnel cannot safely provide care, the nurse shall not delegate the task.

    (6) In accordance with Section 53A-11-601 and a student care plan, it is appropriate for a nurse to provide training to an unlicensed assistive personnel which includes the administration of glucagon in an emergency situation provided any training regarding the administration of glucagon is updated at least annually.


    R156-31b-702. Scope of Practice.

    (1) The lawful scope of practice for an RN employed by a department of health shall include implementation of standing orders and protocols, and completion and providing to a patient of prescriptions which have been prepared and signed by a physician in accordance with the provisions of Section 58-17b-620.

    (2) An APRN who chooses to change or expand from a primary focus of practice must be able to document competency within that expanded practice based on education, experience and certification. The burden to demonstrate competency rests upon the licensee.

    (3) An individual licensed as [either ]an APRN [or a CRNA ]may practice within the scope of practice of a RN under [his]the APRN [or CRNA ]license.

    (4) An individual licensed in good standing in Utah as either an APRN or a CRNA and residing in this state, may practice as an RN in any Compact state.


    R156-31b-703. Generally Recognized Scope of Practice of a LPN.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-102([13]15), the LPN practicing within the generally recognized LPN scope of practice practices as follows:

    (1) In demonstrating professional accountability shall:

    (a) practice within the legal boundaries for practical nursing through the scope of practice authorized in statute and rule;

    (b) demonstrate honesty and integrity in nursing practice;

    (c) base nursing decisions on nursing knowledge and skills, the needs of patients/clients;

    (d) accept responsibility for individual nursing actions, competence, decisions and behavior in the course of practical nursing practice; and

    (e) maintain continued competence through ongoing learning and application of knowledge in the client's interest.

    (2) In demonstrating the responsibility for nursing practice implementation shall:

    (a) conduct a focused nursing assessment;

    (b) plan for episodic nursing care;

    (c) demonstrate attentiveness and provides patient/client surveillance and monitoring;

    (d) assist in identification of client needs;

    (e) seek clarification of orders when needed;

    (f) demonstrate attentiveness and provides observation for signs, symptoms and changes in client condition;

    (g) assist in the evaluation of the impact of nursing care, and contributes to the evaluation of patient/client care;

    (h) recognize client characteristics that may affect the patient's/client's health status;

    (i) obtain orientation/training competency when encountering new equipment and technology or unfamiliar care situations;

    (j) implement appropriate aspects of client care in a timely manner;

    (i) provide assigned and delegated aspects of patient's/client's health care plan;

    (ii) implement treatments and procedures; and

    (iii) administer medications accurately;

    (k) document care provided;

    (l) communicate relevant and timely client information with other health team members including:

    (i) patient/client status and progress;

    (ii) patient/client response or lack of response to therapies;

    (iii) significant changes in patient/client condition; or

    (iv) patient/client needs;

    (m) participate in nursing management;

    (i) assign nursing activities to other LPNs;

    (ii) delegate nursing activities for stable patients/clients to unlicensed assistive personnel;

    (iii) observe nursing measures and provide feedback to nursing manager; and

    (iv) observe and communicate outcomes of delegated and assigned activities;

    (n) take preventive measures to protect patient/client, others and self;

    (o) respect patient's/client's rights, concerns, decisions and dignity;

    (p) promote a safe client environment;

    (q) maintain appropriate professional boundaries; and

    (r) assume responsibility for own decisions and actions.

    (3) In being a responsible member of an interdisciplinary health care team shall:

    (a) function as a member of the health care team, contributing to the implementation of an integrated health care plan;

    (b) respect client property and the property of others; and

    (c) protect confidential information unless obligated by law to disclose the information.


    R156-31b-704. Generally Recognized Scope of Practice of a RN.

    In accordance with Subsection 58-31b-102([14]16), the RN practicing within the generally recognized RN scope of practice practices as follows:

    (1) In demonstrating professional accountability shall:

    (a) practice within the legal boundaries for nursing through the scope of practice authorized in statute and rules;

    (b) demonstrate honesty and integrity in nursing practice;

    (c) base professional decisions on nursing knowledge and skills, the needs of patients/clients;

    (d) accept responsibility for judgments, individual nursing actions, competence, decisions and behavior in the course of nursing practice; and

    (e) maintain continued competence through ongoing learning and application of knowledge in the patient's/client's interest.

    (2) In demonstrating the responsibility for nursing practice implementation shall:

    (a) conduct a comprehensive nursing assessment;

    (b) detect faulty or missing patient/client information;

    (c) apply nursing knowledge effectively in the synthesis of the biological, psychological, spiritual and social aspects of the patient's/client's condition;

    (d) utilize this broad and complete analysis to plan strategies of nursing care and nursing interventions that are integrated within the patient's/client's overall health care plan;

    (e) provide appropriate decision making, critical thinking and clinical judgment to make independent nursing decisions and identification of health care needs;

    (f) seek clarification of orders when needed;

    (g) implement treatments and therapy, including medication administration, delegated medical and independent nursing functions;

    (h) obtain orientation/training for competence when encountering new equipment and technology or unfamiliar situations;

    (i) demonstrate attentiveness and provides client surveillance and monitoring;

    (j) identify changes in patient's/client's health status and comprehends clinical implications of patient/client signs, symptoms and changes as part of expected and unexpected patient/client course or emergent situations;

    (k) evaluate the impact of nursing care, the patient's/client's response to therapy, the need for alternative interventions, and the need to communicate and consult with other health team members;

    (l) document nursing care;

    (m) intervene on behalf of patient/client when problems are identified and revises care plan as needed;

    (n) recognize patient/client characteristics that may affect the patient's/client's health status; and

    (o) take preventive measures to protect patient/client, others and self.

    (3) In demonstrating the responsibility to act as an advocate for patient/client shall:

    (a) respect the patient's/client's rights, concerns, decisions and dignity;

    (b) identify patient/client needs;

    (c) attend to patient/client concerns or requests;

    (d) promote safe patient/client environment;

    (e) communicate patient/client choices, concerns and special needs with other health team members regarding:

    (i) patient/client status and progress;

    (ii) patient/client response or lack of response to therapies; and

    (iii) significant changes in patient/client condition;

    (f) maintain appropriate professional boundaries;

    (g) maintain patient/client confidentiality; and

    (h) assume responsibility for own decisions and actions.

    (4) In demonstrating the responsibility to organize, manage and supervise the practice of nursing shall:

    (a) assign to another only those nursing measures that fall within that nurse's scope of practice, education, experience and competence or unlicensed person's role description;

    (b) delegate to another only those nursing measures which that person has the necessary skills and competence to accomplish safely;

    (c) match patient/client needs with personnel qualifications, available resources and appropriate supervision;

    (d) communicate directions and expectations for completion of the delegated activity;

    (e) supervise others to whom nursing activities are delegated or assigned by monitoring performance, progress and outcome, and assures documentation of the activity;

    (f) provide follow-up on problems and intervenes when needed;

    (g) evaluate the effectiveness of the delegation or assignment;

    (h) intervene when problems are identified and revises plan of care as needed;

    (i) retain professional accountability for nursing care as provided;

    (j) promote a safe and therapeutic environment by:

    (i) providing appropriate monitoring and surveillance of the care environment;

    (ii) identifying unsafe care situations; and

    (iii) correcting problems or referring problems to appropriate management level when needed; and

    (k) teach and counsel patient/client families regarding health care regimen, which may include general information about health and medical condition, specific procedures and wellness and prevention.

    (5) In being a responsible member of an interdisciplinary health care team shall:

    (a) function as a member of the health care team, collaborating and cooperating in the implementation of an integrated patient/client-centered health care plan;

    (b) respect patient/client property, and the property of others; and

    (c) protect confidential information.

    (6) In being the chief administrative nurse shall:

    (a) assure that organizational policies, procedures and standards of nursing practice are developed, kept current and implemented to promote safe and effective nursing care;

    (b) assure that the knowledge, skills and abilities of nursing staff are assessed and that nurses and nursing assistive personnel are assigned to nursing positions appropriate to their determined competence and licensure/certification/registration level;

    (c) assure that competent organizational management and management of human resources within the nursing organization are established and implemented to promote safe and effective nursing care; and

    (d) assure that thorough and accurate documentation of personnel records, staff development, quality assurance and other aspects of the nursing organization are maintained.

    (7) When functioning in a nursing program educator (faculty) role shall:

    (a) teach current theory, principles of nursing practice and nursing management;

    (b) provide content and clinical experiences for students consistent with statutes and rules;

    (c) supervise students in the provision of nursing services; and

    (d) evaluate student scholastic and clinical performance with expected program outcomes.


    KEY: licensing, nurses

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 23, 2006]2007

    Notice of Continuation: June 2, 2003

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-31b-101; 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a)



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 58-31b-101 and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a) and 58-1-202(1)(a)

Authorized By:
F. David Stanley, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R156-31b. Nurse Practice Act Rules.