Governor's Executive Order EO/008/2011: Declaring a State of Emergency Due to Flooding and the Potential for Additional Flooding  

  • Issued: June 27, 2011


    Declaring a State of Emergency Due to Flooding and the Potential for Additional Flooding

    WHEREAS, Utah received record levels of precipitation between March and May 2011;

    WHEREAS, the extremely high levels of precipitation combined with colder than normal temperatures resulted in high water levels, very high levels of snowpack, and significant delays in annual spring runoff;

    WHEREAS, the remaining snowpack has been melting and continues to melt, causing rivers, streams, and tributaries to overflow or breach their banks;

    WHEREAS, flooding has resulted which has impacted and is impacting many areas throughout the state, causing damage to and continuing to threaten homes, public infrastructure, agricultural production, and private businesses, and increasing the threat of landslides, mudslides, and rock falls;

    WHEREAS, the State Emergency Operations Center has received numerous declarations of emergencies from counties in Utah; and

    WHEREAS, these conditions do create a "State of Emergency" within the intent of the Disaster Response and Recovery Act found in Title 63K, Chapter 4 of the Utah Code;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gary R. Herbert, Governor of the State of Utah, declare a "State of Emergency" due to the aforesaid circumstances requiring aid, assistance, and relief available from state resources.

    I HEREBY ORDER that all agencies of state government utilize state personnel, equipment, and facilities to respond to the aforesaid circumstances as needed and as coordinated with the Department of Public Safety and the Emergency Operations Center.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah. Done in Salt Lake City, Utah, on this, the 27th day of June 2011.

    (State Seal)

    Gary R. Herbert
    Governor, State of Utah


    Greg Bell
    Lieutenant Governor, State of Utah



Document Information

Publication Date:
Executive Order:
DAR File No.: