No. 38664 (Amendment): Rule R986-700. Child Care Assistance  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 38664
    Filed: 07/01/2014 05:16:00 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of this amendment is to set rules for Family Friends and Neighbors (FFN) child care.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The Department is moving to a category of child care provider known as FFN which will have requirements similar to licensed providers. These proposed amendments also clean up some language about when parents can provide care for their own child, that the Division of Child Care Licensing will provide the initial review for FFN providers, and that exceptions to the type of approved child care providers will no longer be allowed. The Department introduced this new type of provider earlier this year and these changes will complete the transition by 10/01/2014.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    This applies to federally-funded programs so there are no costs or savings to the state budget.

    local governments:

    This applies to federally-funded programs so there are no costs or savings to local governments.

    small businesses:

    There will be no costs to small businesses to comply with these changes because this is a federally-funded program. There will be some compliance costs to FFN providers most of which they have already been paying or are required to pay under legislation.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    There will be no costs to persons other than small businesses, businesses or local government entities to comply with these changes because there are no costs or fees associated with these proposed changes.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Compliance costs for this change will be paid by the child care provider and not the Department's clients. These are the only persons affected by this change. These potential costs will be no greater than current child care center providers pay and will help ensure only safe, appropriate child care is subsidized by the tax payers.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    There are no compliance costs associated with this change. There are no fees associated with this change. There will be no cost to anyone to comply with these changes. There will be no fiscal impact on any business.

    Jon Pierpont, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Workforce Services
    Employment Development
    140 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2333

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Jon Pierpont, Executive Director


    R986. Workforce Services, Employment Development.

    R986-700. Child Care Assistance.

    R986-700-702. General Provisions.

    (1) CC is provided to support employment.

    (2) CC is available, as funding permits, to the following clients who are employed or are participating in activities that lead to employment:

    (a) parents;

    (b) specified relatives; or

    (c) clients who have been awarded custody or appointed guardian of the child by court order and both parents are absent from the home. If there is no court order, an exception can be made on a case by case basis in unusual circumstances by the Department program specialist.

    (3) Child care is provided only for children living in the home and only during hours when neither parent is available to provide care for the children.

    (4) If a client is eligible to receive CC, the following children, living in the household unit, are eligible:

    (a) children under the age of 13; and

    (b) children up to the age of 18 years if the child;

    (i) meets the requirements of rule R986-700-717, and/or

    (ii) is under court supervision.

    (5) Clients who qualify for child care services will be paid if and as funding is available. When the child care needs of eligible applicants exceed available funding, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Eligible applicants on the list will be served as funding becomes available. Special needs children, homeless children and FEP or FEPTP eligible children will be prioritized at the top of the list and will be served first. "Special needs child" is defined in rule R986-700-717.

    (6) The amount of CC might not cover the entire cost of care.

    (7) A client is only eligible for CC if the client has no other options available for child care. The client is encouraged to obtain child care at no cost from a parent, sibling, relative, or other suitable provider. If suitable child care is available to the client at no cost from another source, CC cannot be provided.

    (8) CC can only be provided [for]by an eligible provider approved by the Department and will not be provided for illegal or unsafe child care. Illegal child care is care provided by any person or facility required to be licensed or certified but where the provider has not fulfilled the requirements necessary to obtain the license or certification.

    (9) CC will not be paid to a client for the care of his or her own child(ren) when the client is working in a residential setting. CC may be approved where[unless] the client is working for an approved child care center[. This includes clients who], regularly watches children other than her own, and does not have an ownership interest in the child care center. CC will not be paid to a client for the care of his or her own child(ren) if the client is a stockholder, officer, director, partner, manager or member[s] of a corporation, partnership, limited liability partnership or company or similar legal entity providing the CC.

    (10) Neither the Department nor the state of Utah is liable for injuries that may occur when a child is placed in child care even if the parent receives a subsidy from the Department.

    (11) Foster care parents receiving payment from the Department of Human Services are not eligible to receive CC for the foster children.

    (12) Once eligibility for CC has been established, eligibility must be reviewed at least once every six months. The review is not complete until the client has completed, signed and returned all necessary review forms to the local office. All requested verifications must be provided at the time of the review. If the Department has reason to believe the client's circumstances have changed, affecting either eligibility or payment amount, the Department will reduce or terminate CC even if the certification period has not expired.


    R986-700-703. Client Rights and Responsibilities.

    In addition to the client rights and responsibilities found in R986-100, the following client rights and responsibilities apply:

    (1) A client has the right to select the type of child care which best meets the family's needs.

    (2) If a client requests help in selecting a provider, the Department will refer the client to the local [Child Care Resource and Referral]Care About Child Care agency.

    (3) A client is responsible for monitoring the child care provider. The Department will not monitor the provider.

    (4) A client is responsible to pay all costs of care charged by the provider. If the child care assistance payment provided by the Department is less than the amount charged by the provider, the client is responsible for paying the provider the difference.

    (5) The only changes a client must report to the Department within ten days of the change occurring are:

    (a) that the household's gross monthly income exceeds the percentage of the state median income as determined by the Department in R986-700-710(3);

    (b) that the client is no longer in an approved training or educational program;

    (c) if the client's and/or child's schedule changes so that child care is no longer needed during the hours of approved employment and/or training activities;

    (d) that the client does not meet the minimum work requirements of an average of 15 hours per week or 15 and 30 hours per week when two parents are in the household and it is expected to continue;

    (e) the client is separated from his or her employment;

    (f) a change of address;

    (g) any of the following changes in household composition; a parent, stepparent, spouse, or former spouse moves into the home, a child receiving child care moves out of the home, or the client gets married; or

    (h) a change in the child care provider, including when care is provided at no cost.

    (6) If a material change which would result in a decrease in the amount of the CC payment is reported within 10 days, the decrease will be made effective beginning the next month and sums received in the month in which the change occurred will not be treated as an overpayment. If it is too late to make the change to the next month's CC payment, the client is responsible for repayment even if the 10 days for reporting the change has not expired. If the client fails to report the change within 10 days, the decrease will occur as soon as the Department learns of the change and the overpayment will be assessed back to the date of the change.

    (7) A client is responsible for payment to the Department of any overpayment made in CC.

    [(8) If the client has failed to provide all necessary information and the child care provider requests information about payment of CC to the client, the Department is authorized to inform the provider that further information is needed before payment can be determined.

    ]([9]8) The Department [may also]is authorized to release the following information to the designated provider:

    (a) limited information regarding the status of a CC payment including that no payment was issued or services were denied;

    (b) information contained on the Form 980;

    (c) the date the child care subsidy was issued;

    (d) the subsidy amount for that provider;

    (e) the subsidy deduction amount;

    (f) the date a two party check was mailed to the client;

    (g) a copy of the two party check on a need to know basis;[and]

    (h) the month the client is scheduled for review or reestablishment[.],

    (i) the date the client's application was received; and

    (j) general information about what additional information and/or verification is needed to approve CC such as the client's work schedule and income.

    ([10]9) Unused child care funds issued on the client's electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card will be removed from ("aged off") the EBT card 90 days after those funds were deposited onto the EBT card. Aged off funds will no longer be available to the client.


    R986-700-705. Eligible Providers and Provider Settings.

    (1) The Department will only pay CC to clients who select eligible providers. The only eligible providers are:

    (a) [licensed and accredited providers;]providers regulated through Department of Health Child Care Licensing (CCL):

    (i) licensed homes;

    (ii)[licensed family group homes; and

    (iii)] licensed child care centers; and[.]

    (iii) homes with a residential certificate.

    (b) license exempt providers who are not required by law to be licensed and are either;

    (i) license exempt centers as defined in R430-8-3. Programs or centers must have a current letter of exempt status from CCL and have[Beginning March 1, 2014] at least one person who is trained in first aid and infant/child CPR who must be with the children at all times including when the children are being transported in a vehicle. Current verification of first aid and CPR training must be provided to CCL prior to Department approval[Centers approved to receive CC subsidies as of March 1, 2014 will be allowed 30 days from the date of notification from the Department of Health, Child Care Licensing (CCL) to submit a complete application together with certification of completion of these requirements]; or

    (ii) [related to at least one of the children for whom CC is provided. Related under this paragraph means: siblings who are at least 18 years of age and who live in a different residence than the parent, grandparents, step grandparents, aunts, step aunts, uncles, step uncles or people of prior generations of grandparents, aunts, or uncles, as designated by the prefix grand or, great, or persons who meet any of the above relationships even if the marriage has been terminated. Beginning October 1, 2014 this category of child care provider will be replaced with ]DWS Family, Friend and Neighbor [approved ]providers (FFN) as approved by CCL. The requirements for FFN approval are provided in subsection ([7]3) of this section and in Department policy.

    [(c) homes with a Residential Certificate obtained from CCL.

    (2) The Department may, on a case by case basis, grant an exception and pay for CC when an eligible provider is not available:

    (a) within a reasonable distance from the client's home. A reasonable distance, for the purpose of this exception only, will be determined by the transportation situation of the parent and child care availability in the community where the parent resides;

    (b) because a child in the home has special needs which cannot be otherwise accommodated; or

    (c) which will accommodate the hours when the client needs child care.

    (d) However, the child's sibling, living in the same home, can never be approved even under the exceptions in this subsection.

    (3) If an eligible provider is available, an exception may be granted in the event of unusual or extraordinary circumstances but only with the approval of a Department supervisor.

    (4) If an exception is granted under paragraph (2) or (3) above, the exception will be reviewed at each of the client's review dates to determine if an exception is still appropriate.

    (5) License exempt providers must register with the Department and agree to maintain minimal health and safety criteria by signing a certification before payment to the client can be approved. The minimum criteria are that:

    (a) the provider be at least 18 years of age and be legally able to work in the United States;

    (b) the provider's home is clean and safe from hazardous items which could cause injury to a child. This applies to outdoor areas as well;

    (c) there are working smoke detectors where children are provided care;

    (d) the provider and all individuals 12 years old or older living in the home where care is provided submit to and pass a background check as provided in R986-700-751 et seq.;

    (e) there is a telephone in operating condition with a list of emergency numbers;

    (f) food will be provided to the child in care. Food supplies will be maintained to prevent spoilage or contamination;

    (g) the child in care will be immunized as required for children in licensed day care and;

    (h) good hand washing practices will be maintained to discourage infection and contamination.

    ] ([6]2) The following providers are not eligible for receipt of a CC payment:

    (a) [a member of a household assistance unit who is receiving one or more of the following assistance payments: FEP, FEPTP, diversion assistance or food stamps for any child in that household assistance unit. The person may, however, be paid as a provider for a child in a different household assistance unit;]a provider living in the same home as the parent client unless the provider is caring for a child who has special needs who cannot be otherwise accommodated;

    (b) a sibling of the child living in the home can never be approved, even for a special needs child;

    (c) [household members whose income must be counted in determining eligibility for CC;

    (d) ]a parent, foster care parent, stepparent or former stepparent, even if living in another residence;

    ([e]d) [illegal]undocumented aliens;

    ([f]e) persons under age 18;

    ([g]f) a provider providing care for the child in another state;

    ([h]g) a provider who has committed an IPV as a provider, or as a recipient of any funds from the Office of Child Care including subsidy and grant payments, as determined by the Department or by a court. The disqualification for an IPV will remain in effect until the IPV disqualification period has run and the provider is otherwise eligible including meeting the requirements of background checks under R986-700-753;

    ([i]h) any provider disqualified under R986-700-718;

    ([j]i) a provider who does not cooperate with a Department investigation of a potential overpayment;[

    (k) a provider living in the same home as the client unless one of the exceptions in subsection (2) of this section are met;]; or

    ([l]j) a provider whose child care subsidies are being taken pursuant to an IRS levy or garnishment.

    ([7]3) FFN providers[, as provided in subsection (1)(b),] will not be approved for a CC subsidy payment unless all of the following requirements have been successfully completed and verification has been provided to CCL:

    (a) complete, sign and submit an application to [the ]CCL;

    (b) provide a copy of a certificate of completion of New Provider orientation and agree to comply with Department requirements and policy as explained in the orientation;

    [(c) provide a copy of a fire clearance from the State Fire Marshal or designated local fire authority.

    ]([d]c) pass a home inspection as provided in Department policy[,];

    ([e]d) complete an infant/child CPR training[,];

    ([f]e) complete first aid training; and,

    ([g]f) [pass a background check as required in R986-700-751 et seq.]the provider and all individuals 12 years old or older living in the home where care is provided must submit to and pass a background check as provided in R986-700-751 et seq.

    ([8]4) A FFN provider must also comply with all Department policy including abiding by the ratio requirements.[CC providers that have been approved as a license exempt provider, or apply to be an FFN approved provider will be given a grace period to complete the requirements in subsection (7) of this section as follows:

    (a) the provider or applicant will be allowed up to 60 days from notification from CCL and no later than September 30, 2014 to submit a complete application to CCL together with a certification of completion of infant/child CPR training and first aid training;

    (b) all requirements in subsection (7) of this section must be completed by August 31, 2014 to prevent a delay in future benefits and no later than September 30, 2014;

    (c) the provider will be denied if the requirements are not met within the due dates given. After the grace period expires, all providers will be required to obtain an FFN approval and meet all requirements before being approved to care for children receiving a Department subsidy payment;

    (d) an approved FFN approved provider is authorized to provide care for a limited number of children or families as defined in Department policy.]

    (5) FFN approval must be renewed annually. Renewal information is found in Department or CCL policy. The FFN CC provider must complete and submit a renewal application, together with any information, verifications or releases required or requested by the Department or CCL, 30 calendar days before the expiration date of the current approval.

    (6) FFN CCL provider approval is for the provider and the location(s) and is not assignable or transferable.

    (7) A FFN provider or applicant has a right to file an appeal when an adverse action has been taken against him or her in regards to FFN approval status or health and safety compliance. Prior to filing an appeal, the provider or applicant must request a review with the CCL manager. If unresolved after that review, the provider may file an appeal by requesting a fair hearing with DWS in accordance with R986-1-123 et seq.


    R986-700-715. Overpayments.

    (1) An overpayment occurs when a client or provider received CC for which they were not eligible. If the Department fails to establish one or more of the eligibility criteria and through no fault of the client, payments are made, it will not be considered to have been an overpayment if the client would have been eligible and the amount of the subsidy would not have been affected.

    (2) [If the overpayment was because the client committed an IPV as defined in R986-100-117, including forging a provider's name on a two party CC check, or committing an IPV as a provider, the client will be responsible for repayment of the resulting overpayment and will be disqualified from further receipt of CC:]If a parent or provider commits an IPV, as defined in R986-100-117, the parent or provider will be responsible for repayment of the overpayment and will be disqualified from receipt of any funds from the Office of Child Care, including subsidy funds, grants and funds as a provider:

    (a) for a period of one year for the first IPV;

    (b) for a period of two years for the second IPV; and

    (c) for life for the third IPV.

    (3) If the client was at fault in the creation of an overpayment for any reason other than an IPV as provided in paragraph (2) above, the client will be responsible for repayment of the overpayment. There is no disqualification or ineligibility period for a fault overpayment.

    (4) All CC overpayments must be repaid to the Department.

    Overpayments may be deducted from ongoing CC payments for clients who are receiving CC. If the Department is at fault in the creation of an overpayment, the Department will deduct $10 from each month's CC payment unless the client requests a larger amount.

    (5) CC will be terminated if a client fails to cooperate with the Department's efforts to investigate alleged overpayments.

    (6) If the Department has reason to believe an overpayment has occurred and it is likely that the client will be determined to be disqualified or ineligible as a result of the overpayment, payment of future CC may be withheld, at the discretion of the Department, to offset any overpayment which may be determined.


    R986-700-716. CC in Unusual Circumstances.

    (1) CC may be provided for study time, to support clients in education or training activities if the parent has classes scheduled in such a way that it is not feasible or practical to pick up the child between classes. For example, if a client has one class from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and a second class from 11:00 a.m. to noon it might not be practical to remove the child from care between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

    (2) An away-from-home study hall or lab may be required as part of the class course. A client who takes courses with this requirement must verify study hall or lab class attendance. The Department will not approve more study hall hours or lab hours in this setting than hours for which the client is enrolled in school. For example: A client enrolled for ten hours of classes each week may not receive more than ten hours of this type of study hall or lab.

    (3) CC will not be provided for private kindergarten or preschool activities when a publicly funded education program is available.

    (4) CC may be authorized to support employment for clients who work graveyard shifts and need child care services during the day for sleep time. If no other child care options are available, child care services may be authorized for the graveyard shift or during the day, but not for both. A maximum of [six]seven hours per day will be approved for sleep time.

    (5) CC may be authorized to support employment for clients who work at home, provided the client makes at least minimum wage from the at home work, and the client has a need for child care services. The client must choose a provider setting outside the home.

    [(6) CC with an provider that is not licensed, accredited, certified, or a licensed exempt center will not be approved between the hours of 12 midnight and 6 a.m. except;

    (a) for a child under the age of 24 months old,

    (b) to accommodate a special needs child, or

    (c) under unusual circumstances and then only if approved by the Department program specialist on a case by case basis.


    R986-700-753. Criminal Background Screening.

    (1) The Department will contract with the CCL to perform a criminal background screening, which includes a review of the Bureau of Criminal Identification, (BCI) database maintained by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Part 2 of Chapter 10, Title 53; and if a fingerprint card, waiver and fee are submitted, CCL will submit the fingerprint card and fee to the Utah Department of Public Safety for submission to the FBI for a national criminal history record check.

    ([1]2) Each client requesting approval of a covered child care provider must submit to [the Department]CCL a form, which will include a waiver and certification, completed and signed by the child care provider as part of the DWS FFN approved provider process.[before the client's application for child care assistance can be approved.] Additional household members must give permission to run the background check.. A fingerprint card and fee, prepared either by the local law enforcement agency or an agency approved by local law enforcement, shall also be submitted unless an exception is granted under subsection ([3]4) of this section.[Normally, child care subsidy will not be delayed pending completion of the background check. Beginning October 1, 2014 no child care subsidy will be paid until the background check has been completed where required by law.]

    ([2]3) The provider must state in writing, based upon the provider's best information and belief, that no covered person, including the provider's own children, has ever been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or had a supported finding from DHS or a substantiated finding from a juvenile court of severe abuse or neglect of a child. If the provider is aware of any such conviction or supported or substantiated finding, but is not certain it will result in a disqualification, [the Department]CCL will obtain information from the provider to assess the threat to children. If the provider knowingly makes false representations or material omissions to [the Department]CCL regarding a covered individual's record, the provider will be responsible for repayment to the Department of the child care subsidy paid by the Department[prior to the background check]. If a provider signs an attestation, a disqualification based on a covered individual who no longer lives in the home can be cured under certain conditions.

    ([3]4) Fingerprint cards are not required if the Department or CCL is reasonably satisfied that the covered individual has resided in Utah for the last five years or is a refugee who settled directly to Utah. A fingerprint card may be required, even if the individual has resided in Utah for the last five years or is a refugee who settled directly to Utah, if requested by the Department or CCL.

    [(4) The Department will contract with the Department of Health (DOH) to perform a criminal background screening, which includes a review of the Bureau of Criminal Identification, (BCI) database maintained by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Part 2 of Chapter 10, Title 53; and if a fingerprint card, waiver and fee are submitted, the Department or DOH will forward the fingerprint card, waiver and fee to the Utah Department of Public Safety for submission to the FBI for a national criminal history record check.

    ](5) If [the Department]CCL takes an action adverse to any covered individual based upon the background screening, [the Department will send a written decision to the client explaining the action and the right of appeal. DOH]CCL will send a denial letter to the provider and the covered individual.


    R986-700-755. Covered Individuals with Arrests or Pending Criminal Charges.

    [(1) ]If [the Department]CCL determines there exists credible evidence that a covered individual has been arrested or charged with a felony or a misdemeanor that would not be excluded under R986-700-754, the Department will act to protect the health and safety of children in child care that the covered individual may have contact with. The Department may revoke or suspend approval of the provider if necessary to protect the health and safety of children in care.

    [(2) If the Department denies or revokes approval based upon the arrest or felony or misdemeanor charge, the Department will send a written decision to the client notifying the client that a hearing with the Department may be requested.

    (3) The Department may hold the revocation or denial in abeyance until the arrest or felony or nonexempt misdemeanor charge is resolved.


    R986-700-756. Exclusion From Child Care Due to Finding of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation.

    (1) Pursuant to Utah Code Subsection 62A-4a-1005(2)(a)(v) [the Department or DOH]CCL will screen all covered individuals, including children residing in a home where child care is provided, for a history of a supported finding of severe abuse, neglect, or exploitation from the licensing information system maintained by the Utah Department of Human Services (DHS) and the juvenile court records.  The juvenile court records need only be accessed as provided in 35A-3-310.5(2)(c).

    (2) If a covered individual appears on the licensing information system, the threat to the safety and health of children will be assessed. The Department or CCL may revoke any existing approval and refuse to permit child care in the home until the Department or CCL is reasonably convinced that the covered individual no longer resides in the home.

    (3) If the Department or CCL denies or revokes approval of a child care subsidy based upon the licensing information system, the Department will send a written decision to the client.

    (4) If the DHS determines a covered individual has a supported finding of severe abuse, neglect or exploitation after the Department approves a child care subsidy, the covered individual has ten calendar days to notify [DOH.]CCL. Failure to notify [DOH]CCL may result in the child care provider being liable for an overpayment for all subsidy amounts paid to the client between the finding and when it is reported or discovered.


    KEY: child care

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [April 15, ]2014

    Notice of Continuation: September 8, 2010

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 35A-3-310


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Workforce Services,Employment Development
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 35A-3-310

Section 35A-1-104

Subsection 35A-1-104(4)

Authorized By:
Jon Pierpont, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R986-700. Child Care Assistance.