No. 37799 (Amendment): Section R131-2-6. General Requirements for Use of the Capitol Hill Complex  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 37799
    Filed: 06/27/2013 04:54:21 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The reason for the amendment is to delete the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the State Capitol Hill Complex.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This change deletes the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the State Capitol Hill Complex.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The state budget will not be affected since the change is simply deleting the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the Capitol Hill Complex.

    local governments:

    Local governments will not be affected since the change is simply deleting the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the Capitol Hill Complex.

    small businesses:

    Small businesses will not be affected since the change is simply deleting the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the Capitol Hill Complex.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    No other person will be affected since the change is simply deleting the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the Capitol Hill Complex.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There are no associated compliance costs for any person since the change is simply deleting the prohibition of signs or posters on sticks or poles at the Capitol Hill Complex.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    There is no fiscal impact on businesses.

    Allyson Gamble, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Capitol Preservation Board (State)
    420 N STATE ST
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-2110

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Allyson Gamble, Executive Director


    R131. Capitol Preservation Board (State), Administration.

    R131-2. Capitol Hill Complex Facility Use.

    R131-2-6. General Requirements for Use of the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (1) General Requirements.

    (a) These are the requirements for use of the Capitol Hill Complex. This rule R131-2-6 shall apply to free speech activities, all other activities, groups and individuals using the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (b) Except for state holidays, the Capitol building will be open to the general public Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Free speech activities may be conducted beyond the times identified in this subsection, as specified in rule R131-11. Unless otherwise authorized, Capitol Hill Facilities and Capitol Hill Grounds, including the Capitol Rotunda, are available for permitted use, activities or events from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

    (c) Activities, except free speech activities, may be specifically denied during legislative sessions.

    (d) No event may disrupt or interfere with any legislative session, legislative meeting, or the conduct of any state or governmental business, meeting or proceeding on the Capitol Hill Complex. No person shall unlawfully intimidate or interfere with persons seeking to enter or exit any facility, or use of the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (e) Levels of audible sound generated by any individual or group, indoors or on the plaza between the House and Senate Buildings, whether amplified or not, shall not exceed 85 decibels or a more restrictive limit established by applicable laws or ordinances. All outdoor events shall not exceed noise limits established by applicable laws or ordinances.

    (f) Fire exits, staircases, doorways, roads, sidewalks, hallways and pathways shall not be blocked, and the efficient flow of pedestrian traffic shall not be obstructed at any time.

    (g) Alteration and damage to the Capitol Hill Grounds including grass, plants, shrubs, trees, paving or concrete is prohibited.

    (h) No object or substance of any kind shall be placed on or in the Capitol Plaza fountain. Standing on or in the fountain is prohibited.

    (i) All costs to repair any damage or replace any destruction, regardless of the amount or cost of restoration or refurbishing, shall be at the expense of the person(s) responsible for such damage or destruction.

    (j) The consumption, distribution, or open storage of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

    (k) Service animals are permitted, but the presence of other animals is allowed only with advance written permission of the executive director. Owners/caretakers are responsible for the safety to the animal, persons, grounds and facilities.

    (l) Camping is prohibited on the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (m) Littering is prohibited.

    (n) Commercial solicitation as defined in rule R131-10 is prohibited except as provided in rule R131-10.

    (o) The use of a personal space heater is prohibited, except as provided in Subsection (i).

    (i) Any person with a medical related condition may obtain approval by the Executive Director to use a personal space heater provided the person submits a signed statement by a Utah licensed physician verifying that the medical related condition requires a change in the standard room temperature and the use of the space heater meets the specifications in Subsection (ii).

    (ii) If a space heater is approved by the Executive Director, the space heater shall not exceed 900 watts at its highest setting, be equipped with a self-limiting element temperature setting for the ceramic elements, have a tip-over safety device, be equipped with a built-in timer not to exceed eight hours per setting, be equipped with a programmable thermostat, and be equipped with an overheat protection feature.

    (p) Tables, chairs, furniture, art and other objects in the Capitol Building shall only be moved by the Board's staff. No outside furniture, including tables or chairs, shall be allowed in the Capitol Building or any other facility on the Capitol Hill Complex without the advance written approval of the Executive Director.

    (2) Decorations.

    (a) All cords must be taped down with 3M #471 tape or equivalent as determined by the executive director.

    (b) There shall be no posting or affixing of placards, banners, or signs to any part of any building or on the grounds. All signs or placards used at the Capitol Hill Complex shall be hand held.[ Signs or posters may not be on sticks or poles.]

    (c) No adhesive material, wire, nails, or fasteners of any kind may be used on the buildings or grounds.

    (d) Nothing may be used as a decoration, or be used in the process of decorating, that marks or damages structure(s).

    (e) All decorations and supporting structures shall be temporary.

    (f) Any writing or use of ink, paint or sprays applied to any area of any building is prohibited.

    (g) Users may not decorate the inside or outside of any facility or any portion of the grounds without the advance written approval of the Executive Director. Users must submit any decoration requests in writing to the Executive Director at least ten working days in advance.

    (h) Signs, posters, decorations, displays, or other media shall be in compliance with the state law regarding Pornographic and Harmful Materials and Performance, Section 76-10-1201 et seq.

    (i) Leaving any item(s) against the exterior or interior walls, pillars, busts, statues, portraits or staircases of the Capitol building is prohibited.

    (j) Balloons are not allowed inside the Capitol building.

    (3) Set up/Clean up.

    (a) All deliveries and loading/unloading of materials shall be limited to routes and elevators as specified by the executive director.

    (b) All decorations, displays and exhibits shall be taken down by the designated end time of the event in a manner that is least disruptive to state business.

    (c) Users shall leave all facilities and grounds in its original condition and appearance.

    (4) Parking.

    (a) Parking is limited. All posted parking restrictions on the Capitol Hill Complex, including reserved parking stalls, shall be observed.

    (b) Parking for large vehicles or trailers shall require the prior approval of the executive director, which approval may be withheld if the large vehicle or trailer may interfere with the access or use of the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (c) Except as expressly allowed by the executive director, overnight parking is prohibited.

    (5) Compliance with Laws.

    (a) Users shall conform to all applicable and constitutional laws and requirements, including health, safety, fire, building and other codes and similar requirements. Occupancy limits as posted in or applicable to any public area will dictate, unless otherwise limited for public safety, the number of persons who can assemble in the public areas. Under no circumstance will occupancy limits be exceeded. State Capitol security personnel shall use reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with occupancy, safety, and health requirements.

    (b) Safety requirements as used in this rule include safety and security requirements made known to the executive director by the Utah Department of Public Safety or the federal government for the safety and security of special events and/or persons on the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (c) "No Smoking" statutes, rules and policies, including the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, Title 26, Chapter 38, Utah Code shall be observed.

    (d) Open flames, flammable fluids, candles, and explosives are prohibited.

    (e) All persons must obey all applicable firearm laws, rules, and regulations.

    (6) Security and Supervision.

    (a) The Facility Use Application shall be reviewed by the senior ranking officer in charge of security for the Capitol Hill Complex, who shall determine the total number of uniformed security officers required for the proposed event based upon the nature of the event and the risk factors that are reasonably anticipated. Such determination by the senior ranking officer may increase the minimum number of required officers stated in this subsection. At a minimum: one uniformed security officer shall be required for any event consisting of 1-399 participants; two uniformed security officers shall be required for any event consisting of 400 or more participants. The applicant shall pay, in addition to all other required fees, the cost of the providing of all required security officers. These security fees may not be waived. This subparagraph shall not apply to free speech activities or state sponsored activities.

    (b) At least one representative of the applicant identified in the application and permit shall be present during the entire activity;

    (c) The activity sponsor (permit holder) is responsible for restricting the area of use by participants to the specified room and rest room areas of the reserved facilities.

    (d) The activity sponsor (permit holder) shall control entrances to allow only authorized persons to enter any permitted facility or grounds.

    (7) Photography, Portraits and Video/Filming.

    (a) Any photography, videotaping or filming, shall require advance notice to, and permission from the executive director for scheduling.

    (b) Any photography, videotaping or filming, which includes wedding participants and family portraits, and which may take place anywhere in the facilities or grounds of the Capitol Hill Complex, will be required to comply with this Rule.

    (i) Such photography, videotaping or filming, may be scheduled by the executive director on Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 8[:00] a.m. to 4 p.m. The executive director may allow a different time than specified herein upon written request and if the executive director determines that such other time can be accommodated by any necessary state personnel and does not conflict with state business and any other scheduled events. The executive director may reschedule as needed to accommodate events and state business whether scheduled or not.

    (ii) In regard to inside the Capitol building, such photography, videotaping or filming may occur in the following areas: the East grand stairs, the West grand stairs, and the center of the Rotunda or other areas as approved by the executive director.

    (iii) A processing fee shall be required for such photography, videotaping or filming. Additionally, a deposit may be required to cover the costs of any anticipated cleanup by the state after the session. These fees shall be described in the Fee Schedule approved by the Board.

    (c) Any photography, videotaping or filming that is for the purpose of promoting any private business purposes, including television commercials, movies and photography for business advertising, shall be required to submit a Facility Use Application, pay the required fee from the Fee Schedule approved by the Board, and the time and location must be approved by the Executive Director.

    (d) Unless specifically endorsed by an authorized official of the State of Utah, any photography, videotaping or filming shall not expressly or impliedly indicate any State of Utah endorsement of any product, service or any other aspect of the depiction.

    (e) This subsection (7) shall not apply to tourists and does not apply to the extent it is the exercise of a free speech activity.

    (8) Liability.

    (a) The state, Board, executive director and their designees, employees and agents shall not be deemed in default of any issued permit, or liable for any damages if the performance of any or all of their obligations under the permit are delayed or become impossible because of any act of God, terrorism, war, riot or civil disobedience, epidemic, strike, lock-out or labor dispute, fire, or any other cause beyond their reasonable control.

    (b) Except as required by law, the state shall not be responsible for any property damage or loss, nor any personal injury sustained during, or as a result of, any use, activity or event.

    (c) Users/applicants shall be responsible for any personal injury, vandalism, damage, loss, or other destruction of property caused by the user or an attendee at the applicant's event.

    (9) Indemnification. Individuals and organizations using the Capitol Hill Complex do so at their own risk and shall indemnify and hold harmless the state from and against any and all suits, damages, claims or other liabilities due to personal injury or death, and from damage to or loss of property arising out of or resulting from the conduct of such use or activities on the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (10) Food Services, Cafe Operator and Authorized Caterer Requirements.

    (a) In General. Catering services on the Capitol Hill Complex shall be exclusively provided by the Cafe Operator and Authorized Caterer for those areas of the Capitol Hill Complex under the jurisdiction of the Board and to the extent expanded by the Legislative Management Committee or the Governor's Office, whichever is applicable. Multiple Authorized Caterers may be approved by the Executive Director. The Cafe Operator shall be responsible for all activities in the kitchen, servery, dining and conference rooms associated with the dining room, known as the "State Room," and located on the first floor of the East Senate Building. The Cafe Operator shall have the exclusive right to provide food and beverages in the State Room, but may give permission for an Authorized Caterer to provide food and beverages in the State Room.

    (b) Authorized Caterer Requirements. In order to qualify as an Authorized Caterer, an application must be approved by the Executive Director based on meeting the following requirements:

    (i) Quality Control Policies. The Authorized Caterer must have quality control policies that are consistent with those set forth in the contract between the Board and the Cafe Operator. The Executive Director shall provide a form describing the minimum standards.

    (ii) Application Form. A person or entity seeking to be an Authorized Caterer shall complete an application form approved by the Executive Director.

    (iii) Insurance. A Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to the Executive Director for all of the following insurance and such insurance shall be maintained throughout the term of the catering event and for at least one year thereafter:

    (A) The Authorized Caterer shall maintain Commercial General Liability insurance with per occurrence limits of at least $1,000,000 and general aggregate limits of at least $2,000,000. The selected Authorized Caterer shall also maintain, if applicable to the Authorized Caterer's operations or the specific activity, Business Automobile Liability insurance covering Caterer's owned, non-owned, and hired motor vehicles and/or Professional Liability (errors and omissions) insurance with liability limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance policies shall be endorsed to be primary and not contributing to any other insurance maintained by the Board or the State of Utah.

    (B) The Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee reserves the right at any time to require additional coverage from that required in this Rule, at the Authorized Caterer's expense for the additional coverage, based upon the specific risks presented by any proposed event and as recommended by the State's Risk Manager.

    (C) The Authorized Caterer shall maintain all employee related insurances, in the statutory amounts, such as unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, and employer's liability, for its employees or volunteers involved in performing services pursuant to the Event. Such worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance shall be endorsed to include a waiver of subrogation against the State of Utah, the Board, its agents, officers, directors and employees. Authorized Caterer shall also maintain "all risk" property insurance at replacement cost applicable to the Authorized Caterer's property and/or its equipment.

    (D) The Authorized Caterer's insurance carriers and policy provisions must be acceptable to the State of Utah's Risk Manager and remain in effect for the duration of the catering event and for at least one-year thereafter. The Board shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability, the Professional Liability Insurance and all other required insurance policies. The Authorized Caterer will cause any of its subcontractors, who provide materials or perform services related to the catering service(s), to also maintain the insurance coverages and provisions listed above.

    (E) The Authorized Caterer shall submit certificates of insurance as evidence of the above required coverage to the Executive Director prior to any entering into a contract related to the catering event. Such certificates shall provide the Board with thirty (30) calendar days written notice prior to the cancellation or material change of the applicable coverage, as evidenced by return receipt or certified mail, sent to the office of the Executive Director.

    (iv) Indemnification: The Authorized Caterer shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify the State of Utah, the Board and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all acts, errors or omissions which may cause damage to property or person(s), claims, losses, damages to the facilities or grounds of the Capitol Hill Complex, causes of action, judgments, damages and expenses including, but not limited to attorney's fees because of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property or any other injury or damage resulting from or arising out of the negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of the Authorized Caterer, or its agents, employees subcontractors or anyone for whom the Authorized Caterer may be liable, except where such claims, losses, causes of action, judgments, damages and expenses result solely from the negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of the Board, its officers, employees or agents.

    (v) Record Keeping and Audit Rights: The Authorized Caterer shall maintain accurate accounting records for all goods and services provided, and shall retain all such records for a period of at least three (3) years from the date of the catering service. Upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, the Board, or any of its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to and the right to audit any records or other documents pertaining to the Authorized Caterer. The Board's audit rights shall extend for a period of at least three (3) years from the date of the catering service.

    (vi) Equal Opportunity: The Authorized Caterer shall not unlawfully discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, or recipient of services.

    (vii) Taxes: The Authorized Caterer shall be responsible for and pay all taxes which may be levied or incurred against the Authorized Caterer, including taxes levied or incurred against Authorized Caterer's income, inventory, property, sales, or other taxes.

    (viii) Taxes: Board is Exempt: The Board is exempt from State of Utah sales and excise taxes. Exemption certification information appears on all purchase orders issued by the Board and such taxes will not apply to the Board.

    (ix) Suspension/Debarment. The Authorized Caterer must notify the Executive Director within 10 calendar days if debarred or suspended by any governmental entity.

    (x) Comply with Facility Use Rules. The Authorized Caterer shall comply with all of the Facility Use Rules enacted by the Board. Upon submission of any evidence to the Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee that the Authorized Caterer has not complied with a rule enacted by the Board, the Authorized Caterer shall be removed from eligibility for providing any catering service on the Capitol Hill Complex for a period of time as determined by the Subcommittee and consistent with the Board's rules on suspension and debarment.

    (xi) Inspection. The Board or the Executive Director reserves the right to inspect the Authorized Caterer's facilities and operations with respect to use, safety, sanitation and the maintenance of premises which shall be maintained at a level satisfactory to the Board.

    (xii) Energy. The Authorized Caterer shall exercise due care to keep utility services at a minimum, conserve the use of energies, and control the resulting costs.

    (xiii) Food Handlers Permits. All of the Authorized Caterer's employees must have a current Food Handlers Permit. Documentation shall be promptly provided upon request of the Executive Director that established that all employees and temporary employees have valid Food Handlers Permits.

    (xiv) The Authorized Caterer must have a locally grown food quality assurance program similar to that required of the Cafe Operator, which covers the food or products that are not provided by nationally recognized vendors.

    (xv) Fees and costs associated with catering services, including the Café Operator or the Authorized Caterer, shall be the responsibility of the Applicant and cannot be waived.

    (xvi) Security.

    (A) An Authorized Caterer shall provide to the Executive Director at least 24 hours in advance of any catered event, a list of all full-time and part-time employees that will be involved with the catering service on the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (B) The Applicant shall be assessed a fee to provide for the presence of at least one Board employee to be present and to assist with ingress and egress from the Capitol Hill Complex, set-up, coordination and assurance of appropriate performance under this Rule as well as timely and appropriate clean-up after the event. This fee cannot be waived.

    (11) Public Notices, Employee Postings, Required Use of Bulletin Boards.

    (a) Notices of Capitol Hill Complex meetings, information or announcements related to state of other governmental business shall be posted at executive director approved locations. If any posting is to be done by a person not officed in the Capitol Hill Complex, the executive director shall be notified prior to the posting for approval of the location(s) and duration of the posting. Such persons are also responsible to remove the notices after the related meeting or activity within 24-48 hours.

    (b) Posting of handbills, leaflets, circulars, advertising or other printed materials by state employees officed in the Capitol Hill Complex shall be on executive director approved bulletin[g] boards.

    (12) Enforcement of Rules.

    (a) If any person or group is found to be in violation of any of the applicable laws and rules, a law enforcement officer or state capitol security officer may issue a warning to cease and desist from any non-complying acts. If the law enforcement or security officer observes a non-compliant act after a warning, the officer may take disciplinary action including citations, fines, cancellations of event or activity, or removal from the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (13) Waivers.

    The Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee may waive the requirements of any provision of R131-2-6 provided that the provision of Rule R131-2-6 does not specifically indicate that it is non-waivable, upon being presented with compelling reasons that the waiver will substantially benefit the public of the state of Utah and that the facilities, grounds and persons will be appropriately protected. Any approved waiver must still require compliance with all other provisions of this Rule. The waiver request must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director, for consideration by the Subcommittee at its next regularly scheduled meeting, and must accompany any required Facility Use Application. Conditions may be placed on any approved waiver by the Subcommittee to assure the appropriate protection of facilities, grounds and persons. An appeal to the Board of a denial or the conditions of such waiver may be filed and processed similarly to the denial of a Facility Use Application as described in R131-2-5.


    KEY: public buildings, facilities use

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 7, ]2013

    Notice of Continuation: April 7, 2010

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 63C-9-101 et seq.


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Capitol Preservation Board (State),Administration
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 63C-9-301

Authorized By:
Allyson Gamble, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R131-2-6. Use of State Office Building Auditorium.