No. 31628 (Amendment): R746-349. Competitive Entry and Reporting Requirements  

  • DAR File No.: 31628
    Filed: 06/26/2008, 04:27
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    Numerous Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) have entered into the Utah market since the passage, in 1995, of statutory changes in Utah's telecommunications regulatory scheme. With the influx of additional carriers, mergers, acquisitions, and consolidations of telecommunications service providers have increased. Requests have been made to the Public Service Commission (PSC) to outline a simple procedural process for merger and acquisition proceedings before the PSC. The PSC proposes Section R746-349-7 to provide guidance on how the PSC will address simple CLEC mergers and acquisitions.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Section R746-349-7 adds provisions addressing the procedural process to be followed for simple CLEC mergers and acquisitions through informal adjudication. Additional changes are included to conform rule definition to statutory definitions and clean up the style/format of the rule's language.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Sections 54-4-1, 54-4-28, 54-4-29, and 54-4-30

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There will be no cost or savings to state government agency budgets as the rule amendment simply addresses procedural aspects of agency actions already performed under Title 54 provisions.

    local governments:

    No costs or savings impact will occur to local government entities as the rule amendment does not cover or affect any local government activity.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    The PSC is not aware of any CLECs operating in the state that have fewer than 50 employees, so it believes there will be no cost or savings effect on any "Small Business" from the proposed rule amendment. For CLECs whose mergers or acquisitions could be affected through the rule amendment, the PSC anticipates some cost savings could be realized as the rule amendment provides a simple procedural process the PSC will follow for simple unopposed CLEC mergers or acquisitions. As the rule amendment allows these CLECs to provide information and documentation which they have already prepared for federal and other states' regulatory entities, rather than require items unique for proceedings in Utah, some savings could be realized by CLEC mergers or acquistions affected by the rule amendment. Quantification of the specific dollar amounts is difficult as the PSC has no information concerning costs incurred by CLECs for their past mergers or acquisitions and obtaining such information to estimate possible savings amount is considered to be more costly than the savings that could result from the rule amendment.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There should be no additional costs incurred as a result from the rule amendment. Sections 54-4-28, 54-4-29, and 54-4-30 require utilities to obtain PSC approval of their mergers and acquistions. The rule amendment simply outlines the procedural process through which the PSC will make its rules to comply with these statutory provisions.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    As explained in the analysis provided above, the PSC does not anticipate there will be any fiscal impact on businesses that could possibly be affected by the rule amendment. Any effect is anticipated to be a slight reduction in CLEC costs of complying with statutory requirements to obtain PSC approval of a merger, acquisition, or consolidation. Ted Boyer, Chairman

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Public Service Commission
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Sheri Bintz at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6714, by FAX at 801-530-6796, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Sandy Mooy, Legal Counsel


    R746. Public Service Commission, Administration.

    R746-349. Competitive Entry and Reporting Requirements.

    R746-349-1. Applicability.

    These rules shall be applicable to each telecommunications corporation applying to be a [competitor in providing]provider of local exchange services or other public telecommunications services in all or part of the service territory of an incumbent telephone corporation.


    R746-349-2. Definitions.

    As used in [these]this rule[s]:

    A. "CLEC" means [competitive local exchange carrier]a public telecommunications service provider that did not hold a certificate to provide public telecommunications service as of May 1, 1995..

    B. "Division" means the Division of Public Utilities.

    C. "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles.

    D. "ILEC" means a telephone corporation which held a certificate to provide public teleocmmunications service as of May 1, 1995.


    R746-349-3. Filing Requirements.

    A. In addition to any other requirements of the Commission or of 63-46b and pursuant to 54-8b-2.1, each applicant for a certificate shall file, in addition to its application:

    1. testimony and exhibits in support of the company's technical, financial, and managerial abilities to provide the telecommunications services applied for and a showing that the granting of a certificate is in the public interest. Informational requirements made elsewhere in these rules can be included in testimony and exhibits;

    2. proof of a bond in the amount of $100,000. This bond is to provide security for customer deposits or other liabilities to telecommunications customers of the telecommunications corporation or liabilities to the Utah Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund, 54-8b-15, or the Hearing and Speech Impaired Fund, 54-8b-10. An applicant may request a waiver of this requirement from the Commission if it can show that adequate provisions exist to protect customer deposits or other customer and state fund liabilities;

    3. a statement as to whether the telecommunications corporation intends to construct its own facilities or acquire use of facilities from other than the incumbent local exchange carrier, or whether it intends to resell an incumbent local exchange carrier's and other telecommunications corporation's services;

    4. a statement regarding the services to be offered including:

    a. which classes of customer the applicant intends to serve,

    b. the locations where the applicant intends to provide service,

    c. the types of services to be offered;

    5. a statement explaining how the applicant will provide access to ordinary intralata and interlata message toll calling, operator services, directory assistance, directory listings and emergency services such as 911 and E911;

    6. an implementation schedule pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 252(c)(3) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which shall include the date local exchange service for residential and business customers will begin;

    7. summaries of the professional experience and education of all managerial personnel who will have responsibilities for the applicant's proposed Utah operations;

    8. an organization chart listing all the applicant's employees currently working or that plan to be working in or for Utah operations and their job titles;

    9. a chart of accounts that includes account numbers, names and brief descriptions;

    10. financial statements that at a minimum include:

    a. the most recent balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement and any accompanying notes, prepared according to GAAP,

    b. a letter from management attesting to their accuracy, integrity and objectivity, and that the statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP,

    c. if the applicant is a start-up company, a balance sheet following the above principles must be filed,

    d. if the applicant is a subsidiary of another corporation, financial statements following the above principles must also be filed for the parent corporation;

    11. financial statements to demonstrate sufficient financial ability on the part of the applicant. At a minimum, the applicant's statements must show:

    a. positive net worth for the applicant CLEC,

    b. sufficient projected and verifiable cash flow to meet cash needs as shown in a five-year projection of expected operations,

    c. proof of bond as specified in R746-349-3(A)(2);

    12. a five-year projection of expected operations including the following:

    a. proforma income statements and proforma cash flow statements,

    b. when applicable, a technical description of the types of technology to be deployed in Utah including types of switches and transmission facilities,

    c. when applicable, detailed maps of proposed locations of facilities including a description of the specific facilities and services to be deployed at each location;

    13. an implementation schedule pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 252(c)(3) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which shall include the date local exchange service for residential and business customers will begin;

    14. evidence of sufficient managerial and technical ability to provide the public telecommunications services contemplated by the application must be demonstrated by a showing of at least the following:

    a. proof of certification in other jurisdictions; and that service is currently being offered in other jurisdictions by the applicant,

    b. or the corporation has had at least two years of recent experience in providing telecommunications services related to the type of services the CLEC intends to provide;

    15. a statement as to why entry by the applicant is in the public interest;

    16. proof of authority to conduct business in Utah;

    17. a statement regarding complaints or investigations of unauthorized switching, otherwise known as slamming, or other illegal activities of the applicant or any of its affiliates in any jurisdiction. This statement should include the following:

    a. sanctions imposed against the applicant for any of these activities,

    b. copies of any written documents related to these complaints, investigations, or sanctions, including: orders or other materials from the FCC or state commissions, any courts, or other government bodies, and any complaint letters or other documents from any non-government entities or persons,

    c. the applicant's responses to any of these issues;

    18. statement about the applicant's written policies regarding the solicitation of new customers and a description of efforts made by the applicant's to prevent unauthorized switching of Utah local service by the applicant, its employees or its agents.

    B. Additional questions relating to the technical, financial, and managerial capabilities of the applicant and public interest issues may be submitted by the Division or other parties in accordance with R746-100-8, Discovery.


    R746-349-4. Reporting Requirements.

    A. When a telecommunications corporation files a request for negotiation with another telecommunications corporation for interconnection, unbundling or resale, the requesting telecommunications corporation shall file a copy of the request with the Commission.

    B. Each certificated telecommunications corporation shall file an updated chart of accounts by March 31, of each year.

    C. Each certificated telecommunications corporation with facilities located in Utah shall maintain network route maps that include all areas where the corporation is providing or offering to provide service in Utah. These maps will, at a minimum, include central office locations, types of switches, hub locations, ring configurations, and facility routes, accompanied by detailed written explanations. These route maps will be provided to the Division or the Commission upon request.

    D. Each certificated telecommunications corporation shall file a map with the Division that identifies the areas within the state where the corporation is offering service. The map should separately identify areas being served primarily through resale and by facilities owned by the carrier. This map shall be updated within 10 days after changes to the service territory occur. The map shall be made available for public inspection.

    E. At least five days before offering any telecommunications service through pricing flexibility, a telecommunications corporation shall file with the Commission [a]its proposed price list or if ordered by the Commission, the prices, terms, and conditions of a competitive contract. Each filing may be made electronically and shall:

    1. describe the public telecommunications services being offered;

    2. set forth the terms and conditions upon which the public telecommunications service is being offered;

    3. list the prices to be charged for the telecommunications service or the basis on which the service will be priced; and

    4. be made available to the public through the Division.

    F. The certificated CLEC shall file an annual report with the Division on or before March 31 for the preceding year, unless the CLEC requests and obtains an extension from the Commission. The annual report shall contain the following information, unless specific forms are provided by the Division:

    1. annual revenues from operations attributable to Utah by major service categories. That information would be provided on a "Total Utah" and "Utah Intrastate" basis. "Total Utah" will consist of the total of interstate and intrastate revenues. "Utah Intrastate" will reflect only revenues derived from intrastate tariffs, price lists, or contracts. Both Total Utah and Utah Intrastate revenues shall be reported according to at least the following classes of service:

    a. private line and special access,

    b. business local exchange,

    c. residential local exchange,

    d. measured interexchange,

    e. vertical services,

    f. business local exchange, residential local exchange and vertical service revenue will be reported by geographic area, to the extent feasible;

    2. annual expenses and estimated taxes attributed to operations in Utah;

    3. year-end balances by account for property, plant, equipment, annual depreciation, and accumulated depreciation for telecommunications investment in Utah. The actual depreciation rates which were applied in developing the annual and accumulated depreciation figures shall also be shown;

    4. financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. These financial statements shall, at a minimum, include an income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows and include a letter from management attesting to their accuracy, integrity and objectivity and that the statements follow GAAP;

    5. list of services offered to customers and the geographic areas in which those services are offered. This list shall be current and shall be updated whenever a new service is offered or a new area is served;

    6. number of access lines in service by geographic area, segregated between business and residential customers;

    7. number of messages and minutes of services for measured services billed to end users;

    8. list of officers and responsible contact personnel updated annually;

    9. a report of gross revenue on a form supplied by the Division. This report shall be used in calculating the Public Utility Regulation Fee owed by the CLEC.

    G. The annual report and the report of gross revenue filed by a CLEC [shall]may be considered protected documents under the Government Records Access Management Act, if the CLEC complies with the requirements of that act.[The CLEC shall prominently mark in red each report with the word "Confidential."]


    R746-349-6. CLEC and ILEC Subject to Pricing Flexibility Exemptions.

    A. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission either in the CLEC's [or ILEC's ]certificate proceeding or in a proceeding instituted by an ILEC, the Commission or other party, a CLEC or ILEC subject to pricing flexibility pursuant to 54-8b-2.3 is exempt from the following statues and rules. All other rules of the Commission and all other duties of public utilities not specifically exempted by these rules or by a Commission order apply to a CLEC or ILEC subject to pricing flexibility pursuant to 54-8b-2.3. All powers of the Commission not specifically altered by these rules apply to a CLEC or ILEC subject to pricing flexibility pursuant to 54-8b-2.3.

    1. Exemptions from Title 54:

    54-3-8, 54-3-19 -- Prohibitions of discrimination

    54-7-12 -- Rate increases or decreases

    54-4-21 -- Establishment of property values

    54-4-24 -- Depreciation rates

    54-4-26 -- Approval of expenditures

    2. Exemptions from Commission rules:

    R746-340-2 (D) -- Uniform System of Accounts (47 CFR 32)

    R746-340-2 (E) (1) -- Tariff filings required

    R746-340-2 (E) (2) -- Exchange Maps

    R746-34l -- Lifeline (CLEC with ETC status)

    R746-344 -- Rate case filing requirements

    R746-401 -- Reporting of construction, acquisition and disposition of assets

    R746-405 -- Tariff formats

    R746-600 -- Accounting for post-retirement benefits

    3. The CLEC will be exempted from the Lifeline rule, R746-341, only until the Commission establishes Lifeline rules that may include the CLEC or until the CLEC begins to provide residential local exchange service. The ILEC will not be exempted from the R746-341. Lifeline Rule.


    R746-349-7. Informal Adjudication of Certain CLEC Merger and Acquisition Transactions.

    A. A CLEC may obtain approval of a transaction subject to 54-4-28 (merger, consolidation or combination), 54-4-29 (acquiring voting stock or securities), and 54-4-30 (acquiring properties) in the following manner. Such adjudicative proceedings are designated as informal adjudicative proceedings pursuant to 63-46b-5 unless converted to formal adjudicative proceedings.

    1. The CLEC shall submit an application which includes, but is not limited to:

    a. identification that it is not an ILEC,

    b. identification that it seeks approval of the application pursuant to this rule,

    c. a reasonably detailed description of the transaction for which approval is sought,

    d. a copy of any filings required by the Federal Communications Commission or any other state utility regulatory agency in connection with the transaction, and

    e. copies of any notices, correspondence or orders from any federal agency or any other state utility regulatory agency reviewing the transaction which is the subject of the application.

    2. Upon receipt of the CLEC's application, the Commission will issue a public notice stating that the application has been filed, that any interested party may submit comments on the application within 14 days following public notice and may submit reply comments within 21 days following public notice, and provide notice of the date and time for a hearing on the application, which shall be scheduled to occur within 30 days following the issuance of the public notice.

    3. If no objection to the proposed transaction is submitted in any filed comments or reply comments, the Commission will presume that approval of the transaction is in the public interest and use the information contained in the application and accompanying documents as evidence to support a Commission order.

    4. The Commission may convert the proceeding on an application into a formal adjudicative proceeding based upon an objection made in comments or reply comments, evidence submitted, other reasonable basis, which may include failure of the transaction to qualify for streamlined treatment from a federal agency, or its own motion and may continue the hearing on the application as needed.


    R746-349-8. CLEC's Obligations with Respect to Provision of Services.

    A. The CLEC agrees to provide service within specified geographic areas upon reasonable request and subject to the following conditions:

    1. the CLEC's obligation to furnish service to customers is dependent on the availability of suitable facilities on its network at company-designated locations as identified in its annual network route map filing;

    2. the CLEC will only be responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of services that it provides;

    3. the CLEC will furnish service if it is able to obtain, retain and maintain suitable access rights and facilities, without unreasonable expense, and to provide for the installation of those facilities required incident to the furnishing and maintenance of that service;

    4. at its option, the CLEC may require payment of construction or line-extension charges by the customer ordering telephone service. Those charges will be in addition to the normal rates and charges applicable to the service being provided;

    5. when potential customers are so located that it is necessary or desirable to use private or government right-of-way to furnish service, those potential customers may be required, at the CLEC's option, to provide or pay the cost of providing the right-of-way in addition to any other charges;

    6. all construction of facilities will be undertaken at the discretion of the CLEC, consistent with budgetary responsibilities and consideration for the impact on the CLEC's other customers and contractual responsibilities.


    R746-349-9. Pricing Flexibility Revocation, Conditions, or Restrictions.

    A. The Commission may initiate[, or the Division, the Committee,] or any interested person may request agency action for the Commission to initiate, a proceeding to revoke or impose conditions or restrictions on a telecommunications corporation's pricing flexibility as authorized by [section ]54-8b-2.3(8).

    1. A request to initiate any proceeding pursuant to this rule shall:

    a. Identify the telecommunications corporation or corporations and the public telecommunications service or services whose pricing flexibility the requesting party believes may be subject to revocation or imposition of conditions or restrictions;

    b. The basis for the belief; and

    c. The relief sought.

    2. A request to initiate a proceeding shall be served upon the telecommunications corporation or corporations the requesting party has identified in the request, the Division and the Committee.

    3. The telecommunications corporation or corporations against whom the request is directed and any other interested party may respond to the request in accordance with the Commission's procedural rules and standard practices.

    4. If a proceeding is initiated, an interested party may request to review confidential information retained by the Commission or the Division that is reasonably related to any potential grounds for revocation, conditioning or restriction under section 54-8b-2.3(8). The party shall certify that it seeks to review that confidential information solely for purposes of determining whether a sufficient factual basis exists to and that the confidential information will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any persons who may be able to use the confidential information in business decisions to any party's competitive advantage. Prior to disclosing any confidential information, the Commission or the Division:

    a. Shall require the requesting party to execute an appropriate nondisclosure agreement;

    b. Shall notify any telecommunications corporation whose company-specific information would be disclosed of the request at least 14 calendar days before the planned date for disclosing such information; and

    c. Shall not disclose the company-specific information of any telecommunications corporation that objects to disclosure of its confidential information, if such telecommunications corporation files with the Commission or Division and serves upon other parties an objection to the disclosure of such confidential information within 10 calendar days after receiving the notice required by 349-9.4.b. The Commission shall conduct a hearing at which the telecommunications corporation whose confidential information may be disclosed is given the opportunity to present its objections or request terms and conditions for disclosure and during which other parties may respond to the telecommunications corporation whose confidential information is sought to be disclosed.

    5. In any proceeding conducted, the Commission will enter an appropriate protective order to ensure protection for confidential, proprietary, and competitively sensitive information that has been or is provided to the Commission, the Division, the Committee, or another party to the proceeding.

    6. Nothing in this rule limits the ability of any party or the Commission to raise or address any issue in any other proceeding or as permitted by law.


    KEY: essential facilities, imputation, public utilities, telecommunications

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [October 11, 2005]2008

    Notice of Continuation: March 8, 2007

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 54-7-25 through 28; 54-8b-2; 54-8b-3.3; 63G-4[6b]



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Public Service Commission,Administration
Rulemaking Authority:

Sections 54-4-1, 54-4-28, 54-4-29, and 54-4-30

Authorized By:
Sandy Mooy, Legal Counsel
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R746-349. Competitive Entry and Reporting Requirements.