No. 38617 (Amendment): Rule R23-19. Facility Use Rules  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 38617
    Filed: 06/16/2014 10:14:13 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The amendments to this rule address the following issues: 1) the current rule did not allow caterers to use food warmers, and they are now allowed, but they have to meet certain safety requirements; 2) costs for damage repairs to state facilities are increasing, so now groups are being asked to provide additional insurance for events; 3) requests for personal appliances have increased, along with associated electrical and mechanical costs, as well as the potential fire hazards risks, therefore personal appliances are being prohibited (with the exception of personal fans) in private offices or cubicles, although they are allowed in break rooms; 4) provisions are included for personal appliances that are prescribed by a licensed physician for an employee with a medical condition; 5) the current rule did not have any facility fire safety requirements in place for live and artificial trees, including their electrical decorations, so those requirements are now being added; and 6) the provision that prohibits signs or posters from being on sticks or poles on facility grounds are being deleted.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The following amendments are being proposed: 1) a provision to allow the exception of gelled food warming fuel used for catering events; 2) liability insurance has been increased from $1,000,000 across the board to $1,000,000 per person and $2,000,000 per occurrence; 3) a restriction on personal appliances within a private office or cubical space, unless employee has a medical related condition that requires some sort of device, and has a signed statement by a Utah licensed physician verifying that fact; 4) safety requirements have been added for live and artificial trees, located inside of a state facility, including any electrical decorations; and 5) the provision that prohibited signs or posters from being on sticks or poles on facility grounds are being deleted.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There are no anticipated costs, but there is a potential for savings to the state budget. This is due to decreased costs for the building mechanical and electrical systems through removal of the personal appliances, and coverage for damage repair supplied by the increased liability insurance. There is also potential savings to the state, because there are safety requirements in place for artificial and live trees, along with their electrical decorations, which will decrease the chances of fire damage inside a state facility.

    local governments:

    Local government could be affected if they were the entity applying for the facility use permit, with the increased coverage requirements. Otherwise there would be no cost or savings to these entities.

    small businesses:

    Small businesses could be affected if they were the entity applying for the facility use permit, with the increased coverage requirements, but the increased insurance can help them reduce business liability costs.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    Individuals could be affected if they were the entity applying for the facility use permit, with the increased coverage requirements, but the increased insurance can help them reduce individual liability costs.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    For requests for facility use permits, the cost of the insurance policy with defined coverage amounts. For approval for personal appliances, the cost of a doctor visit to obtain an authorization, and possibly the cost of the personal appliance.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    Small businesses and individuals could be affected if they were applying for the facility use permit, with the increased coverage requirements however, they may have less liability costs because of the extra insurance.

    Kimberly Hood, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Administrative Services
    Facilities Construction and Management
    450 N STATE ST
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Joshua Haines, Director


    R23. Administrative Services, Facilities Construction and Management.

    R23-19. Facility Use Rules.

    R23-19-1. Purpose.

    The purpose of this rule is to regulate the use of state facilities and grounds as defined below, providing rules regarding political signs, as well as authorizing written policies to be created pursuant to this rule.


    R23-19-2. Authority and Applicability.

    (1) This Rule is authorized under Sections 63A-5-103 and 63A-5-204 which authorizes the making of rules regarding the use and management of state facilities and grounds owned or occupied by the State for the use of its department and agencies.

    (2) This Rule shall apply to all state facilities and grounds except as follows:

    (a) To the extent not authorized by law or the Utah Constitution, this Rule does not apply to state facilities and grounds under the jurisdiction of the legislative and judicial branches of the State of Utah government.

    (b) This Rule does not apply to state facilities and grounds under the jurisdiction of the Utah State Board of Regents.

    (c) This Rule does not apply to state facilities and grounds under the jurisdiction of the Capitol Preservation Board.

    (d) This Rule does apply to state facilities and grounds under a lease to the extent consistent with the lease agreement, as the lease agreement shall control the use of the property under the lease. Notwithstanding this, the requirements of the constitutions of the United States and the State of Utah shall supersede the provisions of any such lease agreement and in particular, in the exercise of freedom of speech or assembly rights under such constitutions in any such leased facilities and grounds, the provisions of this rule regarding time, place and manner shall apply.


    R23-19-3. Definitions.

    (1) "Agency" means a State of Utah department, division or agency.

    (2) "DFCM" means the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, a division within the Department of Administrative Services.

    (3) "Event" or "events" are commercial, community service, private and state sponsored activities involving one or more persons. A free speech activity is not an event for purposes of this rule. The term "activity" or "activities" may be substituted in this rule for the term "event" or "events."

    (4) "Facility Use Application" means a form, if required by the policies of the Managing Agency, which may require information identifying the event, time, location and purpose for a facility use permit that needs to be completed by a prospective user and submitted to the Managing Agency of the State Office Building.

    (5) "Facility Use Permit" ("Permit") means a written permit issued by the Managing Agency authorizing the use of an area of state facilities and grounds for an event in accordance with this rule.

    (6) "Freedom of Speech Activity" is as defined in Rule R23-20.

    (7) "State Sponsored Activity" means any event sponsored by the state that is related to state business. This does not include extra-curricular activities.

    (8) "Private Activity" means an event sponsored by private individuals, business or organizations that is not a commercial or community service activity.

    (9) "Managing Agency" means the agency responsible for the management, operations and use of the facility. If DFCM is responsible for the maintenance of state facilities and grounds, the agreement between DFCM and the occupying agency shall identify the "Managing Agency."

    (10) "State Facilities and Grounds" means State of Utah facilities and/or grounds where the principal use of the facility and/or grounds is related to state office or program functions or is under the control of any State of Utah agency; all of which is subject to the exclusions of Rule R23-19-2(2).

    (11) "Community Service Activities" means events sponsored by governmental, quasi-governmental and charitable organizations, city and county government departments and agencies, public schools, and charitable organizations held to support or recognize the public or charitable functions of such sponsoring group.

    (12) "Commercial Activities" means events that sponsored or conducted for the promotion of commercial products or services, and include advertising, private parties, private company or organization meetings, and any other non-public organization event. Commercial activities do not include private, community service, state sponsored, or free speech activities.

    (13) "Political Sign" means a sign regarding a candidate for political office or regarding a political issue to be considered in an election.

    (14) "Commercial Solicitation" is as defined in rule R23-19-6.

    (15) "State" means the State of Utah and any of its agencies, departments, divisions, officers, and legislators, members of the judiciary, persons serving on state boards or commissions, and employees of the above entities and persons.


    R23-19-4. State Office Building Use Requirements.

    (1) The Managing Agency may adopt policies, which require a Facility Use Permit to be submitted. Such policies may provide for a waiver of the policy adopted under this Rule R23-19-4(1) under criteria specified in the policies. The policies may specify the form of the application, including:

    (a) The time, place, purpose and scope of the proposed activity;

    (b) Whether the applicant requests a waiver of any requirement of this rule or provision of the Facility Use Permit;

    (c) A certificate of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per person, $2,000,000 per occurrence, except for Freedom of Speech Activities where no insurance is required; and

    (d) Any required fee subject to the following:

    (i) Fees may be assessed for the use of state facilities and grounds through the written policies of the Managing Agency. When any activity is subject to a fee, the Managing Agency should consider at a minimum the actual cost to the State including utilities, janitorial, security and rental cost for equipment. The following applies to specific activities:

    (ii) "Freedom of Speech Activities." There are no fees for freedom of speech activities, but costs for requested use of state equipment or supplies may be assessed through the uniformly applied policies of the Managing Agency.

    (ii) "Commercial Activities" or "Private Activities" shall be assessed a fee, which is reasonably comparable to fees charged for similar activities within the County of the state facilities and grounds. There shall be no fee waiver allowed for commercial or private activities.

    (iii) "Community Service Activities" shall be assessed a fee of 50 percent of the fee for a commercial activity and such fee may only be waived if requested in a facility use application and granted by the approving authority. There shall be no waiver of the fee related to the costs of requested use of state equipment and supplies, which is assessed through the uniformly applied policies of the Management Agency.

    (iv) "State Sponsored Activities." There are no fees for state sponsored activities, except that state agencies will be required to pay the costs and fees identified in the uniform policies of the Management Agency when the activity is not required for the conducting of state business, such as after-hour social events, employee recognition events, and holiday parties.

    (2) The proposed activity shall not interfere with the operation of governmental business or public access. No persons shall unlawfully intimidate or interfere with persons seeking to enter or exit any facility, or use of any state facilities and grounds.

    (3) The consumption, distribution or open storage of alcoholic beverages in state facilities and grounds is prohibited. This provision shall not apply to state facilities and grounds under the jurisdiction of the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control or golf courses under the Division of Parks and Recreation.

    (4) Open flames, flammable fluids, candles, burning incense or explosives are prohibited, except that a gelled alcohol food warming fuel used for food preparation or warming, whether catered or not, is allowed provided that it is in:

    (a) a one ounce capacity container (29.6 ml) on a noncombustible surface; or

    (b) a container on a noncombustible surface, not exceeding one quart (946.g ml) capacity with a controlled pouring device that will limit the flow to a one ounce (29.6 ml) serving.

    (5)(a) The use of a personal space heater is prohibited, except as provided in Subsection (b).

    (b) Any person with a medical related condition may obtain approval by the managing agency to use a personal space heater provided the person submits a signed statement by a Utah licensed physician verifying that the medical related condition requires a change in the standard room temperature and the use of the space heater meets the specifications in Subsection (c).

    (c) If a space heater is approved by the managing agency, the space heater shall:

    (i) not exceed 900 watts at its highest setting;

    (ii) be equipped with a self-limiting element temperature setting for the ceramic elements;

    (iii) have a tip-over safety device;

    (iv) be equipped with a built-in timer not to exceed eight hours per setting;

    (v) be equipped with a programmable thermostat; and

    (vi) be equipped with an overheat protection feature.

    (d) Nothwithstanding any other provision of this Rule, if the space heater is to be placed in a facility leased by the State through the Division, the placement must also be approved by the Real Estate Section of the Division.

    (6) For Personal appliances, other than space heaters regulated under Rule R23-19-4(5) above, the following applies:

    (a) Personal appliances are prohibited in a private office or cubical but are allowed in break areas.

    (b) "Personal appliances" for purposes of this Rule include, but are not limited to: coffee makers, refrigerators, air conditioners, food warmers, hot plates, microwaves, waffle makers, toasters and toaster ovens.

    (c) "Personal appliances" for purposes of this Rule does not include personal fans, which are allowed.

    (d) Any person with a medical related condition may obtain approval by the managing agency to use a personal appliance that would otherwise be prohibited, if the person submits a signed statement by a Utah licensed physician verifying that the medical related condition requires the use of the personal appliance in the employee's private office or cubicle.

    (7[6]) No displays, including but not limited to signs, shall be affixed to state facilities and grounds.

    (8[7]) User shall not sublet any part of the premises or transfer or assign the premises or change the purpose of the permitted activity without the written consent of the state.

    (9[8]) Alteration and damage to a state facilities and grounds including grass, shrubs, trees, paving or concrete, is prohibited.

    (10[9]) All costs to repair any damage or replace any destruction, regardless of the amount or cost of restoration or refurbishing shall be at the expense of the persons(s) responsible for such damage or destruction.

    (11[0]) Service animals are permitted, but the presence of other animals is allowed only with advance written permission of the Managing Agency. Owners/caretakers are responsible for the safety to the animal, persons, grounds and facilities.

    (12[1]) Littering is prohibited.

    (13[2]) Decorations.

    (a) All cords must be taped down with 3M #471 tape or equivalent as determined by the Managing Agency.

    (b) There shall be no posting or affixing of placards, banners, or signs attached to any part of any building or on the grounds. All signs or placards shall be hand held.[  Signs or posters may not be on sticks or poles.]

    (c) No adhesive material, wire, nails, or fasteners of any kind may be used on the buildings or grounds.

    (d) Nothing may be used as a decoration, or be used in the process of decorating, that marks or damages structure(s).

    (e) All decorations and supporting structures shall be temporary.

    (f) Any writing or use of ink, paint or sprays applied to any area of any building is prohibited.

    (g) Users may not decorate the outside of any facility or any portion of the grounds.

    (h) Signs, posters, decorations, displays, or other media shall be in compliance with the state law regarding Pornographic and Harmful Materials and Performances, Section 76-10-1201 et seq.

    (14) Live cut trees. Any live cut trees placed inside a building must be treated with fire retardant as approved by the facility manager.

    (15) The following applies to artificial trees:

    (a) Artificial trees shall be listed flame retardant by an independently nationally recognized laboratory with evidence of the listing available to the facility manager.

    (16) The facility manager has the right to deem a tree unsafe and request that agency to remove the tree immediately if these rules are not strictly followed.

    (17) All electrical decorations, including but not limited to those on trees, shall be UL listed in good condition without frayed wiring, loose connections or broken sockets. They must be used according to the manufacturers' recommendations. The electrical connection, including cabling must be approved in advance by the facility manager. Any electrical decorations must be turned off at the end of the business day for each particular agency.

    (18[3]) Set up/Clean up.

    (a) All deliveries and loading/unloading of materials shall be limited to routes and elevators as specified by the Managing Agency.

    (b) All decorations, displays and exhibits shall be taken down by the designated end time of the event in a manner that is least disruptive to state business.

    (c) Users shall leave all state facilities and grounds in its original condition and appearance.

    (19[4]) Parking. There must be compliance with the written parking requirements adopted by the Managing Agency.

    ([15]20) Compliance with Laws.

    (a) Users shall conform to all applicable and constitutional laws and requirements, including health, safety, fire, building and other codes and similar requirements. Occupancy limits as posted in or applicable to any public area will dictate, unless otherwise limited for public safety, the number of persons who can assemble in the public areas. Under no circumstance will occupancy limits be exceeded. State security personnel shall use reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with occupancy, safety, and health requirements.

    (b) Safety requirements as used in this rule include safety and security requirements made known to the Managing Agency by the Utah Department of Public Safety or the federal government for the safety and security of special events and/or persons.

    (c) "No Smoking" statutes, rules and policies, including the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, Section 26-38 et seq. shall be observed.

    (d) All persons must obey all applicable firearm laws, rules, and regulations.

    ([16]21) Security and Supervision at Events.

    (a) The Managing Agency may adopt written policies regarding security requirements for events, which must be followed.

    (b) At least one representative of the applicant identified in the application and permit shall be present during the entire activity.

    ([17]22) Photography, Portraits and Video/Filming.

    (a) Any photography, videotaping or filming, shall require advance notice to, and permission from the Managing Agency for scheduling.

    (b) This Subsection (16) shall not apply to tourists and does not apply to the extent it is the exercise of a free speech activity.

    ([18]23) Commercial, Private and Community Service Activities. A Managing Agency may determine through its written policies to categorically not allow any commercial, private and/or community service activities. However, if commercial or private activities are allowed, then community service activities shall be allowed subject to all the requirements of this rule and a facility use permit.

    ([19]24) Liability.

    (a) The state, Managing Agency and their designees, employees and agents shall not be deemed in default of any issued permit, or liable for any damages if the performance of any or all of their obligations under the permit are delayed or become impossible because of any act of God, terrorism, war, riot or civil disobedience, epidemic, strike, lock-out or labor dispute, fire, or any other cause beyond their reasonable control.

    (b) Except as required by law, the state shall not be responsible for any property damage or loss, nor any personal injury sustained during, or as a result of, any use, activity or event.

    (c) Users/applicants shall be responsible for any personal injury, vandalism, damage, loss, or other destruction of property caused by the user or an attendee at the applicant's event.

    (25[0]) Indemnification. Individuals and organizations using any state facilities and grounds do so at their own risk and shall indemnify and hold harmless the state from and against any and all suits, damages, claims or other liabilities due to personal injury or death, and from damage to or loss of property arising out of or resulting from the conduct of such use or activities on the Capitol Hill Complex.

    (26[1]) Enforcement of Rules. If any person or group is found to be in violation of any of the applicable laws and rules, a law enforcement officer or state security officer may issue a warning to cease and desist from any non-complying acts. If the law enforcement or security officer observes a non-compliant act after a warning, the officer may take disciplinary action including citations, fines, cancellations of event or activity, or removal from the state facility and grounds.


    R23-19-5. Facility Use Permit - Denial - Appeal - Cancellation - Revocation - Transfer.

    (1) Within ten (10) working days of receipt of a completed application, the Managing Agency shall issue a Facility Use Permit or notice of denial of the application.

    (2) The Managing Agency may deny an application if:

    (a) The application does not comply with the applicable rules;

    (b) The event would conflict or interfere with a state sponsored activity, a time or place reserved for freedom of speech activities, the operation of state business, or a legislative session; and/or

    (c) The event poses a safety or security risk to persons or property.

    (3) The Managing Agency may place conditions on the approval that alleviates such concerns.

    (a) If the applicant disagrees with a denial of the application or conditions placed on the approval, the applicant may request a reconsideration of the Managing Agency's determination by delivering the written request for reconsideration and reasons for the disagreement to the Managing Agency within five (5) working days of the issuance of the notice of denial or approval with conditions.

    (b) Within ten (10) days after the Managing Agency receives the written request for reconsideration, the Managing Agency may modify or affirm the determination.

    (c) If the matter is still unresolved after the issuance of the Managing Agency's reconsideration determination, the applicant may appeal the matter, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days to the Executive Director of the Department of Administrative Services who will determine the process of the appeal.

    (5) Facility Use Permits are non-transferable. The purpose, time, place and other conditions of the Facility Use Permit may not be changed without the advance written consent of the Managing Agency.

    (6) An event may be re-scheduled if the Managing Agency determines that an event will conflict with a governmental function, free speech activity or state sponsored activity.

    (a) The Managing Agency may revoke any issued permit if this rule R23-19, any applicable law, or any provision of the permit is being violated. The permit may also be revoked if the safety or health of any person is threatened.

    (b) The permittee may cancel the permit and receive a refund of fees, less any incurred costs to the state or managing agency, and any deposits if written notice of cancellation is received by the Managing Agency at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event. Failure to timely cancel the event will result in the forfeiture of any deposit and fees.


    R23-19-6. Commercial Solicitation Policy.

    (1) In general, commercial solicitation is prohibited.

    (2) Nothing in this rule shall be interpreted as to infringe upon anyone's constitutional right of freedom of speech and freedom of association.

    (3) In addition to the definitions in R23-19-3 above, the following definitions shall also apply to this Rule R23-19-6:

    (a) "Commercial Solicitation(s)" means any commercial activity conducted for the purpose of advertising, promoting, fund-raising, buying or selling any product or service, encouraging membership in any group, association or organization, or the marketing of commercial activities by distributing handbills, leaflets, circulars, advertising or dispersing printed materials for commercial purposes.

    (b) "Commercial Solicitation" for the purpose of this rule does not include free speech activities as defined in rule R23-20, Utah Administrative Code.

    (c) "Commercial Solicitation" for the purpose of this rule does not include filming or photographic activities, but such activities shall be subject to rule R23-19 et seq.

    (d) "Commercial Solicitation" for the purpose of this rule does not include solicitation by the state or federal government; solicitation related to the business of the state, solicitation related to the procurement responsibilities of the state, solicitation allowed as a matter of right under applicable federal or state law; or solicitation made pursuant to a contract or lease with the state.

    (4) Commercial Solicitation Allowed under a Facility Use Permit.

    (a) Commercial solicitation, not prohibited by R23-19-6(5) below, may be allowed in conjunction with the issuance of a facility use permit under rule R23-19 and such commercial solicitation must comply with the facility use rules of R23-19-1 et seq.

    (b) All materials allowed shall be displayed only on bulletin boards or in areas that have been approved in advance by the Managing Agency.

    (c) The issuance of a facility use permit shall not be construed as state endorsement of the solicitor's product, service, charity or event.

    (d) Soliciting activities are subject to all littering laws and regulations.

    (5) Prohibited Commercial Solicitation. The following commercial solicitation activities are prohibited and no facility use permit shall be issued for such:

    (a) Door-to-door commercial solicitation of items, services or donations.

    (b) Commercial solicitation to persons in vehicles or by leaving any commercial solicitation materials on vehicles or parking lots.

    (c) Any sale of food or beverage products that would be in any violation of any contract entered into by the State or the Managing Agency.


    R23-19-7. Waivers.

    (1) The Managing Agency may waive, in writing, the requirements of any provision of this Rule R23-19 upon being presented with compelling reasons that the waiver will substantially benefit the public of the state of Utah and that the facilities, grounds and persons will be appropriately protected. Conditions may be placed on any approved waiver to assure the appropriate protection of facilities, grounds and person. An appeal of a denial of a request for such waiver may be filed and processed similarly to the denial of a Facility Use Permit as described in R23-19-5.

    (2) Costs and fees shall be waived for state sponsored activities. However, state agencies will be required to pay the costs and fees identified in the Schedule of Costs and Fees when the activity is not required for the conducting of state business, such as after-hour social events, employee recognition events, and holiday parties. Costs and fees will not be waived for commercial, private and commercial solicitation activities.

    (3) Notwithstanding the waiver provisions of this rule, the following may not be waived by the Managing Agency: R23-19-4(2), (4), (5) (8), (9), (10), (11), (15), (16), (18), (19), (20) and (21) as well as R23-19-6.


    R23-19-8. Political Signs.

    Political signs, except for hand-carried signs during permitted events under a Facility Use Permit, are prohibited on all State of Utah owned properties except as allowed under a Freedom of Speech Activity or as protected under the State of Utah or United States Constitutions.

    Rule R23-19-8(1) shall not apply to Utah Department of Transportation right-of-ways, properties of the State and Institutional Trust Lands Administration or properties of Higher Education, any of which may have its own laws or rules applicable to political signs.


    KEY: public buildings, facilities use, space heaters

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [December 4, 2008]2014

    Notice of Continuation: May 3, 2012

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 63A-5-103; 63A-5-204

Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Administrative Services,Facilities Construction and Management
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 63A-5-204

Section 63A-5-103

Authorized By:
Joshua Haines, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R23-19. Facility Use Rules.