No. 31577 (Amendment): R277-469. Instructional Materials Commission Operating Procedures  

  • DAR File No.: 31577
    Filed: 06/16/2008, 03:28
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is amended to provide for 2008 legislative directives in S.B. 2. The law requires the Utah State Board of Education to make rule amendments that establish the qualifications of independent parties who may evaluate and map the alignment of primary instructional materials to the State Core Curriculum. It also provides for the detailed summary of the evaluation to be placed on a public website. (DAR NOTE: S.B. 2 (2008) is found at Chapter 397, Laws of Utah 2008, and is effective 03/20/2008.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The rule amendments include adding new definitions; adding a new section on qualifications for Core Curriculum alignment by independent parties; adding a new section on detailed summary requirements; and changing procedures in the agreements and procedures for the publishing companies' section.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Sections 53A-14-101 and 53A-14-107, and Subsection 53A-1-401(3)

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget. Any new requirements of the Utah State Office of Education as a result of this amended rule will be administered under existing budgets.

    local governments:

    There will be increased costs to school districts that will be providing primary instruction materials. Private companies will provide required services, so textbook publishers will use their services. Documentation received from two publishers in approximately January 2008 indicated that textbook titles would increase approximately $200 per title because of this required process.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    Small businesses (how many is unknown) will benefit economically from this amended rule. They will benefit due to services they provide that textbook publishers must pay for.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Individual persons may have increased costs if school districts require students/parents to pay personally for textbooks.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    I have reviewed this rule and I see that small businesses will benefit economically from this amended rule. They will benefit due to services they provide that textbook publishers must pay for. Patti Harrington, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    250 E 500 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-3272

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Carol Lear at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation


    R277. Education, Administration.

    R277-469. Instructional Materials Commission Operating Procedures.

    R277-469-1. Definitions.

    A. "Advanced placement materials" means materials used for the College Board Advanced Placement Program and classes. The program policies are determined by representatives of member institutions. Operational services are provided by the Educational Testing Service. The program provides practical descriptions of college-level courses to interested schools and student test results based on these courses to colleges of the student's choice. Participating colleges grant credit or appropriate placement, or both, to students whose test results meet standards prescribed by the college.

    B. "Basic skills course" means a subject which requires mastery of specific functions to include reading, language arts, mathematics through geometry, science, in grades 4 through 12, and effectiveness of written expression.

    C. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

    D. "Commission" means the Instructional Materials Commission.

    E. "Curriculum alignment" means the assurance that the material taught in a course or grade level matches the standards, objectives and assessments set by the state or school district for specific courses or grade levels.

    F. "Curriculum map" means a visual representation, a tool, for assisting developers to conceptualize shared visions and values which will drive the curriculum as a whole. Sometimes called a concept map, this tool clarifies a plan for knowledge construction; it shows the links and relationships between concepts.

    [E]G. "Instructional materials" means systematically arranged text materials, in harmony with the Core framework and required courses of study or U-PASS requirements or both, which may be used by students or teachers or both as principal sources of study and which cover any portion of the course. These materials:

    (1) shall be designed for student use; and

    (2) may be accompanied by or contain teaching guides and study helps; and

    (3) shall be high quality, research-based and proven to be effective in supporting student learning.

    [F]H. "Independent party" means an entity that is not the Board, not the superintendent of public instruction or USOE staff, or an employee or board member of a school district, or the instructional materials creator or publisher, or anyone with a financial interest in the instructional materials, however minimal.[ The USOE shall develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select one vendor to conduct the required alignments.]

    [G]I. "Integrated instructional program" means any combination of textbooks, workbooks, software, videos, transparencies, or similar resources used for classroom instruction of students.

    [H]J. "International Baccalaureate" means college level work, limited in subject areas, which balances humanities and sciences in an interdisciplinary, global academic program that is both philosophical and practical. This multi-cultural experience emphasizes analytical and conceptual skills and aesthetic understanding for advanced students.

    [I]K. National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) is a technical standard used by publishers to produce consistent and valid XML-based source files that may be used to develop multiple specialized formats, such as Braille or audio books, for students with print disabilities.

    [J]L. "Not recommended materials" means instructional materials which have been reviewed by the Commission but not recommended.

    [K]M. "Primary instructional material" means a comprehensive basal or Core textbook or integrated instructional program for which a publisher seeks a recommendation for Core subjects designated in R277-700-4, 5, and 6.

    [L]N. "Primary instructional materials provider" means a publisher or author and self-publisher who sells or provides instructional materials for use in Utah public schools.

    [M]O. "Public website" means a website designated by the USOE provided by the publisher of instructional materials, free-of-charge, to teachers and the general public, to exhibit alignment and mapping to the Core for Utah primary instructional materials.

    [N]P. "Recommended instructional materials (RIMs)" means the recommended instructional materials searchable database provided as a free service by the USOE for the posting of evaluations and alignments to the Core of instructional materials submitted by publishers and on the public website of the publisher, if applicable, for review by the Commission and approval of the Board.

    [O]Q. "State Core Curriculum (Core)" means minimum academic standards provided through courses as established by the Board which shall be completed by all students K-12 as a requisite for graduation from Utah's secondary schools. The Core is provided in R277-700.

    [P]R. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.

    [Q]S. "Utah Performance Assessment System for Students (U-PASS)" means:

    (1) systematic norm-referenced achievement testing of all students in grades 3, 5, 8, and 11 required by this part in all schools within each school district by means of tests designated by the Board;

    (2) criterion-referenced achievement testing of students in all grade levels in basic skills courses, to include reading, language arts, mathematics through geometry, science, in grades 4 through 12, and effectiveness of written expression, as defined in Section 53A-1-602;

    (3) a direct writing assessment in grades 6 and 9; and

    (4) a tenth grade basic skills competency test as detailed in Section 53A-1-611.


    R277-469-2. Authority and Purpose.

    A. This rule is authorized under Utah Constitutional Article X, Section 3 which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board, by Section 53A-14-101 [through 53A-14-106 ]which directs the Board to appoint an Instructional Materials Commission and directs the Commission to evaluate instructional materials for recommendation by the Board, by Section 53A-14-107 which directs the Board to make rules that establish the qualifications of the independent parties who may evaluate and map the alignment of the primary instructional materials and requirements for the detailed summary of the evaluation and its placement on a public website, and by Subsection 53A-1-401(3) which allows the Board to make rules in accordance with its responsibilities.

    B. The purpose of this rule is to provide definitions, operating procedures and criteria for recommending instructional materials for use in Utah public schools. The rule also provides for mapping and alignment of primary instructional materials to the Core consistent with Utah law.


    R277-469-8. Agreements and Procedures for School Districts.

    A. A local board shall establish a policy for school district and school selection and purchase of instructional materials.[ The policy shall include:]

    B. The detailed Core curriculum alignment shall be required prior to the purchase of primary instructional materials by public schools and school districts purchased after July 1, 2008.[

    A. assurances signed by the school district superintendent and school principal(s) that primary instructional materials have been aligned to the Core by an independent party and that the completed Core alignment mapping is available on a public website free of charge for teachers and the general public.

    B. assurances signed by the school district superintendent and school principal(s) that instructional materials not recommended by the Commission have been selected consistent with state law. The assurances shall be available for review by the Board upon request.

    C. Consistent with legislative direction, charter schools are exempt from using only instructional materials that have been reviewed consistent with this rule under Section 53A-1a-511(4)(g).]


    R277-469-9. Qualifications for Core Curriculum Alignment Independent Parties.

    Independent parties that may align and map primary instructional materials shall use reviewer(s)/employee(s) who meet the following minimum requirements:

    (1) have a degree or an endorsement specific to the subject area of the primary instructional materials. For example, a reviewer who is aligning an American literature text shall have an English endorsement or degree; a reviewer who is mapping a calculus text shall have a mathematics endorsement or a related mathematics degree. The USOE shall make available to independent parties a list of acceptable endorsements or degrees that shall be current and valid for appropriate review of materials; and

    (2) may not be current employees of a publishing company seeking the alignment and map of primary instructional materials;

    (3) shall post documentation of credentials and endorsements on a public website designated by the USOE as required under Section 53A-14-107(3)(b).


    R277-469-10. Detailed Summary Requirements.

    Independent parties that may align and map primary instructional materials shall provide to the publisher a detailed summary of the evaluation. The summary shall:

    A. be provided on a public website required under Section 53A-14-107(3)(b) designated by the USOE;

    B. submit the summary in the alignment template provided by the USOE;

    C. submit the summary in a searchable, software database format designated by the USOE;

    D. include detailed alignment information that includes at a minimum:

    (1) the title of the material;

    (2) the ISBN number;

    (3) the publisher's name;

    (4) the name/grade of the Core document used to align the material;

    (5) the overall percentage of coverage of the Core;

    (6) the overall percentage of coverage in ancillary resources of the material to the Core;

    (7) the percentage of coverage of the Core in the material for each standard, objective and indicator in the Core with corresponding page numbers;

    (8) percentage of coverage of the Core not covered in the material but covered in the ancillary resources for each standard;

    (9) objective and indicator in the Core with corresponding page numbers; and

    E. provide the detailed alignment information listed in R277-477-469-10A(4) for the student text for all editions of the text that are used in Utah public schools;

    F. provide the detailed alignment information listed in R277-464-10A(4) for a teacher edition of text, if a teacher edition is used in Utah public schools;

    G. provide a map of the materials detailing when the materials should be used in a 180 day school schedule including the standard, objective and indicator of the item to be taught with corresponding page numbers; the recommended use of the material, such as to introduce a concept, to gain information about a concept, to extend understanding of a concept, to apply a concept, or to assess a concept; and hyperlinks to other materials, websites, or lesson plans that correspond to the concept.

    H. designate at the conclusion of the alignment document, the reviewer's evaluation of the material's alignment to the Core curriculum on a scale of 1-10, with 10 indicating the closest alignment to the Utah Core curriculum; and

    I. provide an assurance, including a personal (electronic is adequate) signature that the work was completed personally and as required by the licensed and endorsed reviewer.


    R277-469-[9]11. Agreements and Procedures for Publishing Companies.

    A. Publishing companies desiring to sell primary instructional materials to Utah school districts and schools shall:

    (1) contract with an independent party who meets the requirements in R277-469-9 to [evaluate and ]align and map the primary instructional material and related ancillary materials to the appropriate Utah Core[ for basic skills courses and in harmony] with the following provisions:

    (a) the publisher provides a detailed summary of the Core alignment and mapping [on a public website]as described in R277-469-10 at no charge; and

    (b) [the publisher provides a hyperlink from the public website to the Commission for the purpose of tying the independent alignment mapping to the evaluation conducted by the Commission on the RIMs website.]the publisher pays the costs associated with the requirements of Section 53A-14-107.

    (2) The requirements under R277-469-9-A(1) shall only be performed by entities consistent with Section 53A-14-107(2).

    [B. The USOE shall select one independent entity through an RFP process requiring competitive sealed proposals consistent with the law.

    C]B. Publishers seeking to sell recommended materials to Utah schools or school districts shall have adopted materials on deposit at an instructional materials depository in the business of selling instructional materials to schools or school districts in Utah.

    [D]C. Depository agreements may be made between publishers of materials and one or more depository.

    [E]D. The provisions of R277-469-[9]11 shall not preclude publishers from selling instructional materials to schools or school districts in Utah directly or through means other than the designated depository.

    [F]E. Recommended materials with revisions:

    (1) If a revised edition of recommended materials retains the original title and authorship, the publisher may request its substitution for the edition currently recommended providing that:

    (a) the original contract price and contract date do not change and the original contract price applies for the substituted materials;

    (b) the revised edition is compatible with the earlier edition, permitting use of either or both in the same classroom;

    (c) a sample copy of the revised edition is provided to the USOE Instructional Materials Specialist for examination purposes;[ and]

    (d) the publisher submits a revised electronic edition in NIMAS file format to the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) if the USOE approves the substitution request[.]; and

    (e) a new curriculum alignment and map summary is provided.

    (2) If Subsection R277-469-8E is not satisfied, a new edition shall be submitted for recommendation as new materials.

    (3) The Commission shall make the final determination about the substitution of a new edition for a previously recommended edition with assistance from the state subject area specialist.

    [G]F. A publisher's contract price for materials recommended by the Commission shall apply for five years from the contract date.


    R277-469-1[0]2. Request for Reconsideration of Recommendation.

    A. A request for reconsideration is an additional opportunity provided to a school district, school or publisher for review of instructional materials when the school district, school or the publisher disagrees with the initial Commission recommendation.

    B. The request for reconsideration procedure is as follows:

    (1) A school district, school or publisher shall receive the evaluations and recommendations from the USOE of the initial review.

    (2) A school district, school or publisher shall have 30 days to respond to the evaluation and request to have materials reviewed again during the next review cycle.

    (3) During the period of the reconsideration request, materials shall be marked as tentative and shall not be given official status. These materials shall not be posted to the Internet site until recommended through the official Commission process.

    (4) A school district, school or publisher may be asked to send a second set of sample materials to the USOE.

    (5) Any written information provided by a school district, school or publisher shall be available to the advisory committees during the second review.

    (6) After the second review by the subject area advisory committee, the advisory committee's recommendation shall be voted on by the Commission at the next scheduled meeting.

    (7) If the Commission votes to change the recommendation, the Board shall consider the Commission's revised recommendation at the next scheduled Board meeting and make a final decision.

    (8) A school district, school or publisher shall receive written notification that a recommendation is final and shall receive a copy of the new evaluation. Evaluations may now appear on the Internet if materials are recommended.


    KEY: instructional materials

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ January 22], 2008

    Notice of Continuation: March 3, 2008

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X, Sec 3; 53A-14-101; [through ]53A-14-10[6]7; 53A-1-401(3)



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Sections 53A-14-101 and 53A-14-107, and Subsection 53A-1-401(3)

Authorized By:
Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R277-469. Instructional Materials Commission Operating Procedures.