DAR File No.: 27233
Filed: 06/15/2004, 08:32
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The changes clarify eligibility requirements to fall in line with general eligibility and Medicaid Waivers for people with developmental disabilities, mental retardation, brain injury, and physical disabilities. The rule is also reorganized.
Summary of the rule or change:
Subsections are broken out into waiver and non-waiver eligibility criteria each for developmental disability, physical disability, and acquired brain injury. The changes clarify the eligibility requirements under each waiver as well as non-waiver eligibility in each of the three areas listed above. The changes also clarify the paperwork that both the Division and the person applying for services are responsible for completing.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Sections 62A-5-102 and 62A-5-103
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
The clarifications to the eligibility requirements will result in cost neutrality. There may be possible internal staff costs due to an increase in the requirements in determining eligibility, however, there will also be a reduction in requirements in other areas, including removing the requirement of doctor visits to determine eligibility. Staff will now make those determinations. New forms were developed to streamline the process and save time within the Division.
local governments:
No local funding is used in determining eligibility, therefore, there shall be no financial impact on local government.
other persons:
Provider agency staff are not involved in determining eligibility. No additional costs for other persons.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
People applying for services are now and shall continue to be required to complete and submit paperwork and evaluations involved in determining eligibility. Since they are not paid to complete these documents, there is no added cost.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Eligibility is determined within the Division. There is no fiscal impact on outside businesses.
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Human Services
Services for People with Disabilities
120 N 200 W
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84103-1500Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Suzie Totten at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4197, by FAX at 801-538-4279, or by Internet E-mail at stotten@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Robin Arnold-Williams, Executive Director
R539. Human Services, Services for People with Disabilities.
R539-1. Eligibility.
R539-1-1. Purpose.
(1) The purpose of this rule is to provide:
(a) procedures and standards for the determination of eligibility for Division services as required by Subsection 62A-5-102(3); and
(b) notice to Applicants of hearing rights and the hearing process.
R539-1-2. Authority.
(1) This rule establishes procedures and standards for the determination of eligibility for Division services as required by Subsection 62A-5-102(3).
(2) The procedures of this rule constitute the minimum requirements for eligibility for Division funding. Additional procedures may be required to comply with any other governing statute, federal law, or federal regulation.
R539-1-3. Definitions.
(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 62A-5-101.
(2) In addition:
(a) "Agency Action" means an action taken by the Division that denies, defers, or changes services to an Applicant applying for, or a person receiving, Division funding;
(b) "Applicant" means an individual or a representative of an individual applying for determination of eligibility;
(c) "Brain Injury" means any acquired injury to the brain and is neurological in nature. This would not include those with deteriorating diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Huntington's chorea, ataxia, or cancer, but would include cerebral vascular accident;
(d) "Department" means the Department of Human Services;
(e) "Developmental Disability" means mental retardation and related conditions;
(f) "Division" means the Division of Services for People with Disabilities;
(g) "Form" means a standard document required by Division rule or law;
(h) "Guardian" means someone appointed by a court to be a substitute decision maker for a person deemed to be incompetent of making informed decisions;
(i) "Hearing Request" means an oral or written request made by a person or a person's representative for a hearing concerning a denial, deferral or change in service;
(j) "ICF/MR" means Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation;
(k) "Person" means someone who has been found eligible for Division funding for support services due to a disability and who is waiting for or receiving services at the present time;
(l) "Region" means one of four geographical areas of the state of Utah referred to as central, eastern, northern or western;
(m) "Region Office" means the place Applicants apply for services and where support coordinators, supervisors and region directors are located;
(n) "Related Conditions" means a severe, chronic disability that meets the following conditions:
(i) It is attributable to:
(A) Cerebral palsy or epilepsy; or
(B) Any other condition, other than mental illness, found to be closely related to mental retardation because this condition results in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of mentally retarded persons, and requires treatment or services similar to those required for these persons.
(ii) It is manifest before the person reaches age 22.
(iii) It is likely to continue indefinitely.
(iv) It results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
(A) Self-care.
(B) Understanding and use of language.
(C) Learning.
(D) Mobility.
(E) Self-direction
(F) Capacity for independent living.
(o) "Representative" means the person's legal representative including the person's parents if the person is a minor child, a court appointed guardian or a lawyer retained by the person;
(p) "Resident" is an Applicant or Guardian who is physically present in Utah and provides a statement of intent to reside in Utah.;
(q) "Support" is assistance for portions of a task allowing a person to independently complete other portions of the task or to assume increasingly greater responsibility for performing the task independently;
(r) "Support Coordinator" means an employee of the Division who completes written documentation of supports and determination of eligibility and support needs;
(s) "Team Member" means members of the person's circle of support who participate in the planning and delivery of services and supports with the Person. Team members may include the Person applying for or receiving services, his or her parents, Guardian, the support coordinator, friends of the Person, and other professionals and Provider staff working with the Person; and
(t) "Waiver" means the Medicaid approved plan for a state to provide home and community-based services to persons with disabilities in lieu of institutionalization in a Title XIX facility, the Division administers three such waivers; the developmental disabilities and mental retardation waiver, the brain injury waiver and physical disabilities waiver.
1]4. Eligibility for [General] Non-Waiver Developmental Disability Services.(1) The Division will serve those Applicants who meet the definition of disabled in Subsections 62A-5-101(4)(a)(i) through (iv) and 62A-5-101(4)(b).
(2) When determining limitations in the areas listed below, age appropriate abilities must be considered.
(a) Self-care - An Applicant who requires assistance, training and/or supervision with eating, dressing, grooming, bathing or toileting.
(b) Expressive and/or Receptive Language - An Applicant who lacks functional communication skills, requires the use of assistive devices to communicate, or does not demonstrate an understanding of requests or is unable to follow two-step instructions.
(c) Learning - An Applicant who has a valid diagnosis of mental retardation based on the criteria found in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
(d) Mobility - An Applicant with mobility impairment who requires the use of assistive devices to be mobile and who cannot physically self-evacuate from a building during an emergency.
(e) Capacity for Independent Living - An Applicant (age 7-17) who is unable to locate and use a telephone, cross streets safely, or understand that it is not safe to accept rides, food or money from strangers. An adult who lacks basic survival skills in the areas of shopping, preparing food, housekeeping, or paying bills.
(f) Self-direction - An Applicant (age 7-17) who is significantly at risk in making age appropriate decisions. An adult who is unable to provide informed consent for medical/health care, personal safety, legal, financial, habilitative, or residential issues and/or who has been declared legally incompetent. A person who is a significant danger to self or others without supervision.
(g) Economic self-sufficiency - (This area is not applicable to children under 18.) An adult who receives disability benefits and who is unable to work more than 20 hours a week or is paid less than minimum wage without employment support.
(3) Applicant must be diagnosed with mental retardation as per 62A-5-101(6) or related conditions as per 42CFR435.1009.
(4) Applicants who have a disability due to mental illness, hearing impairment and/or visual impairment, learning disability, behavior disorder, substance abuse or personality disorder do not qualify for services under this rule.
(3)](5) The Applicant, parent of a minor child, or the Applicant's Guardian must be a [R]resident of the state of Utah prior to the Division's final determination of eligibility. [Resident is an Applicant or Guardian who is physically present in Utah and provides a statement of intent to reside in Utah.][
(4)](6) The Applicant or Applicant's Representative shall be provided with information about all service options available through the Division as well as a copy of the Division's Guide to Services.[The Applicant or Applicant's Representative shall be provided with information about Division service options and a copy of the Division's Guide to Services, Medicaid, state and local Family Councils, community resources (e.g. vocational rehabilitation, SSI, etc.). If an Applicant's Representative is interested in residential services for an Applicant who is 17 years of age and under, the Applicant's Representative shall be provided with (in addition to the information listed above) an Office of Recovery Services (ORS) Pamphlet and given instructions on how to contact ORS in order to request a required Duty of Support application.](7) It is the Applicant's or Applicant's Representative's responsibility to ensure that the appropriate documentation is provided to the [
I]intake worker to determine eligibility.(8) The following documents are required to determine eligibility for [
State funded]non-waivered developmental disabilities services.(a) A Division Eligibility for Services Form 19 completed by the designated staff within each region office.[
signed by a licensed physician, licensed psychologist or certified school psychologist.] For children under seven years of age, [two separate]Eligibility for Services Form 19[c]C, completed by the designated staff within each region office,[signed by a certified or licensed professional working in the disability field] will be accepted in lieu of the Eligibility for Services Form 19. The staff member[professional] will indicate on the Eligibility for Services Form 19[c]C that the child has substantial functional limitation in three areas of major life activity[or is at risk due to an existing condition associated with these limitations]; that the limitations are likely to continue indefinitely; and what assessment provides the bas[e]is of this determination.(b) Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) assessment shall be completed by the Division;
(c) Social History completed by or for the Applicant within one year of the date of application;
(d) Psychological Evaluation provided by the Applicant or, for children under seven years of age, a Developmental Assessment may be used as an alternative; and
(e) Supporting documentation for all functional limitations identified on the Division Eligibility for Services Form 19 or Division Eligibility for Services Form 19C shall be gathered and filed in [
a]Applicant's record. Additional supporting documentation shall be required when eligibility is not clearly supported by the above-required documentation. Examples of supporting documentation include, but are not limited to, mental health assessments, educational records, neuropsychological evaluations, and medical health summaries.(9) If eligibility documentation is not completed within 90 calendar days of initial contact, a written notification letter shall be sent to Applicant or Applicant's Representative indicating that the intake case will be placed in inactive status.
(a) The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may activate the application at anytime thereafter by providing the remaining required information.
(b) The Applicant or Applicant's Representative shall be required to update information.
(10) When all necessary eligibility documentation is received from the Applicant or Applicant's Representative, Region staff shall determine the Applicant eligible or ineligible for funding for non-waiver developmental disabilities [
supports]services within 90 days of receiving the required documentation.(11) A Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-I, and a Hearing Request, Form 490S, shall be mailed to each Applicant or Applicant's Representative upon completion of the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for funding. The Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-I, shall inform the Applicant or Applicant's Representative of eligibility determination and placement on the waiting list. The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may challenge the Notice of Agency Action by filing a written request for an administrative hearing before the Department of Human Services, Office of Administrative Hearings.
(12) People receiving services will have their eligibility re-determined on an annual basis. If people are determined to no longer be eligible for services, a transition plan will be developed to discontinue services and ensure health and safety needs are meet.[
(12) Non-Waiver Persons who do not meet Waiver level of care must apply for a Medicaid Card prior to entering into services. Non-Waiver Persons who meet Waiver level of care must apply for determination of financial eligibility using Form 927 prior to entering into services. Non-Waiver Persons who apply for a Medicaid Card or for a determination of Waiver financial eligibility shall provide the support coordinator with the determination letter within 10 days of the receipt of such documentation. Non-Waiver Persons who fail to comply with these requirements shall have funding reduced to the state match rate.](13) This [
policy]rule does not apply to Applicants who meet the separate eligibility criteria for [personal assistance]physical disability and brain injury outlined in Rule 539-1-[3]6 and Rule 539-1-[4]8 respectively.(14) Persons not participating in a Waiver or Persons participating in a Waiver but receiving non-Waiver services may have reductions in service packages or be discharged from services completely, due to budget shortfalls, reduced legislative allocations and/or reevaluations of eligibility.
2]5. Eligibility for Developmental Disabilities / Mental Retardation Waiver Services.(1) Matching federal [
Medicaid]funds may be[are] available through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities to provide an array of home and community-based services that an eligible individual needs.[To be determined eligible for Waiver funding Applicants must:(a) Meet all state defined, age-appropriate eligibility requirements as listed in R539-1-1; and(b) Meet the following requirements, as contained in the State Implementation Plan which is incorporated by reference in the Department of Health Rule R414-61 (August 9, 2001) which this Division incorporates by reference:(i) The individual is Medicaid eligibility;(ii) The individual's diagnosis of mental retardation/developmental disability is documented by a physician or psychologist's assessment;(iii) A qualified waiver support coordinator has documented that the individual meets the level of care requirements specified in R414-502-8: Criteria for Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded; and(iv) The individual, but for the provision of waiver services would otherwise require placement in an ICF/MR to receive needed services.][
(c)](a) A Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-F, and a Hearing Request, Form 490S, shall be mailed to each Applicant or Applicant's Representative upon completion to inform of the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for the Waiver. The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may challenge the Notice of Agency Action by filing a written request for an administrative hearing before the Department of Health.(2) Applicants who are found eligible for Waiver funding may choose to participate in the Medicaid Waiver. If the Applicant chooses not to participate in the Waiver, their funding will be equivalent to the State portion of the Waiver budget they would have received had they participated in the Waiver.[
(3) Children six years of age, who are currently receiving Division funding, must initiate a division Form 19 before a child's seventh birthday to re-determine eligibility for Division funding. If the child is determined to not be eligible or the Division Form 19 is not returned within 90 calendar days from the day a Form 19 was either given or mailed to the Applicant or Applicant's Representative, aNotice of Agency Action, Form 522I and a Notice of Hearing Rights Form 490S shall be sent to the Applicant or Applicant's Representative.][
R539-1-3. Personal Assistance Services Eligibility.A. Policy.1. Personal Assistance Services means hands-on care of both a medical and non-medical supportive nature specific to the needs of an adult with a physical disability.2. Applicants for Personal Assistance Services are required to complete a written application and are screened by the Division of Services for People with Disabilities. Applicants must be adults with physical disabilities who:a. are 18 years of age or older;b. have a documented physical disability resulting in a functional loss of two or more limbs to the extent that the assistance of another person is required to accomplish personal care;c. are medically stable;d. require at least 14 or more hours per week of personal assistance services;e. demonstrate the ability to be self-directed and capable of managing their personal affairs as well as supervising the person(s) hired to provide the necessary personal assistance; andi. have at least one personal attendant willing to be trained and available to provide support services in a setting that can accommodate the personnel and equipment needed to adequately and safely care for the individual.ii. To be eligible for the Personal Assistance Medicaid Waiver, individuals must also:I. qualify for Medicaid based on personal income and resources; andII. meet admission criteria for nursing facility care as determined by the Division of Health Systems Improvement, Resident Assessment Section.B. Procedures.1. An application for services is made directly to the State Division Office by submitting Form 20 signed by a licensed physician. The application must be complete and include:a. documentation of the extent of personal assistance services needed;b. documentation that a pending or "dependent" living situation can be alleviated by Personal Assistance Services; andc. verification by a physician of required information.2. Members of a person's support team may assist an individual who receives support services to make an application for personal assistance services.3. All applications shall be reviewed by a Division State Office staff member. If the applicant is determined eligible, the applicants name shall be entered on the waiting list. The persons priority on the waiting list shall be determined by the date the application was received by the Division's State Office. Applicants shall receive funding in order of priority4. Applicants waiting for personal assistance support services or their representatives, may petition a Review Team to ask for a higher priority.5. Individual who receive personal assistance support services may petition a Review Team to consider a request for an increase in funding6. Appeals for denial of services will be made according to R539-2-57. A person determined eligible for the Personal Assistance Services Medicaid Waiver can choose to maximize the amount and/or frequency of supports by use of the Waiver. If the person chooses not to participate in the Personal Assistance Waiver, the person shall only receive that portion of State assistance that would be used to pay the State match for supports covered by Medicaid.]
R539-1-6 Eligibility for Non-Waivered Physical Disabilities Services.
(1) The Division will serve those Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements for physical disabilities services. To be determined eligible for non-waivered Physical Disabilities Services, the Applicant must:
(a) Have the functional loss of two or more limbs;
(b) Be 18 years of age or older;
(c) Have at least one personal attendant trained or willing to be trained and available to provide support services in a residence that is safe and can accommodate the personnel and equipment (if any) needed to adequately and safely care for the Person; and
(d) Be medically stable, have a physical disability and require in accordance with the Person's physician's written documentation, at least 14 hours per week of personal assistance services in order to remain in the community and prevent unwanted institutionalization.
(e) Have their physician document that the Person's qualifying disability and need for personal assistance services are attested to by a medically determinable physical impairment which the physician expects will last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months and which has resulted in the individual's functional loss of two or more limbs, to the extent that the assistance of another trained person is required in order to accomplish activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living;
(f) Be capable, as certified by a physician, of selecting, training and supervising a personal attendant;
(g) Be capable of managing personal financial and legal affairs; and
(h) Be a resident of the State of Utah.
(2) Applicants seeking non-Waiver funding for physical disabilities services from the Division shall apply directly to the Division's State Office, by submitting a completed Physical Disabilities Services Application Form 3-1 signed by a licensed physician.
(3) If eligibility documentation is not completed within 90 calendar days of initial contact, a written notification letter shall be sent to Applicant indicating that the intake case will be placed in inactive status.
(a) The Applicant may activate the application at anytime thereafter by providing the remaining required information.
(b) The Applicant shall be required to update information.
(4) When all necessary eligibility documentation is received from the Applicant and the Applicant is determined eligible, the Applicant will be assessed by a Nurse Coordinator, according to the Physical Disabilities Needs Assessment Form 3-2 and the Minimum Data Set-Home and Community-based (MDS-HC), and given a score prior to placing a Person into services. The Physical Disabilities Nurse Coordinator shall:
(a) use the Physical Disabilities Needs Assessment Form 3-2 to evaluate each Person's level of need;
(b) determine and prioritize needs scores;
(c) rank order the needs scores for every Person eligible for service, and
(d) if funding is unavailable, enter the Person's name and score on the Physical Disabilities wait list.
(5) The Physical Disabilities Nurse Coordinator assures that the needs assessment score and ranking remain current by updating the needs assessment score as necessary. A Person's ranking may change as needs assessments are completed for new Applicants found to be eligible for services.
(6) A Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-I, and a Hearing Request, Form 490S, shall be mailed to each Applicant upon completion of the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for funding. The Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-I, shall inform the Applicant of eligibility determination and placement on the pending list. The Applicant may challenge the Notice of Agency Action by filing a written request for an administrative hearing before the Department of Human Services, Office of Administrative Hearings.
(7) This does not apply to Applicants who meet the separate eligibility criteria for developmental disability/mental retardation and brain injury outlined in Rule 539-1-4 and Rule 539-1-8 respectively.
(8) Persons not participating in a waiver or Persons participating in a waiver but receiving non-waiver services may have reductions in service packages or be discharged from services completely, due to budget shortfalls, reduced legislative allocations and/or reevaluations of eligibility.
R539-1-7 Eligibility for Physical Disabilities Waiver Services.
(1) Matching federal funds may be available through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Physical Disabilities to provide an array of home and community-based services that an eligible individual needs.
(2) Applicants who are found eligible for the Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Physical Disabilities funding but who choose not to participate in the Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Physical Disabilities, will receive only the state paid portion of services.
4]8. Eligibility for Non-Waiver Brain Injury [Waiver Eligibility]Services.[
A. Policy.A person who has a documented brain injury, who requires the level of care provided in a Nursing Facility (according to Utah Administrative Rules for Health R414-502-3) and who is 18 years of age or older may be eligible for Division services under the Brain Injury Home and Community-Based Waiver. Only individuals with an acquired neurological brain injury or limitation qualify for services. Individuals with substance abuse or deteriorating diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington's Chorea, Ataxia or Cancer as their primary diagnosis are ineligible for these Waiver services.B. Procedures.1. Required documentation:a. documentation of brain injury signed by a licensed physician;c. a Rancho Los Amigos Adult Head Trauma Scale, completed within the last year by a qualified professional. To be eligible for services, the individual's degree of functioning must be rated at a level of 5, 6, or 7 on the Rancho Los Amigos Adult Head Trauma Scale.2. Eligibility will not be determined until all documentation is received. Eligibility may be denied after 90 days if necessary documentation is not received.](1) The Division will serve those Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements for brain injury services. To be determined eligible for non-waiver brain injury services the Applicant must:(a) have a documented acquired neurological brain injury;
(b) Be 18 years of age or older;
(c) score between 40 and 120 on the Brain Injury Comprehensive Assessment Form 4-1.
(2) Applicants with substance abuse or deteriorating diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington's Chorea, Ataxia or Cancer as a primary diagnosis are ineligible for these non-waiver services.
(3) The Applicant shall be provided with information concerning service options available through the Division and a copy of the Division's Guide to Services.
(4) The Applicant or the Applicant's Guardian must be a resident of the state of Utah prior to the Division's final determination of eligibility.
(5) It is the Applicant's or Applicant's Representative's responsibility to provide the intake worker with documentation of brain injury, signed by a licensed physician;
(6) The intake worker will complete or compile the following documents:
(a) Brain Injury Intake, Screening and Comprehensive Assessment Form 4-1, Part I through Part VII; and
(b) Brain Injury Social History Summary Form 824BI, completed or updated within one year of eligibility determination;
(7) If eligibility documentation is not completed within 90 calendar days of initial contact, a written notification letter shall be sent to Applicant or Applicant's Representative indicating that the intake case will be placed in inactive status.
(a) The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may activate the application at anytime thereafter by providing the remaining required information.
(b) The Applicant or Applicant's Representative shall be required to update information.
(8) When all necessary eligibility documentation is received from the Applicant or Applicant's Representative, region staff shall determine the Applicant eligible or ineligible for funding for brain injury supports.
(9) A Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-I, and a Hearing Request, Form 490S, shall be mailed to each Applicant or Applicant's Representative upon completion of the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for funding. The Notice of Agency Action, Form 522, shall inform the Applicant or Applicant's Representative of eligibility determination and placement on the waiting list. The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may challenge the Notice of Agency Action by filing a written request for an administrative hearing before the Department of Human Services, Office of Administrative Hearings.
R539-1-9 Eligibility for Acquired Brain Injury Waiver Services.
(1) Matching federal funds may be available through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Acquired Brain Injury to provide an array of home and community-based services that an eligible individual needs.
(2) Applicants who are found eligible for the Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Brain Injury funding but who choose not to participate in the Home and Community-Based Waiver for People with Brain Injury, will receive only the state paid portion of services.
(3) A Notice of Agency Action, Form 522-F, and a Hearing Request, Form 490S, shall be mailed to each Applicant or Applicant's Representative upon completion to inform of the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for the Waiver. The Applicant or Applicant's Representative may challenge the Notice of Agency Action by filing a written request for an administrative hearing before the Department of Health.
5]10. Graduated Fee Schedule.(1) Pursuant to Utah Code 62A-5-105 the Division establishes a graduated fee schedule for use in assessing fees to individuals. The graduated fee schedule shall be applied to Persons who do not meet the Medicaid eligibility requirements listed in the Developmental Disabilities/Mental Retardation Waiver, the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver or the Physical Disabilities Waiver. Family size and gross income shall be used to determine the fee. This rule does not apply to Persons who qualify for Medicaid waiver funding but who choose to have funding reduced to the state match per R539-1-2 rather than participate in the Medicaid Waiver.
(a) Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver who do not meet Waiver level of care must apply for a Medicaid Card within 30 days of receiving notice of this rule. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver who meet Waiver level of care must apply for determination of financial eligibility using Form 927 within 30 days of receiving notice of this rule. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver shall provide the Support Coordinator or Nurse Coordinator with the financial determination letter within 10 days of the receipt of such documentation. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver and who fail to comply with these requirements shall have funding reduced to the state match rate.
(b) Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver due to financial eligibility, must be reduced to the state match rate.
(c) Persons who [
do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver]only meet the general eligibility requirements, as per R539-1-4, R539-1-6, and R539-1-8, must report all cash assets (stocks, bonds, certified deposits, savings, checking and trust amounts), annual income and number of family members living together using Division Form 2-1G. Persons with Discretionary Trusts are exempt from the Graduated Fee Schedule as per Subsection 62A-5-110(6). The Form 2-1G shall be reviewed at the time of the annual planning meeting. The Person / family shall return Form 2-1G to the support coordinator prior to delivery of new services. Persons / families currently receiving services will have 60 days from receiving notice of this rule to return a completed and signed Form 2-1G to the Division. Persons / families who complete the Division [fee Determination Form]Graduated Fee Assessment Form 2-1G shall be assessed a fee no more than 3% of their income. If the form is not received within 60 days of receiving notice of this rule, the Person will have funding reduced to the state match rate.(d) Cash assets, income and number of family members will be used to calculate available income (using the formula: (assets + income) / by the total number of family members = available income). Available income will be used to determine the fee percent (0 percent to 3 percent). The annual fee amount will be calculated by multiplying available income by the fee percent. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver, who only meet general eligibility requirements, and have available incomes below 300 percent of the poverty level will not be assessed a fee. Persons with available incomes between 300 and 399 percent of poverty will be assessed a 1 percent fee, Persons with available incomes between 400 and 499 percent of poverty will be assessed a 2 percent fee and those with available income over 500 percent of poverty will be assessed a 3 percent fee.
(e) No fee shall be assessed for a Person who does not participate in a Medicaid Waiver and who receives funding for less than 31 percent of their assessed need. A multiplier shall be applied to the fee of Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver and who receive 31 to 100% percent of their assessed need.
(f) If a Person's annual allocation is at the state match rate, they will not be assessed a fee.
(g) Only one fee will be assessed per family, regardless of the number of children in the family receiving services. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver under the age of 18 shall be assessed a fee based upon parent income. Persons who do not participate in a Medicaid Waiver over the age of 18 shall be assessed a fee based upon individual income and assets.
(h) If the Person is assessed a fee, the Person shall pay the Division of Services for People with Disabilities or designee 1/12th of the annual fee by the end of each month, beginning the following month after the notice of this rule was sent to the Person.
(i) If the Person fails to pay the fee for six months, the Division may reduce the Person's next year annual allocation to recover the amount due. If a Person can show good cause, the Division Director may grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
KEY: [
disabled persons, social services]human services, disability[
November 13, 2003]2004Notice of Continuation December 18, 2002
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 8/3/2004
- Publication Date:
- 07/01/2004
- Filed Date:
- 06/15/2004
- Agencies:
- Human Services,Services for People with Disabilities
- Rulemaking Authority:
Sections 62A-5-102 and 62A-5-103
- Authorized By:
- Robin Arnold-Williams, Executive Director
- DAR File No.:
- 27233
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R539-1. Eligibility.