Home Health Services  

  • The Division of Medicaid and Health Financing (DMHF) is submitting changes to Attachments 4.19-B, 3.1-A and 3.1-B in the Medicaid State Plan through "SPA 13-025-UT, Home Health Services." The purpose of this amendment is to clarify home health services under the Medicaid program, and to annually rebase pricing of physician codes based on the existing State Plan requirement. This amendment, therefore, updates the definition of home health services, clarifies services and limitations, updates references, and reorganizes home health information. It also updates the effective date of rates for home health services to 07/01/2013.

    DMHF does not expect any increase or decrease in annual costs to result from this amendment.

    The proposed effective date of this amendment is 07/01/2013, and it is pending Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approval.

    A copy of the changes may be obtained from Craig Devashrayee (801-538-6641), or by writing the Technical Writing Unit, Utah Department of Health, P.O. Box 143102, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-3102. Comments are welcome at the same address. Copies of the changes are also available at local county health department offices.

Document Information

Publication Date:
Health,Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
DAR File No.: