No. 33672 (Amendment): Section R645-300-100. Review, Public Participation, and Approval or Disapproval of Permit Applications and Permit Terms and Conditions  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 33672
    Filed: 05/26/2010 12:59:06 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule establishes procedures for review, public participation, and approval or disapproval of coal mine permit applications and the amendment primarily pertains to permits for proposed re-mining operations. The rule is being changed at the request of the Office of Surface Mining to be as effective as federal regulation, in order to retain state primacy.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This rule amendment clarifies the permit application information for a proposed re-mining operation and makes other small wording changes to coincide with the federal counterpart. These amendments are in accordance with Office of Surface Mining regulations.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget. The amendment clarifies the items to be included in a re-mining application prior to approval, and no measurable impact is expected to the state cost in such application reviews.

    local governments:

    No local government costs or savings are anticipated. Local government is not impacted by this rule.

    small businesses:

    There are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses because coal mining in Utah normally is not conducted by a small business.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    Persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities are not anticipated to incur costs or savings. These regulations impact the Division and coal mining companies in Utah.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Coal mine operators within Utah are regulated via the Title R645 rules. While the amendment clarifies the permit application information for a proposed re-mining operation prior to approval, the additional information in the permit was already considered in prior applications, but now will be documented in the application. Therefore, no measurable impact is expected to coal re-mining applicants for compliance costs.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    No measurable fiscal impact upon businesses is expected from this rule change.

    Michael Styler, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Natural Resources
    Oil, Gas and Mining; Coal
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    • 06/23/2010 09:00 AM, DNR, 1594 W North Temple, #1040, Salt Lake City, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    John Baza, Director


    R645. Natural Resources; Oil, Gas and Mining; Coal.

    R645-300. Coal Mine Permitting: Administrative Procedures.

    R645-300-100. Review, Public Participation, and Approval or Disapproval of Permit Applications and Permit Terms and Conditions.

    The rules in R645-300-100 present the procedures to carry out the entitled activities.


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    132. Review of Compliance.

    132.100. The Division will review available information on state and federal failure-to-abate cessation orders, unabated federal and state imminent harm cessation orders, delinquent civil penalties issued under section 518 of the federal Act, SMCRA-derived laws of other states, and section 40-10-20 of the Act, bond forfeitures where violations on which the forfeitures are based have not been corrected, delinquent abandoned mine reclamation fees, and unabated violations of the Act, derivative laws of other states and federal air and water protection laws, rules and regulations incurred at any coal mining and reclamation operations connected with the applicant. The Division will then make a finding that neither the applicant, nor any person who owns or controls the applicant, nor any person owned or controlled by the applicant is currently in violation of any law, rule, or regulation referred to in R645-300-132. If such a finding cannot be made, the Division will require the applicant, before issuance of the permit, to either:

    132.110. Submit to the Division proof that the current violation has been or is in the process of being corrected to the satisfaction of the agency that has jurisdiction over the violation; or

    132.120. Establish for the Division that the applicant or any person owned or controlled by the applicant or any person who owns or controls the applicant has filed and is presently pursuing, in good faith, a direct administrative or judicial appeal to contest the validity of the current violation. If the initial judicial review authority under R645-300-220 either denies a stay applied for in the appeal or affirms the violation, then the applicant will within 30 days submit the proof required under R645-300-132.110.

    132.200. Any permit that is issued on the basis of proof submitted under R645-300-132.110 or pending the outcome of an appeal described in R645-300-132.120 will be issued conditionally.

    132.300. If the Division makes a finding that the applicant, or anyone who owns or controls the applicant, or the operator specified in the application, controls or has controlled coal mining and reclamation operations with a demonstrated pattern of willful violations of the Act of such nature and duration and with such resulting irreparable damage to the environment as to indicate an intent not to comply with the Act, the application will not be granted. Before such a finding becomes final, the applicant or operator will be afforded an opportunity for an adjudicatory hearing on the determination as provided for in R645-300-210.

    133. Written Findings for Permit Application Approval. No permit application or application for a [permit change]significant revision of a permit will be approved unless the application affirmatively demonstrates and the Division finds, in writing, on the basis of information set forth in the application or from information otherwise available that is documented in the approval, the following:

    133.100. The application is complete and accurate and the applicant has complied with all the requirements of the Federal Act and the State Program;

    133.200. The proposed permit area is:

    133.210. Not within an area under study or administrative proceedings under a petition, filed pursuant to R645-103-400 or 30 CFR 769, to have an area designated as unsuitable for coal mining and reclamation operations, unless the applicant demonstrates that before January 4, 1977, substantial legal and financial commitments were made in relation to the operation covered by the permit application; or

    133.220. Not within an area designated as unsuitable for [mining]coal mining and reclamation operations pursuant to R645-103-300 and R645-103-400 or 30 CFR 769 or within an area subject to the prohibitions [or limitations] of R645-103-[230]224;

    133.300. For coal mining and reclamation operations where the private mineral estate to be mined has been severed from the private surface estate, the applicant has submitted to the Division the documentation required under R645-301-114.200;

    133.400. The Division has made an assessment of the probable cumulative impacts of all anticipated coal mining and reclamation operations on the hydrologic balance in the cumulative impact area and has determined that the proposed operation has been designed to prevent material damage to the hydrologic balance outside the permit area;

    133.500. The operation would not affect the continued existence of endangered or threatened species or result in destruction or adverse modification of their critical habitats, as determined under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et.seq.);

    133.600. The Division has taken into account the effect of the proposed permitting action on properties listed on and eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This finding may be supported in part by inclusion of appropriate permit conditions or changes in the operation plan protecting historic resources, or a documented decision that the Division has determined that no additional protection measures are necessary; and

    133.700. The applicant has:

    133.710. Demonstrated that reclamation as required by the Federal Act and the State Program can be accomplished [according to information given]under the reclamation plan contained in the permit application.

    133.720. Demonstrated that any existing structure will comply with the applicable performance standards of R645-301 and R645-302.

    133.730. Paid all reclamation fees from previous and existing coal mining and reclamation operations as required by 30 CFR Part 870.

    133.740. Satisfied the applicable requirements of R645-302.

    133.750. If applicable, satisfied the requirements for approval of a long-term, intensive agricultural postmining land use, in accordance with the requirements of R645-301-353.400.

    133.800. For a proposed remining operation where the applicant intends to reclaim in accordance with the requirements of R645-301-553.500, the site of the operation is a previously mined area as defined in R645-100-200.

    133.900. For permits to be issued for proposed remining operations as defined in R645-100-200 and reclaimed in accordance with R645-301-553, the permit application must contain the following information:

    133.910. Lands eligible for remining;

    133.920. An identification of the potential environmental and safety problems related to prior mining activity which could reasonably be anticipated to occur at the site; and

    133.930. Mitigation plans to sufficiently address these potential environmental and safety problems so that reclamation as required by the applicable requirements of the State Program can be accomplished.

    133.1000. The applicant is eligible to receive a permit, based on the reviews under R645-300-100 through R645-300-132.300.

    134. Performance Bond Submittal. If the Division decides to approve the application, it will require that the applicant file the performance bond or provide other equivalent guarantee before the permit is issued, in accordance with the provisions of R645-301-800.

    140. Permit Conditions. Each permit issued by the Division will be subject to the following conditions:

    141. The permittee will conduct coal mining and reclamation operations only on those lands that are specifically designated as the permit area on the maps submitted with the application and authorized for the term of the permit and that are subject to the performance bond or other equivalent guarantee in effect pursuant to R645-301-800.

    142. The permittee will conduct all coal mining and reclamation operations only as described in the approved application, except to the extent that the Division otherwise directs in the permit.

    143. The permittee will comply with the terms and conditions of the permit, all applicable performance standards and requirements of the State Program.

    144. Without advance notice, delay, or a search warrant, upon presentation of appropriate credentials, the permittee will allow the authorized representatives of the Division to:

    144.100. Have the right of entry provided for in R645-400-110 and R645-400-220.

    144.200. Be accompanied by private persons for the purpose of conducting an inspection in accordance with R645-400-100 and R645-400-200 when the inspection is in response to an alleged violation reported to the Division by the private person.

    145. The permittee will take all possible steps to minimize any adverse impact to the environment or public health and safety resulting from noncompliance with any term or condition of the permit, including, but not limited to:

    145.100. Any accelerated or additional monitoring necessary to determine the nature and extent of noncompliance and the results of the noncompliance;

    145.200. Immediate implementation of measures necessary to comply; and

    145.300. Warning, as soon as possible after learning of such noncompliance, any person whose health and safety is in imminent danger due to the noncompliance.

    146. As applicable, the permittee will comply with R645-301 and R645-302 for compliance, modification, or abandonment of existing structures.

    147. The operator will pay all reclamation fees required by 30 CFR Part 870 for coal produced under the permit, for sale, transfer or use.

    148. Within 30 days after a cessation order is issued under R645-400-310, except where a stay of the cessation order is granted and remains in effect, the permittee will either submit the following information current to when the order was issued or inform the Division in writing that there has been no change since the immediately preceding submittal of such information:

    148.100. Any new information needed to correct or update the information previously submitted to the Division by the permittee under R645-301-112.300.

    148.200. If not previously submitted, the information required from a permit applicant by R645-301-112.300.

    150. Permit Issuance and Right of Renewal.

    151. Decision. If the application is approved, the permit will be issued upon submittal of a performance bond in accordance with R645-301-800. If the application is disapproved, specific reasons therefore will be set forth in the notification required by R645-300-152.

    152. Notification. The Division will issue written notification of the decision to the following persons and entities:

    152.100. The applicant, each person who files comments or objections to the permit application, and each party to an informal conference;

    152.200. The local governmental officials in the local political subdivision in which the land to be affected is located within 10 days after the issuance of a permit, including a description of the location of the land; and

    152.300. The Office.

    153. Permit Term. Each permit will be issued for a fixed term of five years or less, unless the requirements of R645-301-116 are met.

    154. Right of Renewal. Permit application approval will apply to those lands that are specifically designated as the permit area on the maps submitted with the application and for which the application is complete and accurate. Any valid permit issued in accordance with R645-300-151 will carry with it the right of successive renewal, within the approved boundaries of the existing permit, upon expiration of the term of the permit, in accordance with R645-303-230.

    155. Initiation of Operations.

    155.100. A permit will terminate if the permittee has not begun the coal mining and reclamation operation covered by the permit within three years of the issuance of the permit.

    155.200. The Division may grant a reasonable extension of time for commencement of these operations, upon receipt of a written statement showing that such an extension of time is necessary, if:

    155.210. Litigation precludes the commencement or threatens substantial economic loss to the permittee; or

    155.220. There are conditions beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the permittee.

    155.300. With respect to coal to be mined for use in a synthetic fuel facility or specified major electric generating facility, the permittee will be deemed to have commenced coal mining and reclamation operations at the time that the construction of the synthetic fuel or generating facility is initiated.

    155.400. Extensions of time granted by the Division under R645-300-155 will be specifically set forth in the permit, and notice of the extension will be made public by the Division.

    160. Improvidently Issued Permits: Review Procedures.

    161. Permit review. When the Division has reason to believe that it improvidently issued a coal mining and reclamation permit it will review the circumstances under which the permit was issued, using the criteria in R645-300-162. Where the Division finds that the permit was improvidently issued, it shall comply with R645-300-163.

    162. Review criteria. The Division will find that a coal mining and reclamation permit was improvidently issued if:

    162.100. Under the violations review criteria of the regulatory program at the time the permit was issued;

    162.110. The Division should not have issued the permit because of an unabated violation or a delinquent penalty or fee; or

    162.120. The permit was issued on the presumption that a notice of violation was in the process of being corrected to the satisfaction of the agency with jurisdiction over the violation, but a cessation order subsequently was issued; and

    162.200. The violation, penalty or fee;

    162.210. Remains unabated or delinquent; and

    162.220. Is not the subject of a good faith appeal, or of an abatement plan or payment schedule with which the permittee or other person responsible is complying to the satisfaction of the responsible agency; and

    162.300. Where the permittee was linked to the violation, penalty or fee through ownership or control, under the violations review criteria of the regulatory program at the time the permit was issued an ownership or control link between the permittee and the person responsible for the violation, penalty or fee still exists, or where the link was severed the permittee continues to be responsible for the violation, penalty or fee.

    163. Remedial Measures.

    When the Division, under R645-300-162 finds that because of an unabated violation or a delinquent penalty or fee a permit was improvidently issued it will use one or more of the following remedial measures:

    163.100. Implement, with the cooperation of the permittee or other person responsible, and of the responsible agency, a plan for abatement of the violation or a schedule for payment of the penalty or fee;

    163.200. Impose on the permit a condition requiring that in a reasonable period of time the permittee or other person responsible abate the violation or pay the penalty or fee;

    163.300. Suspend the permit until the violation is abated or the penalty or fee is paid; or

    163.400. Rescind the permit under R645-300-164.

    164. Improvidently Issued Permits: Rescission procedures. When the Division under R645-300-163 elects to rescind an improvidently issued permit it will serve on the permittee a notice of proposed suspension and rescission which includes the reasons for the finding of the regulatory authority under R645-300-162 and states that:

    164.100. Automatic suspension and rescissions. After a specified period of time not to exceed 90 days the permit automatically will become suspended, and not to exceed 90 days thereafter rescinded, unless within those periods the permittee submits proof, and the regulatory authority finds, that;

    164.110. The finding of the Division under R645-300-162 was erroneous;

    164.120. The permittee or other person responsible has abated the violation on which the finding was based, or paid the penalty or fee, to the satisfaction of the responsible agency;

    164.130. The violation, penalty or fee is the subject of a good faith appeal, or of an abatement plan or payment schedule with which the permittee or other person responsible is complying to the satisfaction of the responsible agency; or

    164.140. Since the finding was made, the permittee has severed any ownership or control link with the person responsible for, and does not continue to be responsible for, the violation, penalty or fee;

    164.200. Cessation of operations. After permit suspension or rescission, the permittee shall cease all coal mining and reclamation operations under the permit, except for violation abatement and for reclamation and other environmental protection measures as required by the Division; and

    164.300. Right to appeal. The permittee may file an appeal for administrative review of the notice under R645-300-200.

    170. Final Compliance Review

    After an application is approved, but before the permit is issued, the Division will reconsider its decision to approve the application based on the compliance review required by rule R645-300-132.100 and in light of any new information submitted under R645-301-112.900 and R645-301-113.400.


    KEY: reclamation, coal mines

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [March 26, 2008]2010

    Notice of Continuation: March 7, 2007

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 40-10-1 et seq.


Document Information

Hearing Meeting:
06/23/2010 09:00 AM, DNR, 1594 W North Temple, #1040, Salt Lake City, UT
Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Natural Resources,Oil, Gas and Mining; Coal
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 40-10-6

Subsection 40-10-10(2)

Authorized By:
John Baza, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R645-300-100. Review, Public Participation, and Approval or Disapproval of Permit Applications and Permit Terms and Conditions.