DAR File No.: 28756
Filed: 05/30/2006, 01:31
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The Department is in the process of rewriting all its rules. Many of these changes are nonsubstantive. Some changes are necessary to reflect changes in legislation.
Summary of the rule or change:
The Department has decided to go to simplified reporting. Clients will no longer be required to report all material changes within ten days of the change but will rather report some changes at the time of review or recertification. The change is to align all programs with simplified reporting as allowed by food stamp regulations. H.B. 37 (2006 general session) was passed to make this possible. The Department is also changing the process for who can hear a request to set aside a default in an overpayment case. Presiding officers will no longer hear those motions. (DAR NOTE: H.B. 37 (2006) is found at Chapter 89, Laws of Utah 2006, and was effective 05/01/2006.)
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Subsections 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-3-302(5)(b), and Section 35A-1-303
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
All of the programs affected by this change are federally-funded so there are no costs or savings to the state budget.
local governments:
All of the programs affected by this change are federally-funded so there are no costs or savings to local government.
other persons:
There are no costs or savings to any other persons as there are no fees associated with the federally-funded programs affected but these changes.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are no costs or savings to any affected persons as there are no fees associated with these changes and the changes affect only federally funded programs.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
There are no compliance costs associated with this change. There are no fees associated with this change. It will not cost anyone any sum to comply with these changes. There will be no fiscal impact on any business. Tani Downing, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Workforce Services
Employment Development
140 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2333Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Suzan Pixton at the above address, by phone at 801-526-9645, by FAX at 801-526-9211, or by Internet E-mail at spixton@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Tani Downing, Executive Director
R986. Workforce Services, Employment Development.
R986-100. Employment Support Programs.
R986-100-102. Scope.
(1) These rules establish standards for the administration of the following programs, for the collection of overpayments as defined in 35A-3-602(7) and/or disqualifications from any public assistance program provided under a state or federally funded benefit program;
(a) Food Stamps
(b) Family Employment Program (FEP)
(c) Family Employment Program Two Parent (FEPTP)
(d) Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP)
(e) Working Toward Employment (WTE)
(f) General Assistance (GA)
(g) Child Care Assistance (CC)
(h) Emergency Assistance Program (EA)
(i) Adoption Assistance Program (AA)
(ii) Activities funded with TANF monies
(2) The rules in the 100 section (R986-100 et seq.) apply to all programs listed above. Additional rules which apply to each specific program can be found in the section number assigned for that program. Nothing in R986 et seq. is intended to apply to Unemployment Insurance.
R986-100-103. Acronyms.
The following acronyms are used throughout these rules:
(1) "AA" Adoption Assistance Program
(2) "ALJ" Administrative Law Judge
(3) "CC" Child Care Assistance
(4) "CFR" Code of Federal Regulations
(5) "DCFS" Division of Children and Family Services
(6) "DWS" Department of Workforce Services
(7) "EA" Emergency Assistance Program
(8) "FEP" Family Employment Program
(9) "FEPTP" Family Employment Program Two Parent
(10) "GA" General Assistance
(11) "INA" Immigration and Nationality Act[
(12) "INS" Immigration and Naturalization Service](1[
3]2) "IPV" intentional program violation[(14) "IRCA" Immigration Reform and Control Act](1[
5]3) "ORS" Office of Recovery Service, Utah State Department of Human Services(1[
6]4) "PRWORA" the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996[(17) "PL" Public Law as enacted the United States Congress](1[
8]5) "RRP" Refugee Resettlement Program(1[9]6) "SNB" Standard Needs Budget
20]17) "SSA" Social Security Administration([
21]18) "SSDI" Social Security Disability Insurance([
22]19) "SSI" Supplemental Security Insurance([
23]20) "SSN" Social Security Number(21) "TANF" Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
24]22) "UCA" Utah Code Annotated([
25]23) "UI" Unemployment Compensation Insurance(24) "USCIS" United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
26]25) "VA" US Department of Veteran Affairs([
27]26) "WTE" Working Toward Employment Program([
28]27) "WIA" Workforce Investment Act(28) "WSL" Work Site Learning
R986-100-104. Definitions of Terms Used in These Rules.
In addition to the definitions of terms found in 35A Chapter 3, the following definitions apply to programs listed in R986-100-102:
(1) "Applicant" means any person requesting assistance under any program in Section 102 above.
(2) "Assistance" means "public assistance."
(3) "Certification period" is the period of time for which public assistance is presumptively approved. At the end of the certification period, the client must cooperate with the Department in providing any additional information needed to continue assistance for another certification period. The length of the certification period may vary between clients and programs depending on circumstances.
(4) "Client" means an applicant for, or recipient of, public assistance services or payments, administered by the Department.
(5) "Confidential information" means information that has limited access as provided under the provisions of UCA 63-2-201 or 7 CFR 272.1. The name of a person who has disclosed information about the household without the household's knowledge is confidential and cannot be released. If the person disclosing the information states in writing that his or her name and the information may be disclosed, it is no longer considered confidential.
(6) "Department" means the Department of Workforce Services.
(7) "Education or training" means:
(a) basic remedial education;
(b) adult education;
(c) high school education;
(d) education to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma;
(e) education to learn English as a second language;
(f) applied technology training;
(g) employment skills training;
(h) [
on-the-job training]WSL; or(i) post high school education.
(8) "Employment plan" consists of two parts, a participation agreement and an employment plan. Together they constitute a written agreement between the Department and a client that describes the requirements for continued eligibility[
for financial assistance] and the result if an obligation is not fulfilled.(9) "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the Department of Workforce Services.
(10) "Financial assistance"[
or "cash assistance"] means payments, other than for food stamps, child care or medical care, to an eligible individual or household under FEP, FEPTP, RRP, GA, or WTE and which is intended to provide for the individual's or household's basic needs.(11) "Full-time education or training" means education or training attended on a full-time basis as defined by the institution attended.
(12) "Group Home." The Department uses the definition of group home as defined by the state Department of Human Services.
(13) "Household assistance unit" means a group of individuals who are living together or who are considered to be living together, and for whom assistance is requested or issued. For all programs except [
F]food [S]stamps and CC, the individuals included in the household assistance unit must be related to each other as described in R986-200- 205.(14) "Income match" means accessing information about an applicant's or client's income from a source authorized by law. This includes [
S]state and [F]federal sources.(15) "Local office" means the Employment Center which serves the geographical area in which the client resides.
(16) "Material change" means anything that might affect household eligibility, participation levels or the level of any assistance payment including a change in household composition, eligibility, assets and/or income.
(17) "Minor child" is a child under the age of 18, or under 19 years of age and in school full time and expected to complete his or her educational program prior to turning 19, and who has not been emancipated either by a lawful marriage or court order.
(18) "Parent" means all natural, adoptive, and step[]parents.
(19) "Public assistance" means:
(a) services or benefits provided under UCA 35A Chapter 3, Employment Support Act;
(b) medical assistance provided under Title 26, Chapter 18, Medical Assistance Act;
(c) foster care maintenance payments provided with the General Fund or under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act;
(d) food stamps; and
(e) any other public funds expended for the benefit of a person in need of financial, medical, food, housing, or related assistance.
(20) "Recipient" means any individual receiving assistance under any of the programs listed in Section 102.
(21) Review or recertification. Client's who are found eligible for assistance are given a date for review or recertification at which point continuing eligibility is determined.
1]2) "Standard needs budget" is determined by the Department based on a survey of basic living expenses.(23) "Work Site Learning" or "WSL" means work experience or training program.
R986-100-105. Availability of Program Manuals.
(1) Program manuals for all programs are available for examination[
or review upon request at each local office. The manuals are also available] on the Department's Internet [web]site. If an interested party cannot obtain a copy from the [web]Internet site, a copy will be provided by the Department upon request. Reasonable costs of copying may be assessed if more than [10]ten pages are requested.(2) For the Food Stamp Program, copies of additional information available to the public, including records, regulations, plans, policy memos, and procedures, are available for examination upon request by members of the public, during office hours, at the Department's administrative offices, as provided in 7 CFR 272.1(d)(1) (1999).
R986-100-106. Residency Requirements.
(1) To be eligible for assistance for any program listed in R986-100-102, a client must be living in Utah voluntarily and not for a temporary purpose. There is no requirement that the client have a fixed place of residence. An individual is not eligible for public assistance in Utah if they are receiving public assistance in another [
S]state.(2) The Department may require that a household live in the area served by the local office in which they apply.
(3) Individuals are not eligible if they are:
(a) in the custody of the criminal justice system;
(b) residents of a facility administered by the criminal justice system;
(c) residents of a nursing home;
(d) hospitalized; or
(e) residents in an institution.
(4) Individuals who reside in a temporary shelter, including shelters for battered women and children, for a limited period of time are eligible for public assistance if they meet the other eligibility requirements.
(5) Residents of a substance abuse or mental health facility may be eligible if they meet all other eligibility requirements. To be eligible for [
F]food [S]stamps, the substance abuse or mental health facility must be an approved facility. Approval is given by the Department. Approved facilities must notify the Department and give a "change report form" to a client when the client leaves the facility and tell the client to return it to the local office. The change report form serves to notify the Department that the client no longer lives in the approved facility.(6) Residents of a group home may be eligible for food stamps provided the group home is an approved facility. The state Department of Human Services provides approval for group homes.
R986-100-107. Client Rights.
(1) A client may apply or reapply at any time for any program listed in R986-100-102 by completing and signing an application and turning it in, in person or by mail, at the local office.
(2) If a client needs help to apply, help will be given by the local office staff.
(3) No individual will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.
(4) A client's home will not be entered without permission.
(5) Advance notice will be given if the client must be visited at home outside Department working hours.
(6) A client may request an agency conference to reconcile any dispute which may exist with the Department.
(7) Information about a client obtained by the Department will be safeguarded.
(8) If the client is physically or mentally incapable or has demonstrated an inability to manage funds, the Department may make payment to a protective payee.
R986-100-109. Release of Information to the Client or the Client's Representative.
(1) Information obtained by the Department from any source, which would identify the individual, will not be released without the individual's consent or, if the individual is a minor, the consent of his or her parent or guardian.
(2) A client may request, review and/or be provided with copies of anything in the case record unless it is confidential. This includes any records kept on the computer, in the file, or somewhere else.
(3) Information that may be released to the client may be released to persons other than the client with written permission from the client. All such requests must include:
(4) All requests for information must include:] (a) the date the request is made;
(b) the name of the person who will receive the information;
(c) a description of the specific information requested including the time period covered by the request; and
(d) the signature of the client.
5]4) The client is entitled to a copy of his or her file at no cost. Duplicate requests may result in[The first 10 pages will be copied without cost to the client. If the client requests copies of more than 10 pages, the Department will charge] an appropriate fee for the copies in accordance with Department policy which will not be more than the cost to the Department for making copies.([
6]5) The original case file will only be removed from the office as provided in R986-100-110(6) and cannot be given to the client.([
7]6) Information that is not released to the client because it is confidential, cannot be used at a hearing or to close, deny or reduce assistance.([
8]7) Requests for information[which is] intended to be used for a commercial or political reason will be denied.R986-100-110. Release of Information Other Than at the Request of the Client.
(1) Information obtained from or about a client will not be published or open to public inspection in any manner which would reveal the client's identity except:
(a) unless there has been a criminal conviction against the client for fraud in obtaining public assistance. In that instance, the Department will only provide information available in the public record on the criminal charge; or
(b) if an abstract has been docketed in the district court on an overpayment, the Department can provide information that is a matter of public record in the abstract.
(2) Any information obtained by the Department pursuant to an application for or payment of public assistance may not be used in any court or admitted into evidence in an action or proceeding, except:
(a) in an action or proceeding arising out of the client's receipt of public assistance, including fraudulently obtaining or retaining public assistance, or any attempt to fraudulently obtain public assistance; or
(b) where obtained pursuant to a court order.
(3) If the case file, or any information about a client in the possession of the Department, is subpoenaed by an outside source, legal counsel for the Department will ask the court to quash the subpoena or take such action as legal counsel deems appropriate.
(4) Information obtained by the Department from the client or any other source, except information obtained from an income match, may be disclosed to:
(a) an employee of the Department in the performance of the employee's duties unless prohibited by law;
(b) an employee of a governmental agency that is specifically identified and authorized by federal or [
S]state law to receive the information;(c) an employee of a governmental agency to the extent the information will aid in the detection or avoidance of duplicate, inconsistent, or fraudulent claims against public assistance programs, or the recovery of overpayments of public assistance funds;
(d) an employee of a law enforcement agency to the extent the disclosure is necessary to avoid a significant risk to public safety or to aid a felony criminal investigation except no information regarding a client receiving food stamps can be provided under this paragraph;
(e) to a law enforcement officer when the client is fleeing to avoid prosecution, custody or confinement for a felony or is in violation of a condition of parole or probation or when the client has information which will assist a law enforcement officer in locating or apprehending an individual who is fleeing to avoid prosecution, custody or confinement for a felony or is in violation of a condition of parole or probation and the officer is acting in his official capacity. The only information under this paragraph which can be released on a client receiving food stamps is the client's address, SSN and photographic identification;
(f) to a law enforcement official, upon written request, for the purpose of investigating an alleged violation of the Food Stamp Act 7 USCA 2011 or any regulation promulgated pursuant to the [
A]act. The written request shall include the identity of the individual requesting the information and his/her authority to do so, the violation being investigated, and the identity of the person being investigated. Under this paragraph, the Department can release to the law enforcement official, more than just the client's address, SSN and photo identification;(g) an educational institution, or other governmental entity engaged in programs providing financial assistance or federal needs-based assistance, job training, child welfare or protective services, foster care or adoption assistance programs, and to individuals or other agencies or organizations who, at the request of the Department, are coordinating services and evaluating the effectiveness of those services;
(h) to certify receipt of assistance for an employer to get a tax credit; or
(i) information necessary to complete any audit or review of expenditures in connection with a Department public assistance program. Any information provided under this part will be safeguarded by the individual or agency receiving the information and will only be used for the purpose expressed in its release.
(5) Any information released under paragraph (4) above can only be released if the Department receives assurances that:
(a) the information being released will only be used for the purposes stated when authorizing the release; and
(b) the agency making the request has rules for safeguarding the information which are at least as restrictive as the rules followed by the Department and that those rules will be adhered to.
(6) Case records or files will not be removed from the local office except by court order, at the request of authorized Department employees, the Department's Information Disclosure Officer, the Department's Quality Control office or ORS.
(7) In an emergency, as determined to exist by the Department's Information Disclosure Officer, information may be released to persons other than the client before permission is obtained.
(8) For clients receiving CC, the Department may provide limited additional[
the following]information to the child care provider identified by the client as the provider as provided in R986-700-703.[:][
(a) the date on which the CC payment was issued by the Department; and(b) the amount of the check issued by the Department.] (9) Taxpayer requests to view public assistance payrolls will be denied.
R986-100-111. How to Apply For Assistance.
(1) To be eligible for assistance, a client must complete and sign an application for assistance.
(2) The application is not complete until the applicant has provided complete and correct information and verification as requested by the Department so eligibility can be determined or re-established at the time of review at the end of the certification period. The client must agree to provide correct and complete information to the Department at all times to remain eligible. This includes:
(a) property or other assets owned by all individuals included in the household unit;
(b) insurance owned by any member of the immediate family;
(c) income available to all individuals included in the household unit;
(d) a verified SSN for each household member receiving assistance. If any household member does not have a[
n] SSN, the client must provide proof that the number has been applied for. If a client fails to provide a SSN without good cause, or if the application for a[n] SSN is denied for a reason that would [not]be disqualifying, assistance will not be provided for that household member. Good cause in this paragraph means the client has made every effort to comply. Good cause does not mean illness, lack of transportation or temporary absence because the SSA makes provisions for mail-in applications in lieu of applying in person. Good cause must be established each month for continued benefits;(e) the identity of all individuals who are living in the household regardless of whether they are considered to be in the household assistance unit or not;
(f) proof of relationship for all dependent children in the household. Proof of relationship is not needed for food stamps or child care; and
(g) a release of information, if requested, which would allow the Department to obtain information from otherwise protected sources when the information requested is necessary to establish eligibility or compliance with program requirements.
(3) All clients, including those not required to participate in an employment plan, will be provided with information about applicable program opportunities and supportive services.
R986-100-112. Assistance Cannot Be Paid for Periods Prior to Date of Application.
(1) Assistance payments for any program listed in Section 102 above cannot be made for any time period prior to the day on which the application for assistance was received by the Department.
(2) If an application for assistance is received after the first day of the month, and the client is eligible to receive assistance, payment for the first month is prorated from the date of the application.
(3) If additional verifying information is needed to complete an application, it must be provided within 30 days of the date the application was received. If the client is at fault in not providing the information within 30 days, the first day the client can be eligible is the day on which the verification was received by the Department.
(4) If the verification is not received within 60 days of the date the application was received by the Department, a new application is required and assistance payments cannot be made for periods prior to the date the new application is received.
(5) If an application for assistance was denied and no appeal taken within 90 days, or a decision unfavorable to the client was issued[
rendered] on appeal, assistance cannot be claimed, requested, or paid for that time period.R986-100-113. A Client Must Inform the Department of All Material Changes.
(1) A client must report all material changes which might affect household eligibility to the local office within 10 days of the day the change becomes known. A material change is any change which might affect eligibility and includes:(a) change in income source, both unearned and earned;(b) change of more than $25 in gross monthly unearned income for GA, WTE, FEP or FEPTP. For food stamps and child care a change of more than $50 in gross monthly unearned income;(c) change in employment status including a change from full time to part time or from part time to full time and/or a change in wage rate, salary or income from employment;(d) change in household size or marital status;(e) change in residence and resulting change in shelter costs;(f) gain of a licensed vehicle;(g) change in available assets including an unlicensed vehicle. Under this paragraph (g), for food stamps a client need only report a change in cash on hand, stocks, bonds, and money in a bank account or savings institution which reach or exceed a total of $2,000;(h) change in the legal obligation to pay child support; and(i) for all programs except food stamps, changes of more than $25 in total allowable deductions.](1) A material change is any change which might affect eligibility.(2) Households receiving assistance must report all material changes to the Department as follows:
(a) households receiving food stamps in which all household members are elderly or disabled as defined by food stamp regulations, and the household has no earned income, must report the following material changes to the local office within ten days of the day the change becomes known by a household member:
(i) change in income source, both unearned and earned;
(ii) change of more than $50 in gross monthly unearned income;
(iii) change in employment status including a change from full time to part time or from part time to full time and/or a change in wage rate, salary or income from employment;
(iv) change in household size or marital status;
(v) change in residence and resulting change in shelter costs;
(vi) gain of a licensed vehicle;
(vii) change in available assets including an unlicensed vehicle. A household under this subsection need only report a change in cash on hand, stocks, bonds, and money in a bank account or savings institution which reach or exceed a total of $3,000;
(viii) change in the legal obligation to pay child support; and
(b) households receiving food stamps that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) of this section must report the following changes within ten days of the change occurring:
(i) if the household's gross income exceeds 130% of federal poverty level;
(ii) a change of address; and
(iii) if an ABAWD's work hours fall below 20 hours per week.
(c) households receiving GA, WTE, FEP, FEPTP, AA and RRP that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) must report the following changes within ten days of the change occurring:
(i) if the household's gross income exceeds 185% of the adjusted standard needs budget;
(ii) a change of address; and
(iii) if the only eligible child leaves the household and the household receives FEP, FEPTP or AA.
(3) Households that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) of this section will be assigned a review month. In addition to the ten-day reporting requirements listed in paragraphs (2)(b) and (c) of this section, the household must report, by the last day of the review month, all material changes that have occurred since the last review, or the date of application if it is the first review. The household is also required to accurately complete all review forms and reports as requested by the Department.
2]4) Most changes which result in an increase of assistance will become effective the month following the month in which the report of the change was made. If verification is necessary, verification and changes will be made in the month following the month in which verification was received. If the change is to add a person to the household, the person will be added effective on the date reported, provided necessary verification is received within 30 days of the change. If verification is received after 30 days, the increase will be made effective the date verification was received.R986-100-115. Underpayment Due to an Error on the Part of the Department.
(1) If it is determined that a client was entitled to assistance but, due to an error on the part of the Department, assistance was not paid, the Department will correct its error and make retroactive payment.
(2) If a client receives assistance payments and it is later discovered that due to Department error the assistance payment should have been made at a higher level than the client actually received, retroactive payment will be made to correct the Department's error.
(3) If the client's public assistance was terminated due to the error, the client will be notified and assistance, plus any retroactive payments, will commence immediately.
(4) An underpayment found to have been made within the last 12 calendar months [
may]will be corrected and issued to the client. Errors which resulted in an underpayment which were made more than 12 months prior to the date of the discovery of the error are not subject to a retroactive payment.(5) Retroactive payment under this section cannot be made for any month prior to the date on which the application for assistance was completed.
(6) The client must not have been at fault in the creation of the error.
R986-100-116. Overpayments.
(1) A client is responsible for repaying any overpayment for any program listed in R986-100-102 regardless of who was at fault in creating the overpayment.
(2) Underpayments may be used to offset[
against] an overpayment[s] for the same program.(3) If a change is not reported as required by R986-100-113 it may result in an overpayment.
(4) The Department will collect overpayments for all programs listed in R986-100-102 as provided by federal regulation for food stamps unless otherwise noted in this rule or inconsistent with federal regulations specific to those other programs.
(5) This rule will apply to overpayments determined under contract with the Department of Health.
(6) If an obligor has more than one overpayment account and does not tell the Department which account to credit, the Department will make that determination.
R986-100-117. Disqualification For Fraud (Intentional Program Violations or IPVs).
(1) Any person who is at fault in obtaining or attempting to obtain, an overpayment of assistance, as defined in Section 35A-3-602 from any of the programs listed in R986-100-102 or otherwise intentionally breaches any program rule either personally or through a representative is guilty of an intentional program violation (IPV). Acts which constitute an IPV include but are not limited to:
(a) knowingly making false or misleading statements;
(b) misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts or information;
(c) posing as someone else;
(d) not reporting the receipt of a public assistance payment the individual knew or should have known they were not eligible to receive;
(e) not reporting a material change [
within 10 days after the change occurs]as required by and in accordance with these rules; and(f) committing an act intended to mislead, misrepresent, conceal or withhold facts or propound a falsity.
(2) An IPV occurs when a person commits any of the above acts in an attempt to obtain, maintain, increase or prevent the decrease or termination of any public assistance payment(s).
(3) When the Department determines or receives notice from a court that fraud or an IPV has occurred, the client is disqualified from receiving assistance of the same type for the time period as set forth in rule, statute or federal regulation.
(4) Disqualifications run concurrently.
(5) All income and assets of a person who has been disqualified from assistance for an IPV continue to be counted and affect the eligibility and assistance amount of the household assistance unit in which the person resides.
(6) If an individual has been disqualified in another state, the disqualification period for the IPV in that [
S]state will apply in Utah provided the act which resulted in the disqualification would have resulted in a disqualification had it occurred in Utah. If the individual has been disqualified in another state for an act which would have led to disqualification had it occurred in Utah and is found to have committed an IPV in Utah, the prior periods of disqualification in any other [S]state count toward determining the length of disqualification in Utah.(7) The client will be notified that a disqualification period has been determined. The disqualification period shall begin no later than the second month which follows the date the client receives written notice of the disqualification[
begins the month after the disqualification decision has been issued or as soon thereafter as possible] and continues in consecutive months until the disqualification period has expired.(8) Nothing in these rules is intended to limit or prevent a criminal prosecution for fraud based on the same facts used to determine the IPV.
R986-100-122. Advance Notice of Department Action.
(1) Except as provided in (2) below, clients will be notified in writing when a decision concerning eligibility, amount of assistance payment or action on the part of the Department which affects the client's eligibility or amount of assistance has been made. Notice will be sent prior to the effective date of any action to reduce or terminate assistance payments. The Department will send advance notice of its intent to collect overpayments or to disqualify a household member.
(2) Except for overpayments, advance notice is not required when:
(a) the client requests in writing that the case be closed;
(b) the client has been admitted to an institution under governmental administrative supervision;
(c) the client has been placed in skilled nursing care, intermediate care, or long-term hospitalization;
(d) the client's whereabouts are unknown and mail sent to the client has been returned by the [
P]post [O]office with no forwarding address;(e) it has been determined the client is receiving public assistance in another [
S]state;(f) a child in the household has been removed from the home by court order or by voluntary relinquishment;
(g) a special allowance provided for a specific period is ended and the client was informed in writing at the time the allowance began that it would terminate at the end of the specified period;
(h) a household member has been disqualified for an IPV in accordance with 7 CFR 273.16, or the benefits of the remaining household members are reduced or terminated to reflect the disqualification of that household member;
(i) the Department has received factual information confirming the death of a client or payee if there is no other relative able to serve as a new payee;
(j) the client's certification period has expired;
(k) the action to terminate assistance is based on the expiration of the time limits imposed by the program;
(l) the client has provided information to the Department, or the Department has information obtained from another reliable source, that the client is not eligible or that payment should be reduced or terminated;[
or](m) the Department determines that the client willfully withheld information[
.] or;(n) when payment of financial assistance is made after performance under R986-200-215 and R986-400-454 no advance notice is needed when performance requirements are not met.
(3) For food stamp recipients and recipients of assistance under R986-300, no action will be taken until [
10]ten days after notice was sent unless one of the exceptions in (2)(a) through (k) above apply.(4) Notice is complete if sent to the client's last known address. If notice is sent to the client's last known address and the notice is returned by the [
P]post [O]office with no forwarding address, the notice will be considered to have been properly served.R986-100-131. Setting Aside A Default and/or Reopening the Hearing After the Hearing Has Been Concluded.
(1) Any party who fails to participate personally or by authorized representative as defined in R986-100-130 may request that the default order be set aside and a hearing or a new hearing be scheduled. If a party failed to participate in a hearing but no decision has yet been issued, the party may request that the hearing be reopened.
(2) The request must be in writing, must set forth the reason for the request and must be mailed, faxed or delivered to the ALJ or presiding officer who issued the default order within ten days of the issuance of the default. If the request is made after the expiration of the ten-day time limit, the party requesting reopening must show good cause for not making the request within ten days.
(3) The ALJ has the discretion to schedule a hearing to determine if a party requesting that a default order be set aside or a reopening satisfied the requirements of this rule or may grant or deny the request on the basis of the record in the case.
(4) If a presiding officer issued the default, the officer shall forward the request to the Division of Adjudication. The request will be assigned to an ALJ who will then determine if the party requesting that the default be set aside or that the hearing be reopened has satisfied the requirements of this rule[
issue a decision either granting or denying the request. If the request is granted the obligor will be given 10 days in which to enter into a stipulation and repayment agreement. If the obligor does not sign the stipulation within 10 days, the matter will be set for a hearing on the merits].(5) The ALJ [
or presiding officer]may, on his or her own motion, reschedule, continue or reopen a case if it appears necessary to take continuing jurisdiction based on a mistake as to facts or if the denial of a hearing would be an affront to fairness. A presiding officer may, on his or her own motion, set aside a default on the same grounds.(6) If a request to set aside the default or a request for reopening is not granted, the ALJ [
or presiding officer]will issue a decision denying the request to reopen. A copy of the decision will be given or mailed to each party, with a clear statement of the right of appeal or judicial review. A defaulted party may appeal a denial of a request to set aside a default by following the procedure in R986-100-135. The appeal can only contest the denial of the request to set aside the default and not the underlying merits of the case. If the default is set aside on appeal, the Executive Director or designee [will]may rule on the merits or remand the case to an ALJ for [a hearing]a ruling on the merits on an additional hearing if necessary.KEY: employment support procedures
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
April 7, 2005]2006Notice of Continuation: September 13, 2005
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 35A-3-101 et seq.; 35A-3-301 et seq.; 35A-3-401 et seq.
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 8/1/2006
- Publication Date:
- 06/15/2006
- Type:
- Notices of Changes in Proposed Rules
- Filed Date:
- 05/30/2006
- Agencies:
- Workforce Services,Employment Development
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsections 35A-1-104(4) and 35A-3-302(5)(b), and Section 35A-1-303
- Authorized By:
- Tani Downing, Executive Director
- DAR File No.:
- 28756
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R986-100. Employment Support Programs.